Episode notes
The heroes weave their way through Dr. Killdeath’s secret base to pick up some key items and find Carter’s whereabouts. But what other secrets lie in wait?
Abnimals Theme by Justin McElroy, Eric Near (https://bit.ly/ericnearmusic) and Jonathan Coulton (https://www.jonathancoulton.com/).
Additional Music in this Episode: “Demolition” by 1st Contact: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/1st-contact/; “The Drama” by Rafael Krux: https://www.rafaelkrux.com/#/; “The Get Away”, “Chill Down”, and “This Could Get Dark” by Mr. Smith: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSk2j0fTMw9V94UGyfWrSuA?; “Taffy Machine” by Kate Kody: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/kate-kody/; “Hoist” by Andy G. Cohen: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Andy_G_Cohen/; “Emerald Therapy” by Jason Shaw: https://audionautix.com/; “Beverly Hills” by Beat Mekanik: https://linktr.ee/beatmekanik; “Turn around” and “Sick of” by Koi-discovery: https://koi-discovery.lescigales.org/; “A Nexus of Waves” by Jesse Spillane: http://www.jessespillane.com/; and High Sky” by Patrick Davies: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/patrick-davies/.
Harmony House: https://harmonyhousewv.comHarmony House: https://harmonyhousewv.com
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About the show
Justin, Travis, and Griffin McElroy from My Brother, My Brother and Me have recruited their dad Clint for a campaign of high adventure. Join the McElroys as they find their fortune and slay an unconscionable number of… you know, kobolds or whatever in… The Adventure Zone.
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