Episode notes
You’ll have to forgive us, as we might be experiencing cabin fever, but this is our first pandemic ya’ll, and we’re coming to you LIVE – whatever that means in podcast world. We do a Coronavirus/Self Quarantine check-in. Fox News finally joins reality that this pandemic is real, but they’re blaming … millennials… but wait who do they think millennials are? The dangers of generalizing a single generation. James gets on his soap box as he blames a specific group of people dating back to 2016. What will it take for us all to unite and fight this invisible enemy? We look at how COVID-19 is furthering the digital divide for youth in rural areas without internet to continue their schooling. How is this effecting LGBTQ homeless youth? An economic stimulus package was finally agreed on, and we look at what that means and when you can expect it. Guess who’s coming to the Mandalorian season 2 this October? Hint: they’re kind of connected politics. Quizlet Korner is back! To honor Madame C.J. Walker on the Netflix series inspired by her life. We’ve got tips for surviving The Rona: a daily questionnaire, actions you can do, how you can help, managing your anxiety, and how to come out of the other side of this changed as an individual and hopefully as a society. Be Well!
LGBTQ Homeless Youth Struggle during COVID19
Visit crooked.com/coronavirus to donate to all of this in one fell swoop:
- CDC Foundation
- Direct Relief
- FOR THE HOMELESS: People who are homeless are also especially at risk. To help those in your community, you can look up shelters near you here and donate directly to your neighborhood shelters: https://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/
- What am I grateful for?
- Who am I checking in on or connecting with today?
- What expectations of “normal” am I letting go today?
- How am I getting outside today?
- How am I moving my body today?
- What beauty am I either creating, cultivating, or inventing today?
- How will I contribute to my community/society today?
- What have I been putting off?
- Who do I want to be when I come out of this?
Get Your Shirt at the Max Fun Store:
Twitter: @minoritykorner
Email: minoritykorner@gmail.com
IG: @minoritykorner
James Arthur M: TW: @JamesArthur_M, IG: @JamesArthurM
Cymatic Bruce: https://cymaticbruce.com/, YouTube/Twitter: @CymaticBruce
In this episode...

Cymatic Bruce
About the show
Are you easily confused by terms like cultural appropriation, cisgender, toxic masculinity, twunk, queer, black girl magic, and woke? Or maybe you’re tired of explaining terms like these and you need a community that gets you! Welcome to Minority Korner, where we take an introspective look at the world. through an intersectional lens. Join James: a queer, political, comedian, self proclaimed, sexy blerd (that’s Black Nerd) and each week he’s joined in the Korner by another fabulous minority tackling pop culture, the news, media, and history all with a little self care, and self love sprinkled throughout! It’s time to Learn, Laugh, and Play, right here at Minority Korner- because together: we’re the majority!
Follow @MinorityKorner on Twitter and you can email James at minoritykorner@gmail.com.
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