Episode notes
This is an action-packed week full of so much goodness! First, up the oh so talented actress Sam Jackson is here joining us for some HOT, HOT topics: Gender reveals have gone too far, underneath these orange fire skies did we wake up and miss the rapture? There are new Oscar rules for inclusivity! It’s the summer of sequels because it’s Rachel Dolezal part two except this time she’s “Afro-Latina” (but still white). The Batman set went back to work- in the middle of a pandemic but too early? Sam can testify to the fears of going back to work on a set in the age of Corona- advocate for yourself. Then it’s James’ interview with writer/director/actor/drag queen/choreographer/night club owner/web series host/friend/mentor D’Arcy Drollinger is here to talk so many things: how a popular dance move helped turn crisis into opportunity, navigating keeping a nightclub afloat in these times, working as an artist, D’Arcy’s hilarious web/drag/news show Hot Trash and the new movie featuring both D’Arcy and James, premiering at Frameline Film Festival NEXT week Shit & Champagne!
D’Arcy Drollinger: an actor, writer, musician, director & choreographer known for his high-camp / vaudeville-style stage productions that combine slapstick, farce and often drag. He was a founding member of the post-punk art band Enrique. He is an owner of the San Francisco nightclub Oasis. Drollinger is also the creator of the dance-fitness brand, Sexitude.
TW: @DarcyDrollinger, IG: @DarcyDrollinger
See Shit & Champagne! Get tickets for the premiere on Sept 17th or catch it online: https://frameline.org/festival/film-guide/shit-and38-champagne
Check out D’Arcy’s Hit web-drag-news show Hot Trash: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFX1qGPFvK-hfo1A-1iJYVA
Become an SF Oasis patron: https://www.patreon.com/sfoasis
Visit Club Oasis for a social distance cocktail, a drag show, or Meals on Heels: https://www.sfoasis.com/
Sam Jackson, Guest Co-Host: (she/her) a San Francisco based black, pan, actor, vocalist, teaching artist, burner, CFO of Cirle Twerk: A Twerkshop, and all around magical being. I’ll love you so hard, you’ll have to use a safe word. IG: @little_miss_sj
Twitter: @minoritykorner
Email: minoritykorner@gmail.com
IG: @minoritykorner
James Arthur M: TW: @JamesArthur_M, IG: @JamesArthurM
In this episode...

Sam Jackson
- D'Arcy Drollinger
About the show
Are you easily confused by terms like cultural appropriation, cisgender, toxic masculinity, twunk, queer, black girl magic, and woke? Or maybe you’re tired of explaining terms like these and you need a community that gets you! Welcome to Minority Korner, where we take an introspective look at the world. through an intersectional lens. Join James: a queer, political, comedian, self proclaimed, sexy blerd (that’s Black Nerd) and each week he’s joined in the Korner by another fabulous minority tackling pop culture, the news, media, and history all with a little self care, and self love sprinkled throughout! It’s time to Learn, Laugh, and Play, right here at Minority Korner- because together: we’re the majority!
Follow @MinorityKorner on Twitter and you can email James at minoritykorner@gmail.com.
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