MK296: And I Spit Back (AAPI Hollywood + Broadway Stats, Jim Crow 2.0, Georgia, Defining Conservatism, Raya & the Last Dragon, Monsoon, Zack Snyder’s Justice League, The Irregulars)

Episode 296

2nd April 2021

Jim Crow 2.0 is back baby! In Georgia! We ask the question what do people really mean when they say “Conservative”? What does it have to do with the oppression of other people? We gush and highlight some really amazing media starring AAPI leads: Monsoon, The Irregulars, Invincible, and Disney’s Raya and the Last Dragon- was it queer baiting us- because we are taking that bait. Are things changing? Not according to the latest Broadway and Hollywood diversity stats- they’re not great. This leads us into further conversations about why representation matters, and guest co-host Teresa Attridge opens up about personal experiences over the last year being attacked because she’s Asian American, what this year and moment have bene for her, and her call to action for us to unite to dismantle white supremacy.

Episode notes

Did we fall into a time warp back into the 1960s- because Jim Crow 2.0 is back baby! In Georgia! We ask the question what do people really mean when they say “Conservative”? What does it have to do with the oppression of other people? We gush and highlight some really amazing media starring AAPI leads: the delicious gay film Monsoon, the period supernatural mystery show The Irregulars, cartoon adult superhero show Invincible, and  Disney’s Raya and the Last Dragon- was it queer baiting us- because we are taking that bait!  We see you queer princesses. Guest co-host Teressa Attridge (she/her) takes center stage giving us the  Broadway and Hollywood diversity stats- and they’re not great. This leads us into further conversations about why representation matters, and Teressa opens up about personal experiences over the last year being attacked because she’s Asian American, what this year and moment have bene for her, and her call to action for us to unite to dismantle white supremacy.

GUEST CO-HOST:  Teresa Attridge  –  is a biracial, bicoastal, bisexual currently living in NYC. A lover of cartoons, high fantasy, and other forms of socially conscious escapism, she believes in utilizing art as an act of service. A proud AAPI actor, writer, and lover of spam. IG: @terijoyeaux


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James Arthur M: TW: @JamesArthur_M, IG: @JamesArthurM

In this episode...


Teresa Attridge

Guest Co-Host

About the show

Are you easily confused by terms like cultural appropriation, cisgender, toxic masculinity, twunk, queer, black girl magic, and woke? Or maybe you’re tired of explaining terms like these and you need a community that gets you! Welcome to Minority Korner, where we take an introspective look at the world. through an intersectional lens. Join James: a queer, political, comedian, self proclaimed, sexy blerd (that’s Black Nerd) and each week he’s joined in the Korner by another fabulous minority tackling pop culture, the news, media, and history all with a little self care, and self love sprinkled throughout! It’s time to Learn, Laugh, and Play, right here at Minority Korner- because together: we’re the majority!

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