The Song That Changed My Life: Huey Lewis

14th February 2020

The Song That Changed My Life is a segment that gives us the chance to talk with some of our favorite artists about the music that made them who they are today. This time around, we’re joined by a true legend – Huey Lewis. In an era dominated by new wave, glam rock and hair metal Huey Lewis stood out with his bluesy pub-rock. He helped define pop music in the 80’s. Huey Lewis and the News had a run of hit singles during the 80’s and early 90’s. Their most successful album, “Sports,” was released in 1983. It’s one of our favorites here at Bullseye. Huey Lewis explains how Count Basie and Joe Williams’ “Alright, Okay, You Win” helped him visualize his career as a singer. Huey Lewis and the News are back with their first album in nearly a decade. Their latest release “Weather” is out now.

Episode notes


Photo Credit: Deanne Fitzmaurice

The Song That Changed My Life is a segment that gives us the chance to talk with some of our favorite artists about the music that made them who they are today. This time around, we’re joined by a true legend – Huey Lewis.

In an era dominated by new wave, glam rock and hair metal Huey Lewis stood out with his bluesy pub-rock. He helped define pop music in the 80’s.

Huey Lewis and the News had a run of hit singles during the 1980’s and early 1990’s. Their most successful album, Sports, was released in 1983. It’s one of our favorites here at Bullseye.

LISTEN: Huey Lewis: From Busking in Morocco to Multi-Platinum Success

Huey Lewis explains how Count Basie and Joe Williams’ Alright, Okay, You Win helped him visualize his career as a singer.

A couple years ago, Lewis life changed dramatically. He struggled with hearing loss. He also found out he had something called Meniere’s disease, an untreatable disorder of the inner ear.

Huey Lewis and the News have been off the road for quite some time, hoping for treatment that will help him sing on stage again. But that hasn’t stopped them from hitting the studio. They’re back with their first album in nearly a decade. Check out their website for more information on the latest release Weather.


Check out this interview on YouTube!

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Maximum Fun Production Fellow


  • Huey Lewis

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Bullseye is a celebration of the best of arts and culture in public radio form. Host Jesse Thorn sifts the wheat from the chaff to bring you in-depth interviews with the most revered and revolutionary minds in our culture.

Bullseye has been featured in Time, The New York Times, GQ and McSweeney’s, which called it “the kind of show people listen to in a more perfect world.” Since April 2013, the show has been distributed by NPR.

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Maximum Fun Production Fellow

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