Episode notes

Adventures in Babysitting
A fun and adventurous episode with the delightful writer and actor Hannah Bos. She’s on the show to discuss the pivotal 1980’s comedy, Adventures in Babysitting. Hannah and April both declare their love for Elisabeth Shue while dissecting the outdated humor of the film. Hannah also talks about her new movie Driveways, co-written with Paul Thureen. She elaborates on the process of getting the film made, working with director Andrew Ahn, and the generosity of the late great Brian Dennehy.
You can watch Driveways on VOD now.
If you haven’t seen Adventures in Babysitting…it’s great!
AND, if you want to check out April’s Staff Pick – watch Debra Granik’s Winter’s Bone
With April Wolfe and Hannah Bos
In this episode...
- Hannah Bos
About the show
Switchblade Sisters is a podcast providing deep cuts on genre flicks from a female perspective. Every week, screenwriter and former film critic April Wolfe sits down with a phenomenal female film-maker to slice-and-dice a classic genre movie – horror, exploitation, sci-fi and many others! Along the way, they cover craft, the state of the industry, how films get made, and more. Mothers, lock up your sons, the Switchblade Sisters are coming!
Follow @SwitchbladePod on Twitter and join the Switchblade Sisters Facebook group. Email them at switchbladesisters@maximumfun.org.
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