Episode notes

VIOLENT NIGHT (image courtesty of Universal Pictures)
The pitch: “Die Hard but Bruce Willis is Santa, Nakatomi Plaza is a rich lady’s house, and Hans Gruber is John Leguizamo. Also add in some Home Alone, a lot of bone-crushing, and jokes.” The pitch meeting might not have gone down exactly like that, but the resulting film is called VIOLENT NIGHT, and we’re talking about it today with the director of the new RLJE/Shudder/AMC holiday horror film The Apology! Then, Alonso will adjudicate a Santa/Scrooge movie quiz.
What’s Good
Alonso – Neal Bledsoe’s statement on stepping away from GAF
Drea – Clark Family Murder Mystery Dinner Party
Alison – Christmas nail art!
Ify – snowboarding trip turned cozy, indoor trip
- Black Adam Didn’t Kill at the Box Office
- Dwayne Johnson posted a set photo of J.K. Simmons as a Jacked Santa
- James Cameron prepped Avatar 2 Writers Room w/800 pages of notes
Staff Picks
Drea – The Apology
Alonso – Spirited
Alison – International Falls
Ify – William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet
Ify Nwadiwe
Drea Clark
Alonso Duralde
Alison Star Locke
Produced by Marissa Flaxbart
Sr. Producer Laura Swisher
In this episode...
- Alison Star Locke
About the show
A movie podcast that isn’t just a bunch of straight white dudes. Comedian Ify Nwadiwe is joined by film producer Drea Clark and film critic Alonso Duralde for a fast, funny, flight through film. Maximum Film! is news, reviews and in-depth insight, beamed directly into your ears every week.
Email maximumfilm@maximumfun.org and follow the show on Twitter @maximum_film.
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