Andrew Noz, Pop Culture Advice, Lawrence Weschler, and Chris Gethard

Episode 2

10th January 2012

Jesse interviews comedian Chris Gethard about booking P. Diddy at a tiny theater in New York. Lawrence Weschler talks about why CGI faces will never look quite right, and why humans are addicted to narrative. Plus rap picks from Andrew Noz and pop culture advice from My Brother, My Brother and Me.

Episode notes

This week! Noz’s Rap Picks: Andrew Noz of the hip hop blog Cocaine Blunts offers his some of his favorite rap tracks right now, Gas Station from SL Jones and Kissin Pink from A$AP Rocky. (Embed or share)

Pop Culture Advice from My Brother, My Brother and Me: Brothers by all accounts, and experts by some – Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy of My Brother, My Brother and Me offer offer solutions to listeners’ pressing pop culture problems. This week the brothers wonder whether parents should introduce Justin Bieber, Star Wars, and Ke$ha to their children. (Embed or share)

Entering the Uncanny Valley?

Writer Lawrence Weschler: Jesse talks with a master of creative nonfiction, Lawrence Weschler, about the dangers of humans’ bias toward narrative, and why the CGI faces in movies never look quite right. Weschler’s newest book is Uncanny Valley: Adventures in the Narrative. (Embed or share)

Comedian and Author Chris Gethard: Comedian Chris Gethard talks about booking megastar P. Diddy at a tiny theater in New York, using both mania and depression to shape his comedy, and confronting Internet trolls in person. His new book is called A Bad Idea I’m About to Do. (Embed or share)

And The Outshot: The Civil War, reimagined in 140-character bursts. Jesse talks about one of his favorite Twitter accounts, @FakeCivilWar. (Embed or share)

You can subscribe to our podcast in iTunes or the RSS feed — stay tuned for next week’s Bullseye!

BONUS AUDIO from this week! Lawrence Weschler talks to Jesse about the incredible and unusual Museum of Jurassic Technology in LA.

In this episode...

Senior Producer
Maximum Fun Producer
Maximum Fun Production Fellow
Video Editor
Maximum Fun Production Fellow


  • Chris Gethard
  • Lawrence Weschler
  • Andrew Noz
  • The McElroy Brothers

About the show

Bullseye is a celebration of the best of arts and culture in public radio form. Host Jesse Thorn sifts the wheat from the chaff to bring you in-depth interviews with the most revered and revolutionary minds in our culture.

Bullseye has been featured in Time, The New York Times, GQ and McSweeney’s, which called it “the kind of show people listen to in a more perfect world.” Since April 2013, the show has been distributed by NPR.

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Maximum Fun Producer

Maximum Fun Production Fellow

Video Editor

Maximum Fun Production Fellow

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