
“Oh No, Ross and Carrie! Theme Song” by Brian Keith Dalton. A jaunty, upbeat instrumental.

Hello, and welcome to Oh No, Ross and Carrie! The show where we don’t just report on fringe science, spirituality, and claims of the paranormal, but take part ourselves.

Yup! When they make the claims, we show up so you don’t have to. I’m Carrie Poppy.

And I’m Ross Blocher.

We are inside.

Indeed. I haven’t seen you for awhile. How you doing?

Oh, thanks for asking. I’m okay. You know. I’m okay. How are you?

You know what, actually, I can’t complain too much. Um, I’m holed up at home. We are staying home from work, so right now, in case you’re listening to this in the future, this is a time of pandemic.

Yeah, the Covid-19 outbreak.

So we’re taking a little break from our Conscious Life Expo coverage to share some things relevant to our show and the kind of news that we cover related to coronavirus. And uh, this one is a long one. This might be our longest episode ever.

Yeah, nothing’s wrong with your phone, that it says this is whatever, three hours or—

We just gathered a lot of material, and we thought, “Hey, let’s do the Joe Rogan Experience of Oh No, Ross and Carrie!”

We are here with you in your ears as you’re holed up in your home. So, neither of us is sick. Knock on wood.

Yeah, I had been sick at the end of February, around the 22nd. Because I remember as I was starting to work on the polls, I was feeling under the weather.

Yeah, scaring the fear of God into all of us.

And I did end up going to the doctor. There's still no test kits at this point. Uh, and I went to the doctor on the 9th of March. She wanted to see if I had had a fever. I hadn’t. That’s one of the most common signs, in like 88% of cases. Normal, healthy temperature. But I had had a cough. Anyways, there was enough where I thought, “Well, what if I’m one of those people who don’t have strong symptoms, but I’m a typhoid Mary?” Right. So she assured me, but again, there was no test. I’ve been nervous about that. I’d taken a couple days off of work as a result, and now I’m a-ok, and I’m well past the infectious period, anyway, even if I was. So, yeah, we're not sick.

I mean, obviously I’m worried for everyone who’s immunocompromised, and everyone who’s older. But I also am kind of worried for everybody’s mental health. [Ross affirms.] It’s just such a dour time.

This is a huge change for society. I was just thinking about kids growing up in this. This is gonna be something they always remember. Oh, man, remember that time we stayed home from school for weeks, maybe months? I don’t know how this is gonna shake out.

People are gonna say “hindsight is 2020” so much. That’s the real problem.

They’re already saying—[He breaks off, laughing.]

[Sarcastically] That’s so truuuee.

That’s gonna wear on your mental—on your mental stability.

Oh man, I’m gonna be reminded of that, the way I said “Trump 2016” in 2016.

Right, people listening back episodes like, “Oh, Carrie!”

It’s okay! They always forgive me. They always write in and say, “It’s okay, Carrie. It’s okay.” [Laughs.] Because they knew I would feel bad. And I do!

So, uh, we’ve also delayed Maximum Fun Drive.

Yes. Max Fun decided to waylay that for a little bit, and we thought, “Well, we’ll still give them something special.”

So that means there will be no ads today, ‘cause they’ve already been cleared aside. Normally we’d be reminding you about why we’re so special and important in our life and you should support us. And by all means, you still can at We’re going to be talking about this. Maybe you’re trying to avoid coronavirus news in your life, but hopefully we can give you some kind of fun, alternate viewpoints.

There are a lot of people listening to us who already have um, mobility challenges and reasons that they don’t get to be out of the house a bunch, um, so I feel like this is kind of a moment where we get to reflect on those listeners as well, and how vital they are to our listening community. This is such a personal platform, such a personal way to relate to people, through their ears.

And um, we did have one conference that we were gonna go to this weekend, and it got canceled.

As it should be.

Yes, that is the wise thing to do, and social distancing has now entered the lexicon. Now we’re all kind of aware of that. I feel like it’s giving a whole new meaning to the uh, the idea of cancel culture.

‘Cause we’re canceling the virus?


Oh, I see. [Laughs] That is a much better version of cancel culture. Yeah, so, what is coronavirus, Ross?

Okay, so uh—

Ross is not a scientist. Neither am I.

I’m not, but I’ve been reading lots of articles, like everybody.

And we try to model curious ignorance well.

So uh, take us for what we are in terms of our experience—

[Singing] “Take me for what I am.” [T/N: Song is “Take Me or Leave Me” from Rent. I’m a theater nerd.]

But yeah, I say coronavirus just ‘cause it’s—um, I dunno. Just floats off the tongue better. But the technical name is Covid-19, short for Coronavirus Disease 2019. It;s caused by SARS-CoV-2, which is a novel strain of coronavirus. Initial reporting was saying that it came initially from a bat in the Wuhan district of China, though I’ve recently read that it may have come from a pangolin.

What’s a pangolin?

It’s um, oh this really interesting creature. One that kind of looks to me like an armadillo. I dunno if it’s related at all, but—

Ah. Pan-go-lin.


Aww, little buddy!

Yeah, really cute. There’s a really sad practice of eating rare animals— [Carrie affirms.] —and would be interesting if some poor little pangolin who was eaten by someone who shouldn’t have been eating has brought down our whole economy.

Oh, man.

So, coronavirus is in general. They’re called that because they have all these little protein projections sticking out of them that look like the corona of—of, well, of a crown. That’s what the name means. Or the corona of the sun.

So you’re saying coronavirus is in general because there’s like, the flu—there’s the concept of “the flu”, but there are actually many flu viruses— [Ross affirms.] —that have their own special names.

It’s a family of viruses, and so there are other coronaviruses that we’ve heard of before. They cause upper respiratory tract illness, and uh, I’ve been following daily the Worldometer website. They’ve got a running statistic. We’re looking at almost 200,000 cases of coronavirus and almost 8,000 deaths.

How many survivors do we have there?

Those who have recovered, uh, 82,000. So there’s many cases that are currently—

Being treated.

Right. Exactly. Last time I checked, we were at 109 deaths in the U.S. So, growing, and compared to previous pandemics, right now it’s pretty small. But there’s a measure called the “arenot”—

How many people you will infect if you have it.

Right, exactly, on average, so that infectiousness rate is 2.5 for coronavirus as compared to 1.5 of regular influenza, 2.0 of ebola, sars is 3.5, measles—to give a really high example—is 16.

Oh, jeez. I didn’t know it was that bad. And it also survives on surfaces a long time, like three hours.

Especially metal, I believe. Yeah so, it’s good to wipe down surfaces with alcohol, frequent handwashing. The CDC recommends if you do use hand sanitizer, make sure it has at least 65% alcohol content.

Yeah, it’s important to know about the surface thing, because I’ve heard a few people say, “Well, as long as I’m not touching other people. If I go to the movies or whatever, what’s the harm? I’m not touching anybody, it’s so empty there.” But if this thing stays on a surface for three hours, then you touch one ticket stub, one um—

Touch your face.

—one doorknob. Yeah, now, cheers, you’re a vector, so you don’t want that.

And probably the most dangerous thing about this is just that it takes 5-6 days usually to show symptoms. And also dogs can’t get it.

Thank goodness.

Thank dog.

Yeah. [Laughs] ‘Cause Ella was just not feeling well, like, uh, a week ago, and I was so grateful that the WHO said we’re okay, the doggies are okay.

My friend Chris Kelly made the wonderful joke that the—

WHO let the dogs out?


Did you see—

Is everyone doing that?

Yeah, there was a whole fight over Twitter over who came up with that joke. [Laughs.]

The WHO let the dogs out. Okay. Alright, well, it probably wasn’t my friend Chris, then. Another thing that’s entered the lexicon is flattening the curve. The idea is that by social distancing, by just not giving this virus a chance to transmit by staying home and staying away from people, you’re slowing down that eventual and inevitable overloading of the medical care system.

This is why you make an appointment at the DMV.

More lives get saved. Yeah, there you go. That’s a perfect example. That’s why you don’t buy all the TP.

Mm-hm. True. You need toilet paper.

Have you gone to the grocery store?


[Laughs] Since this started.

Um, I don’t think so. Drew did.

Like, you can’t find bread right now.

Yeah, that’s nuts.

Certain aisles are uh—nuts? What about nuts?

What about nuts?

There might be nuts.

Are those okay?

I didn’t check.

We did stock up on soy milk. Drew and I, not you and I. [Ross affirms. Both laugh.] Just so you know. I sent you a Venmo for a bunch of soy milk.

We did? Yeah, I guess for our audience, that might be helpful contextual information.

Can I say one hopeful thing, just in case everyone’s listening and they’re like, “Fudge, I’m looking at how much longer of this podcast it is and so far it’s so sad.”

Uh yeah, we’re gonna stop talking about this factual info.

True. But also, this is how I keep my spirits a little bit up. I think about how there’s this temptation to think, “Well, I shouldn't let myself be happy, because other people aren't happy.” I think that’s a really tempting fallacy. And in fact, the fact that I am able to get my work done, I am not sick, I get to just walk around my apartment slightly closed in, allowing myself to be happy is actually better for the world, because it gives me a larger emotional reserve from which to draw from to continue to support those people, to make money and donate it, to not just drop out of society or be a cynic all the time. Like, those people actually need me to alow myself to be happy. And that can feel like, kind of grody, but it is the reality. Like, the more we all just fall into like, cynicism and sadness, the less we can help.

That's a great point, and kind of like that overused metaphor of the oxygen mask, that you put on yourself first. [Carrie affirms.] Uh, so yeah, hopefully at leas tin the rest of this episode we can bring a little bit of cheer. And uh, yeah, I feel very fortunate right now. I realize I am in a pretty good spot, where I get to hang out with my family. We’re healthy. I still have a job to do and everything. So, I’m pretty lucky in all this.

Yeah, me too. And you’re gonna watch Toys!

Yeah. That’s right, it’s streaming on Amazon.

That's great. It’s so good. You’re gonna love it.

We're looking forward to it. Alright, so—

You gotta watch Safe! And Breaking Bad! Why don’t you want to watch Breaking Bad?

It’s so funny. I was talking with Cara about that earlier, that like, “Oh, this is finally the closest I’ve had to me getting deathly ill and getting to watch Breaking Bad.” But my schedule has not at all let up. I’m just running around my house, trying to keep up with stuff. So, hopefully, hopefully things will ease up. We’ll see how this goes.

We have an ongoing joke that Ross doesn’t wanna watch Breaking Bad when in fact he does want to watch Breaking Bad, but we keep treating him like he’s refusing to. And by we, I mean me.

But no, I have to listen to ridiculous YouTube videos that I’m gonna tell you about. That’s what I get to watch.

[Laughing] Fair enough. So, Ross—

There’s a lot to talk about.

Why don’t you tell me about some predictions. Did anyone out there in far history ever say, “Carrie, in 2020, Covid-19 is gonna make your life not as good.”

Okay, well, distant history, of course. Something like this happens and everybody wants to point out, “Oh, who got this right? Who knew it was coming?” Of course, we have to start with Nostradomus.

Oh, my fave. My favey-baby. Nosey-tosey.

He was a French prognosticator, famous for writing these quatrains. He would write these four line little poems.

The most boring ass shit.

Though I have to say, I don’t know how intentional this was, but it’s a smart tactic. I feel that that’s been part of the appeal of Jesus over the years is just speaking vaguely enough, such a way that your words can be taken to mean almost anything. [Carrie affirms.] Then if you do that well enough, you can become this perpetual source of new information as people reinterpret your works and create the hippie Jesus, or the right wing capitalist Jesus, or you know, whatever Jesus you got.

Mhm! That made me think of—what’s the cheerleading cheer that goes, “Be—be—” Oh, it’s “Be! Be! Aggressive!” We should make one that’s, “Be! Be! Specific!” [They laugh.]

I didn’t know the cheerleading chant, but I like it. Be! Be! Specific!

Yeah, it’s like a classic, like fifty—yeah! In your predictions.

That is totally our cheer. [They laugh.] Yes, we’ll keep that cheer in mind. Picture Carrie with pom-poms as we read these. So, back in 1555, he wrote a book called, Le Profitier. I’m no good with French, uh—

Oh, I speak it fluently, so that’s no problem. So, let’s see... [Carrie speaks gibberish.] That’s how you say that.

To someone just reading an anglicized transliteration would just be, “less—” obviously, “ley”, like Les Miserables. “Profitees.”

It’s actually [More gibberish.]

Les Profitiers. Now we’re gonna get messages from offended French people. [Carrie laughs.] We’re sorry, we love your language. So, in century five—this is how they arrange these quatrains. In quatrain 63, he wrote, “From the vain enterprise, honor and undue complaints. Boats tossed about among the Latins, cold, hunger waves. Not far from the Tiber, the lands stained with blood and diverse plagues will be upon mankind.”

Oh, okay. Wait, among the Latin? Sorry, I got caught up on that. [She makes a long noise.]

Yeah, So, the Romans—so, look, Italy’s had such a bad deal with it, see where that was going?

Okay, I believe it now.

He said at some unspecified time in the future, Italy would get hit with “diverse plagues”. This isn’t diverse, it’s just one. [Carrie laughs.] Alright, we’ll give him one more. I think they get weaker as we go on. This is century two, quatrain six. “Near the gates, and within two cities, there will be two scourges, the like of which was never seen. Famine within plague. People put out by steel, crying to the great, immortal god for relief.”

What was the thing about steel?

They would be put out by steel. I’m guessing they get stabbed by swords, or something like that.

Oh, I see.

But it’s Nostradamus, so you can make it whatever you want! Maybe steal his helicopters! [Carrie laughs.] The last one isn’t even worth mentioning, so, yeah, I would say incredibly vague, and—

Are people saying, “Look at this?” Wow.

Hey, he predicted this.

That’s so not impressive to me.

They did that with 9/11.

I remember at the time, being like, “Okay, wait a minute. Even as a sort of new-agey person.” I was like, I’m looking at this quote, and it was like, “Two birds fly into a tree,” or something. Okay? That’s not anything. [Ross laughs.]

Right, this is useless. It’s so funny, like, Nostradamus has become one of those household words, where he represents the concept of prediction. And so, you know, people say, “I’m no Nostradamus, but,” and I’ll think, “Yes you are.”

You could be!

We all are.

All you need is some unfounded confidence.

Stop giving him the impra moder of being some gifted prognosticator, because he’s not.

He’s just some nostra-dummy.

Okay, let’s look at some other predictions. Uh, Dean Koontz. [Carrie affirms.] The author—

You mentioned this. Yeah, what’d he say?

Okay, so, he wrote a 1981 book called The Eyes of Darkness. And it was a fictional story. He writes these, you know, thrillers, pot boilers. There was a disease called “Wuhan 400”, and Coronavirus does come from the Wuhan region of China.

Or at least, that’s where we first saw it.

But, there’s some important differences. So he mentioned that it was a human-made weapon. [Carrie affirms.] This is not human made, but—

Well, we’ll get into that.

—depending on who you talk to.

[Whispering] It’s not, though.

But, it’s also supposed to have a 100% fatality rate.

Oh, wow, okay.

Which, the Coronavirus averages out to about 2% fatality. And, it had an incubation of four hours, compared to 2-14 days for COVID-19. So, sorry Dean Koontz, though you weren’t trying to predict the future.

Now, has he replied to this at all?

Not that I’m aware of.

Okay. Well, I’m looking at his image on the Wikipedia page, and just to enjoy a little levity, this man has a terrible toupe.

Oh, yes, that’s true, I looked up a picture of him, and I think I saw the one you’re looking at.

Yep, yep. Anyway, I’m sure he’s lovely.

The most impressive predictor on this list is The Simpsons.

Okay, I’m listening!

Okay, this one is fake, people have been posting an image—I’ve even seen this like on, you know, you get in little debates online with people who are claiming that all of this is a hoax, and I saw one woman share this, and say, “Look The Simpsons was already talking about Coronavirus before, this is just a common thing.” And then she posted this screen grab of Kent Brockman, the news reporter from The Simpsons, with a graphic behind him that said, “Coronavirus!” It turns out that the original episode, which was from season 22, the image on the screen actually read “Apocalypse meow”. [Carrie laughs.] And like, a picture of a kitty.

It’s very different.

Someone just went in, and they wrote “Coronavirus” on top of it, and then shared it, and said that The Simpsons predicted this. And then they also included—

Or maybe they—maybe they thought they were making a joke, someone else interpreted it as serious and shit, yeah. The internet’s the wild west.

Of course. Good point, that’s how that happens. Uh, but then they’ll also include the little clips from a much earlier episode from 1993 in the fourth season. In which there was a pandemic called “Osaka flu”. You know, it showed people getting a box from Japan, and little disease pieces jumping out of it, little red mites infecting everyone right away. But, we’ve had other infectious diseases. So that’s in no way a prediction.

Yeah. I know—I was just thinking that. Like, how lucky are we that vaccines have been so successful that our touchpoints are things like, “It’s that episode of The Simpsons.” And not, you know, “It’s the flu of 18—” What was it? 1816. That really terrible flu?

Oh, the 1918 one? The Spanish flu, yeah.

Yeah yeah yeah. Or smallpox, or these things that—

The Bubonic Plague. Which killed like, maybe 200 million estimated. Absolutely. Uh, yeah, and so much of that is just due to modern hygiene, and us knowing what microbes are, and viruses.

Germs bad.

Right, yeah, we have-

Well, complicated, but germs exist.

Yes, sure, I’m reading a book right now about bacteria and about how important and essential they are, but yes, there are bad ones out there. But, the most important predictor that we need to talk about that’s been passed around a lot, and shared by luminaries, no less than Kim Kardashian… [Carrie affirms.] … is the prediction by Sylvia Brown.

Oh, now I actually haven’t heard about this.

Okay! So, Sylvia Brown—

Ross’ eyes light up.

Of course, Carrie knows who Sylvia Brown is, she was a psychic, she appeared regularly on the Montel Williams show. [Carrie affirms.]

[Imitating Sylvia Brown.] She talked like this, and she had long fingernails.

[Laughing] Oh, what a terrible person. Yeah, she was famous for predicting things like, “Oh, sorry, your kid’s dead.”

When he wasn’t.

Yeah. Turned out—like Shawn Hornbeck, turn out, “Oh, they’re actually still alive.” Or she would say, “Oh, they’re in sexual slavery.”

We’re talking about missing kids here.

Right, right, and she would tell grieving parents that, “Oh yeah, your child’s off in some other country, sold into sexual slavery.” And then the body of their daughter would be found nearby.

And it would be months old. Yeah. Mm-hm.

Yeah, so that tells you a little bit about Sylvia Brown. She passed away in 2013, but she—

I disagree. I think she was sold into sexual slavery, and is living in the sea.

You know what? Then her predictions would be a little more correct, because she claimed in 2003, ten years before her death, that she would die at the age of 88.

Ah! And did she?

She died at the age of 77. [Carrie affirms and laughs.] So we’ve already—we’ve already told you how good her predictions were. But in a book called End of Days: Predictions and Prophecies About The End of The World, which she wrote in 2008—so 12 years ago—she said, here’s the quote, in “around 2020, a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes, and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again 10 years later, and then disappear completely.” I would say, you know, not bad, as far as predictions go. She said, “in around 2020”, which is a weird way to say it, but that gives her quite a bit of leeway. Mentioned that it would resist all known treatments. I don’t know if that’s quite the proper way to categorize this.

Yeah, I was trying to think about that, too.

We even know what treatment would look like. And we have yet to find out whether it vanishes as quickly as it arrived, but—


—I went through the rest of the book and looked for some other pertinent—

Oh, good. Yeah.

—predictions. ‘Cause, you know, that’s important. What’s the hit rate if you’re saying something like that?

Right. ‘Cause a stopped clock and all that.

Exactly. First of all, that was a bullet point. Right before that, the previous bullet point read, “A bacterial infection resembling the flesh-eating disease of several years ago will arrive in 2010, transmitted to humans by almost microscopic mites, undetectably imported on exotic birds.” [Both laugh.] “Known medications and antibiotics will be completely ineffective against this fungus-like, extremely contagious disease, and its victims will be quarantined until its discovered that the bacteria can be destroyed through some combination of electrical currents and extreme heat.” That didn’t happen.

Ah, no.

She also said, “I want to offer word of caution to our present and future presidential candidates. SOmetime between between 2008 and 2020, I see a sitting president dying in office of a heart attack.” [Carrie responds emphatically.] “The vice-president, who assumes the presidency, will stun the world by announcing his intention to declare war on North Korea in light of his accurate belief that have actually are in possession of weapons of mass destruction.”

Woah. Okay.

That’s a lot to happen in the next nine months. ‘Cause it hasn't happened yet.

For a second I was like, silver lining, and then it deteriorated from there.

Blindness will become a thing of the past by 2020.

Oh. Okay.

Yeah. There's gonna be a tiny digital device that, when planted in the frontal lobes of the brain, will create or reactivate normal, healthy communication between the brain and the eyes.

Oh my gosh, I had no idea that happened.

Did anyone tell her the occipital lobe is in the back of the brain?

[Laughs] Not important. I had no idea blindness was cured!

Also, no later than 2020, virtual end to deafness. This one may prove to be fruitful. We’ll see. “The year 2020 will mark the end of the U.S. presidency, and the executive branch of the government.”

[Makes a strained noise] That feels uncomfortable for me. [Ross affirms. Both laugh.] I’m so—I don’t—I don’t think our current president is going to create a monarchy, but if someone were going to try, this is the guy.

She also thought that the educational system would undergo massive structural changes. HIgher salaries for teachers will attract more teachers, and in 2020 there will never be more than 5 grade school students per teacher in any classroom.

[Laughing] What? Girl.

Oh, my sister would really appreciate that.

Girl. That didn’t happen. [Ross affirms.] Why did you even think that would happen?

And in here you could kind of argue words like a lawyer. For example, she says by 2020. Does that mean—does that include 2020? Okay. So, by 2020 we’ll see the end of IRAs, mutual funds, pensions, and retirement plans, and yes, it’s true, the stock market.

Oh, wow. You know, we should add—

Which is currently in freefall.

Right. We should add uh, some of those to our 2020 predictions document that we made at the beginning of the year.

Yes! So we can see how they panned out.

Yeah, there you go. So, she’s picturing a world in which we’ve got, okay, no blindness or deafness, teachers get paid more and class sizes are smaller, but also there’s no president or stock market?

[Laughing] Right. Soyeah, all these great changes and uh, these major parts of our society and government are just going away, and financial system. This one’s pretty fun. “In about 2018, extraterrestrials will be making our search for them much easier.” [Carrie responds emphatically.] “They’ll begin outing themselves safely and safely and very much in public to such organizations as the United Nations, Scotland Yard, NASA, and even a Camp David summit. They’ll step forward by the thousands and willingly subject themselves to a whole battery of psychological and biological tests, confirming that the origins of their various species are not Earthly.”

Okay! Well, if that happened, we didn't hear about it.

So, there’s a whole lot more there, but it’s all pretty much wrong. The best thing she got was something pretty close to a prediction fo Alexa.

[Laughs] What was that?

Okay, she said “another common fixture in most upscale homes by 2015 will be highly functional and incredibly convenient robots, and will respond to more than 500 complicated voice commands, from cooking, to cleaning, to pet care, to reading bedtime stories, to helping children with their homework, to teach computer skills.” And Alexa came out November 2014, so.

Okay. And can she turn on your oven and stuff?


Oh. Okay.

Well, not—maybe? Maybe not mine, but—so, yeah. I would say that was the strongest one I saw.

Yeah, but that could also just be like, you’re paying attention.

Uh, right, exactly. It’s really not that mind blowing. So uh, there we go, in a book full of predictions, those were some specific, dated ones that I thought were pretty good.

Well, I have one prediction for you. I would say this is even more impressive than all of those. [Ross responds emphatically.] It’s pretty on the nose. Just after midnight on December 30th, um, someone predicted a cluster of unusual pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China. Who do you think that someone was?

Oh, my goodness. Maybe the CDC?

Nope. It was an artificial intelligence called Blue Dot, made by an immunologist uh, in—where is he? I think he’s in Canada.

Where is he and how do I serve him?

[Laughs] Wow, that happened so fast for you. Um, okay—

Is it a pale blue dot?

Yes. It was the Earth itself. Uh, Blue Dot is an artificial intelligence made by a professor of medicine and public health at the University of Toronto, and yeah, it just picks up all this data from all these different source pools and says, “Wait, hey, there’s a cluster here.” And sometimes clusters mean nothing, sometimes they mean something. So it did flag it, and that was—I think it was nine days before the CDC? Uh, nine days before the WHO. Yup.


Yeah! You know what’s better than Sylvia Brown? A robot!

Hey. Maybe she predicted it, though.

Oh, true, maybe it was Alexa. Okay, well, Ross.


So, we know who predicted it. We know who didn’t predict it. But what is it, you know? People are saying it’s a germ, that it’s a virus, that it’s gonna infect me, that it’s very bad for me. Are there any alternative explanations for what this is?

Oh, goodness, of course. In our podcast, we deal with the kinds of groups and theories and people and ideas that come up with these alternate explanations of what this could be. So, for example, you may remember Bob Larsen.

Ah, Bobo.

Our—the beaver neck—our protestant exorcist. The most prolific exorcist, I would assume.

One would think.

I don't think anyone could uh—

Except maybe Jesus.

Fair enough.

Still, maybe not.

Do what Jesus did. No, i think Bob really has done more exorcisms than Jesus could have.

He could teach Jesus to do to them at this point.

Okay, so we both get his newsletter, and he sends out regular, fascinating reflections on situations—

They’re so poorly formatted, you guys. The formatting makes no sense, and he doesn't know what a blog is, tries to blog in the newsletter and then the blog’s broken up. It’s very weird. I know that’s not the weirdest thing about Bob Larsen, but it drives me nuts.

But you’ll read the first section, it’ll be like a newspaper essentially like “Go to Section A19.”

And you’re like, “Okay, scrolling down—”

I’ll scroll down, oh, read the exact same paragraph I just read, okay. [Carrie affirms multiple times.] Now I can keep going.

So weird.

Eh, it works. You know, you gotta get their attention. Uh, so, here we go, here—he sent many emails recently that were about coronavirus. Uh, here goes. “The coronavirus epidemic, known by its abbreviated designation covid-19, is demonic, but perhaps not in the way you think.” [Carrie responds emphatically.] “This virus, which is causing panic in every sector of society, certainly could be a demon functioning as a disease. From my experiences, demons can operate three different ways. They can one, cause a disease, two, take advantage to exacerbate a preexisting disease condition, or three, be the actual disease itself. For example—” “Using the disease of cancer as an illustration, some people have cancer due to genetic or environmental conditions.”

End of sentence, end of thought. Very good.

I’m not done yet, Carrie. “Some have their malignancy exploited by spirits of infirmity. Others have cancer because they have a cancer demon. I have seen instances of all three factors of infirmity with many different diseases.”

Only to him are number two and number three any different, but okay.

“Often, only an exorcism or attempted deliverance will find the root cause of an illness.”

No! What? No!

“I say that covid-19 is demonic not because I have empirical evidence—”

No! End of sentence. End the blog.

End of thought. “As of yet, I haven’t ministered anyone who has the virus. If they were diagnosed—

Maybe you have, dummy! Oh. I shouldn’t call him dummy. I’m sorry! I’m sorry.

“If they were diagnosed, they’d be in quarantine, not scheduling an encounter with me—” Unless, of course, they weren’t showing symptoms yet— “However, here’s what’s really demonic: not the disease itself, which in a nation of more than 330 million people has so far affected just over a thousand people—”

Uh huh, thanks to people not behaving the way you’re behaving.

Our Bob likes statistics. “—which is about .000003 percent of the population. That’s about three out of a thousand percent of the population.”

Thanks, Bob.

[Laughs] “What's demonic is the fear factor. In Luke 21, Christ spoke of the end times and declared that during the final hours of humanity, these things would be present: one, nations will be in anguish and perplexity. Two, men will faint from terror. Can you find a better depiction of what’s happening with covid-19? No.” “The end isn’t yet. What we’re witnessing is a trial-run for the apocalypse, and demons of fear are milking this for every ounce of terror they can foment. Even one death of covid-19 is one too many.” Also good, let’s isolate that sentence and quarantine it. [Carrie affirms.] “As a country, we must do all we can to fight back against this killer. But this disease, by itself, shows no signs of destroying us as a nation. The fear of this disease could transform our lives, our freedoms, and how we worship, and that is demonic.”

Mm, nothing to fear but fear itself.

“Fear is the antithesis of faith. Instead of wriging our hands and pointing political fingers—” He’s, uh, very pro-Trump. [Carrie affirms.] “Why not declare a national day of prayer to combat covid-19?”

That’ll do it.

“Better yet, a national day of exorcism to confront every spirit of fear in our land—”

Oh, I know just the guy to head that up!

“That, and seeking a medical cure, would be the best way to fight back against the demons of fear which are exploiting covid-19.”

Yeah, I like how that medical part is just a footnote.

So, there—there you go, Carrie, we’ve—we’ve solved it, we’ve figured out what it actually is—


And, uh, I guess that’s it for our show.

[Laughs] And we know what the cure is! More Bob Larsen.

Indeed. That’s right. Put him in charge of stuff. When you have a hammer, everything looks like a demon.

So, he is not saying, “People with covid-19 come and gather at my conferences,” but one could rationally read that and say, “I should go to his conference. I have covid-19.”

Well, right? Because I can be healed.

Yeah, that’s not good.

For Bob’s sake, he’s getting up there in age, please don’t. [Carrie affirms.] From a more recent email, he said, “You and I know this is a spiritual attack. Churches are closed. Martial law is being considered. We’re fighting more than a virus, we’re fighting demons that have completely altered the way we live and worship. The Lord has shown me very specific information about what’s really happening.” He’s got insides. There—there's more coming from Bob Larsen. We—we will stay tuned to this.

Well, great, well, I have another not-so-good explanation of what covid-19 is for you.

Cool, cool, what’cha got?

So when I think of infectious diseases and how to not handle them, I think of Christian Science? ‘Cause—yeah, right? Mary Baker Eddy was—who’s—I’m sorry, Mary Baker Eddy who is the founder and discoverer of Christian Science—

Wow, not just the founder?

No, she discovered it as well. She basically said “germs aren’t a real thing, illness is all in your head—”

That’s something she said?

“Everything is an illusion.”

Uh huh. Including that statement.

Right? And even—even death is like—what did she…? Like a “delusion” or something. [Ross affirms.] You go through the “impression” of death. Oh goodness. So it was like, yeah, what’s their website gonna look like right now? Are they holding services? What’s—what’s happening? Okay, so if you go to, there is an article up: “Praying in Response to the Coronavirus.” Here’s what we got. “The global Coronavirus Pandemic is fear-inducing and disruptive on a wide scale. Accurate facts are essential. So is being able to deal with the situation successfully. Please read on for news and practical healing ideas.” Alright, I’m listening.

Yes, practical, we like practical.

Mm-hm, yeah. “There’s nothing quite so contagious as news of contagion.” I disagree. I think the virus is—oh, I see what you’re saying. ‘Cause more people find out about it than get it.

She’s talking about memetics. Sure, that’s spread faster than the disease—

Oh, I know. But not as—yeah, I guess it depends on what you mean by contagious—

I’m saying she is the—is there a female author to this article? Help me out. Is this just an official—

Oh you just assume it’s a woman ‘cause it’s a pastor?

Well—I as— [Both laugh.] I assume ‘cause it’s Mary Baker Eddy speaking because her death was only an illusion.

Of course. Right. Well. Also, the Christian Scientist basically just reads you Mary Baker Eddy’s writings over and over until they die, or look like they die. [Ross laughs.] Um, yeah, so if you want to deal with the coronavirus you listen to this four-minute clip from Mary Baker Eddy. You ready?

Oh, let’s do it. And—we’re editing this down, just for length.

Brevity. And to spare you.

Mary Baker Eddy: Whatever man sees, feels, or in any way takes cognizance of, must be caught through mind. We do what others do, believe what others believe, and say what others say. Common consent is contagious and it makes disease catching. People believe in infectious and contagious diseases, and that anyone is liable to have them under certain predisposing or exciting causes. This mental state prepares one to have any disease whenever there appear the circumstances which he believes produce it. If he believed as sincerely that health is catching when exposed to contact with healthy people— [Ross laughs.] —he would catch their state of feeling quite as surely, and with better effect than he does the sick man’s. The confidence of mankind in contagious disease would thus become beautifully less. And, in the same proportion, with faith in the power of God to heal and to save mankind increase, until the whole human race would become healthier, holier, happier, and longer-lived. [Instrumental music.] Speaker 2: This podcast is produced by the First Church of Jesus Christ Scientists in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Copyright 2020.

Yeah, yeah. So that’s how you tackle that: don’t believe in it.

All of which makes me think that a Church of Jesus Christ Scientist is in the least safe place to be anywhere. [Carrie affirms multiple times while Ross is speaking.] Oh, goodness, that whole idea of “health-catching.” Well, then, why not introduce that, of people being assured that they will be catching health from other healthy people? Maybe ‘cause it doesn’t work. Reality’s over here, and Mary Baker Eddy is over here. Oh, it’s just—

And it—all—what about babies who get sick? Did someone tell them about viruses? How does that work?

Right, yeah, or your pet, who doesn’t speak English.

Yeah! Yeah! Well, Ella knows several words. I need to teach her “virus.”

Okay. Like, her name?

Yeah, she knows Ella! She’s right over there. Ella! [Ross laughs.] There she is! She looked up, everybody!

Yeah, she’s looking over.

Yeah. She’s perfect.

Okay, now, loudly, say “licorice!”

Licorice! Licorice! She’s curious, but not to the same degree.

Okay, alright, alright, just checking that she’s not just looking—

Yeah. She does respond to the tone, for sure.

She’s cleverer than Clever Hans.

Indeed. Exactly.

Okay, so here’s another set of bad explanations. [Carrie affirms.] So after you met Dylan Louis Monroe—

Ah. My very best friend.

I signed up for his New Templar YouTube channel, and I get notifications, and so I saw one come up that said “CORONAVIRUS!” in all caps, exclamation mark, “5G!” and Templar Remedies!” So, uh, this was a little over an hour, yeah. And it was Dylan who has, uh, long brown hair, that was hanging down. He’s usually wearing a cap? He had kind of a maroon-colored cap, I think—my thought is that he’s maybe balding on top? [Carrie affirms multiple times while Ross is speaking.] Because I’ve seen many photos of him with a double-top knot, where he brings his hair up and ties it, uh, above his head. He’s wearing white-rimmed sunglasses through most of the conversation, and, uh, he has a very long face, kind of sharp features. Big nose. Uh, and then you had Deep Time, that was the name of his other interlocutor.

I wonder if that’s the guy I met at the conference? ‘Cause he was there with a friend.

Oh! Maybe. Did he have kind of like a long gray goatee? [Carrie responds with “Maybe?”] He was also wearing like a black leather jacket, and he was—

Older than Dylan? Yeah, okay.

Yes. Oh, definitely.

Okay, yeah. Maybe I’ve met Deep Time, but I think he called himself like, Rob.

And they were in different locations, so you could see them kind of in split-screen.

Yep—I think—yeah. I met that guy.

Oh, wow, okay. So he seems to be the other half of this deep-state mapping project. Uh, but they were also joined by another guy who had come in every now and then, who went by Veil Removed?

Deep Time, Veil Removed, and Dylan?

Yes, that’s right. [Carrie laughs.]

Wow, you wouldn’t think that the one who’s like the prophet in the group would be Dylan.

[Ross laughs.] So every time Veil Removed would be speaking, they wouldn’t show him, I don’t know if he’s trying to be reclusive, or not show his image.

Not remove his veil.

Well, good point. For a veil removed…. [Carrie affirms.] He has a very interesting Instagram, lots of little infographics and a lot of pro-Trump stuff. He’s posting a lot of, of course, conspiratorial things, but every time he spoke you would just see the still graphic that would talk about his Instagram channel, but we never actually saw him. We just heard his voice. So, they wanted to get together, just to talk about some of the theories. What’s going on with Coronavirus, what is this actually? And, for those of you that didn’t hear this episode of the Conscious Life Expo, the second one, where we talked about Dylan and the deep-state mapping project, he draws and creates these intricate diagrams of the Illuminati, and the New World Order, and the Bilderbergs, and UFOs, and—

How are structures as he sees them.

Pizzagate, and—right, how everything is connected and fueled and which groups influence the others, and it just creates these massive infographics that are fascinating to look at, and, very well-designed. I have to say—

Yeah, talented designer. But he also communicates with aliens as the Great Masters who give him messages, and I hope that plays into this.

Yeah, yes. And, heh, it ties into—his beliefs tie into a lot of different things that we’ve talked about, and it just endlessly fascinates me. [Carrie affirms.] How does all this play together in the same field?

He’s got an infographic for that!

So, he started this by saying that this could just be multiple Mandela Effects, and we’ve run into this with our Flat Earth series, where Sydney was believing that the Mandela Effect wasn’t just remembering something that didn’t happen and having kind of a collective memory of a, uh, a false occurrence. [Carrie affirms many times while Ross is speaking.] The first or at least notable one after which the effect is named, is many people thought that Nelson Mandela had already died, and so when he died they’re like “I remembered him dying! There was a funeral on TV, what happened?” So, uh, Sydney, from the Flat Earth group, she had said that the world actually changes and your memories are the one thing that’s real, so you have this memory, and now have been orphaned by reality that’s been changed, it’s been retconned to change the reality and now you're just left sounding like you’re a crazy person ‘cause you’re insisting that you used to know something that was true, but now is not true. So now he’s saying maybe it’s something like that. He’s also saying that there’s been wormholes opened up recently, so there you go. Maybe Coronavirus is explained by these things. Both he and Deep Time were saying, you know, we don't know how real this epidemic is, maybe there was a bio-weapon release in Wuhan?

Okay, that would be a very serious thing.

It would make sense, cause now it’s infecting Italy. This could be maybe an attack by the Illuminati, cause they’ve always been interested in Milan and other cities in Italy. Yeah, this goes back—

Wait, but these things don’t—don’t make sense together, ‘cause—


[Laughs] ‘Cause the first thing you said was, uh—

A bio-weapon.

Well, no, about the—

The Mandela effect?

The Mandela effect would suggest that—

That’s the last time they referred to that. [Carrie affirms.] So that’s just—they—

So maybe it’s an illusion, maybe it’s something created to kill all of us, who knows?

They’re spitballing here.

Okay. All we know for sure is it’s not the official story.

Right, because Dylan does think that the—the chance that it’s an actual virus, maybe, but not very likely. Deep Time, for whatever reason, had an active chorus of crickets going on the entire hour.

Oh, weird.

Yeah, I don’t know like, if he feeds snakes or something?

[Laughing] Oh, you think they really were crickets?

Oh, it was the sound of crickets constantly. I have no idea.

It was his conscience.

They were talking about a biolab that has been in Wuhan for years. Somehow this all had to be kind of planned. Maybe this was a leak of something that wasn’t supposed to get out, but now they’re just calling it a virus.

Alright. A 28 Days Later situation.

Maybe, actually. They both admitted that they were surprised that they’d gone outside of China. That wasn’t kind of within their model, so now they’re sort of sent reeling almost. Like, how do we deal with this?

Uh, when you say they, you mean the people who created it, or Dylan and Deep Time?

Right, the people on this channel who are talking.

Okay, Dylan and Deep Time. Okay.

Yeah, they did not expect that places outside of China would be affected, so. [Carrie affirms.] Now we need to make more theories. They talked about the disparity of panic around say, the usual influenza flu and how many people it infects and kills versus like, “Oh, not many peoplehave been affected with coronavirus,” which is, I think, a talking point of people who just don’t see the big scale of this. THe fact that it is more communicable, that it has a higher mortality rate, especially for older people, that its potential to kill is much higher than the well—the well known flu that already has at least a decent vaccine and more awareness around it. So they talked about those numbers and just said, “I just don’t understand. Why is everybody so infected by this fear?” They were kind of in the same lockstep as Mary Baker Eddy in that respect.

Fear is the real problem.

So they were really blaming the media. The media is using this as a way just to drive people into fear. I mean, car accident are more deadly. Why are people so worried about this coronavirus thing?

It’s always really fun when you see someone blaming the media on the media.

[Laughs] You’re right. Exactly. Deep Time was saying that uh, “you’re more likely to win the lotto!” And even Dylan was like, “Really? Are you?” And he said—

[Laughing] More likely to win the lotto than what?

Get the coronavirus. [Carrie affirms.] And he said, “I bet if you did the numbers. I dunno. Maybe I’m wrong.”

They have!

[Laughing] Yeah, “maybe I exaggerated.” And yeah, he’s wrong. He did. They talked about false flags, or or maybe the actions of White Hat or Black Hat, I assume, hacker or some thing like that, or programmer. Then they introduced 5G. They’re thinking maybe it’s kind of a dual agent. So, coronavirus maybe is a real virus, or maybe it’s like a programmed one that has like a special protein shell, a capsid that is activated by 5G signals. [Carrie responds emphatically.] So this is how they’re putting out some way to maybe control the public, or you create more mass panic and so this is their way of spreading that, and then they’re gonna activate it later with 5G.

And why are they doing this?

Oh, ‘cause they’re evil.


Alright, so we have two forces here that we talk about regularly. One is the cabal, which we’ve heard of from David Wilcock and others. Also then there’s the alliance, and this was new to me. So, I guess there’s like, kind of a good side, the alliance, that’s opposed to the cabal.

Oh, it's like chaos and control in Get Smart.

[Laughs] I think that’s the best way to explain it. Yeah, so you have this kind of hidden agency for goodness, hidden agency for bad.

Oh, this is great news.

Oh yeah, they’ll keep coming up, you know, whenever the y need an explanation. Like, “Well, that’s strange. This happens to be positive. Oh, that means it’s being done by the this shadow agency, the alliance.” [Carrie affirms.] So, then they started reviewing—this was kind of helpful, they sort of did our work for us, where they reviewed theories about coronavirus from various other YouTubers. And so the first one they mentioned was Casey Jones. Not the train driver, and not the character from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Rather, it’s a young lady who has a YouTube channel of her own. I guess Dylan met her at the Conscious Life Expo. And so what she does is she analyzes posts from Q. You know, the source behind QAnon.

Yeah. Just quickly, Q is this alleged whistleblower who has all this inside knowledge of things going on in the government, and anonymously releases them onto the internet, and has an unfortunately big following.

So, you ready for this? [Carrie affirms.] In 2017, there was a post—and I guess it was Q’s first post—saying that Hilary Clinton would be arrested 10/30/2017.

Okay, and she wasn’t.

I know what you’re thinking. That didn't happen. But, Casey Jones was able to reorganize that 10/30, and if you flip it around you get 3/10.

[Laughing] That’s true.

Like March 10th.

Okay. When she was also not arrested?

And I guess that was the day that the National Guard was instead dispatched to deal with the coronavirus outbreak in one community in New York.

What? That has nothing to do with Hilary Clinton!

[Laughing] Exactly! What are we even doing?

What? [Laughs.]

So we take the 10/30 and we swap it and we just decide to turn the 30 into a 3. [Carrie repeats ‘what’ emphatically.] This is the logic of this kind of—

This is like Bible code shit.

Exactly. Exactly! That’s exactly what it is. This sort of weird kind of numerology stuff. So, uh yeah, let’s just forget that it was 2017. Let’s change around the numbers and make it March 10th. Okay. Really impressive.

[Sarcastic] Okay.

I’m not sure where this particular post came form, but they showed another insight that said, “The virus is a smokescreen. A massive military option is underway to invade the Vatican and remove the network of pedophiles from power once and for all!”

[Emphatically] Ah, yes. Yes! I have heard about this, yeah.

So that’s the alliance, of course. They do the good stuff. And so here we go, this is their chance, they’re weaking Italy so they can go in and remove all the pedophiles from the Vatican. Alright, good luck! [Carrie laughs.] Good job, guys! I dunno why you had to kill all these other people.

Yeah, this is so complicated, because we’re clearly dealing with both a completely unfounded conspiracy theory and an actual problem in the Vatican. There is, obviously, a big child abuse problem in the Catholic church. There is also this theory that Q followers have promoted that there are these underground rings of pedophiles sort of running society and they’ve named particular individuals who we have no evidence of them having this issue. And the phenomenon of pizzagate. So, it feels like those have both been wrapped into one sandwich here.

And you can incite people’s disgust reaction. Very strong reaction over something that is disgusting, yeah? And yet there’s nothing to actually exist to correlate with this disgust that they’ve generated as far as anyone can tell.

At least to the pizzagate part of it, yeah.

Right, yes. There is a problem in various organizations including the Catholic church with pedophilia.

Oh, hot tip. Really good podcast called This Is Really Happening I just really got into, and there was one uh, interview episode with a priest who admits that he abused a child, and just how he has dealt with that realization, and trying to come to terms with, like, “I did a bad thing, I have no excuse for it.” And it’s a really compelling, interesting interview. So if you’re ready for that, which I understand not everybody’s going to be, yeah, check it out. It’s real good.

Fascinating. So, then they were talking about the stock market, and how it’s been, just, like going down and up in units of thousands, like, it’s crazy. So they were just kinda wildly speculating about why the cabal would want this volatility.

Yeah, why would they want that?

How are they using this to their advantage? So, of course we start with the foregone conclusion, “They wanted this to happen.” And then we ask, like, “Oh, are they doing massive selloffs and then re-buys or something like that?” So, yep, we didn’t get any answers there, but just so you know, they know the cabal’s behind this.

Kay. So they know there should be a motive, and that’s where the analysis has stopped. Okay.

Mm-hm. Mm-hm. So, now they go back into reviewing other YouTubers, so this is where they talk for a bit about this woman who goes by Salini Teri Apodaca. And, they said, “You know, she’s only got one point seven thousand followers, but,” Dylan says, “Sometimes the YouTube channels with fewer subscribers are more reliable.” [Carrie affirms.] “Because I find,” me being Dylan, “that the more subscribers a channel gets, the more it starts to, I dunno, sell out. Like, their message gets compromised. So, really, us paying attention to these smaller players, you know, we’re gonna get the unadulterated truth. So, Salini Teri Apodaca, she says the coronavirus is not an actual virus, but microwave radiation sickness, and that’s the whole 5G connection. Because microwave radiation can cause a deprivation of oxygen. That’s about as close as we got to napping on the effects of coronavirus, one of which is shallow breathing. Bill gates was evoked quite a bit in this discussion. You know, he’s, of course, behind all this. It’s an effort in eugenics, in forced vaccination, in chips that are gonna be implanted in people. This is gonna lead to FEMA camps and then global depopulation. So that’s the master plan. That’s how all of this is going to play out.

Okay, and why do they want there to be fewer people, do we know?

Um, later on, Dylan mentions the Georgia guidestones.

Not familiar.

We heard about this from David Wilcock. There were these stones that were kind fo placed out of nowhere, and they listed these aims to change the world. And so we don’t know who put them there, let alone whether it was anyone with any authority, but then all of the significance has been read into these proclamations of what they’re gonna do. That wasn’t mentioned in that particular video. That came later. But, that might be one of the reasons why they want to destroy the world. Because they’re bad, they’re the cabal, they’re evil. Speaking of bad, another YouTuber was Phil Goode. He’s a good guy. He’s a Starseed, so they are into the whole Starseed thing as well. So, his message to his listeners was to not focus on fearmongering. And his guides—you know, send his masters his guides, whatever kind of spiritual source he’s tapping into—they’re telling him that this “pandemic”—quote-unquote—is a spiritual purge. He says it doesn’t matter where this came from or who made it. On the 5D level—we talked about this before. So, you know, you have anybody who’s just kind of living life, just sort of focused on the material world, they’re living a 3D existence.

Right. What happens in 4D?

Okay, so 4D. I had to look this up in a different source, but 4D is when you’re starting ot have spiritual connections and revelations, but you’re sort of at this stage where, you know, you’re starting ot sound effect ehow much bigger the world actually is. But if you get lazy, you can just sort of lapse back into the 3D—

The red pill has been offered to you, but you have not decided to take it.

You haven’t fully ingested it, right. But then—

Yeah yeah yeah. You had a big lunch, it’s still metabolising.

You get to 5D—not to be confused with 5G, totally different—you get to 5D and now you’re just living in the spiritual realm, where you are totally open to all of these things. You’re using all of your senses, not just the five.

I’m now picturing how many people must run into us at these conferences, then figure out this show and what we do and say, “Oh, well, they’re in 4G. They’re like, they’re willing to dance with the concepts but they haven’t—”

Oh, interesting. Yeah, that would be nice even to give us 4D status. Maybe we’re just 3D.

Oh, I said 4G. Oh, boy. Um, no, 5G is gonna come up a few times for me too, so let’s quickly explain what it actually is, and you’ll be the better person to do that. What is that? It makes the computer go fast?

So, 5D is a camera from Canon that—

Nope. 5G.

Oh, 5G. Oh, sorry. Essentially, it’s just a different band of radiation. Sure, no need to freak out about the term. It’s a band of electromagnetic fields that we can use to transmit information. So, any information that you’ve ever gotten from a terrestrial TV or radio or wireless router, it’s all sent over the air using EMF. And so, you have to choose—and by you, I mean like, the FCC—you choose which section. Essentially you say, “Okay, you are creating this device. It’s a wireless router in your home. You can transmit on this particular area of the spectrum, and you won’t have to worry about someone’s microwave interrupting your internet signal.” [Carrie affirms.] So all of these bands are very tightly regulated, so every now and then bandwidth opens up. So then they say, “Okay, now we’ll no longer use it for this purpose, but you can use it for this 5G communication.”

Ah. So was someone using the 5G for something else before?

I think so.

So it’s probably already been out there in society.

Probably, but there’s other properties to it. So, for example, the 5G signal can carry a lot more pipe to it. It’s just gonna be a bigger chunk of bandwidth. It’ll be way faster. But, at that wavelength, it can’t travel as far as other wireless technologies that we’ve used. [Carrie affirms.] So, that’s why you need to have a bigger infrastructure of more closely placed antennas. It’s gonna be this building process that has already started throughout the U.S.

That is the clearest explanation I’ve ever gotten. Very good.

Oh, good. Excellent. And it’s all lower energy than visible light, so everyone can just stop freaking out.

Yeah. Everybody write to Ross and tell him how smart he is.

Unless I got that all wrong, in which case write me I’m a doofus.

Write it in a Google document. [Ross laughs.] Okay, so that’s what you think it is, but what it really is is—

—an excuse for us to build all these towers that are gonna control people’s minds. [Carrie affirms.] And they do talk about this later. So, yeah, Phil Goode, his whole thing was just saying that this is a—

Dr. Phil Goode. [Both laugh.]

I didn’t even think about that.

I hope he’s got a PhD.

This man needs a doctorate. He did not look like the kind of guy who would have a doctorate. Not to pre-judge him. Yeah, this is all—it’s a spiritual test, essentially. We’re all being purged of our trauma, and we just need to use this—

Oh, finally.

—uh, spiritual teaching moment. The next YouTuber we learned was Bracha Goldsmith. She’s a Starseed.

Okay. Good for her.

And an astrologer. She has 256,000 followers on YouTube. They didn’t mention that that makes her less reliable.

Oh, right. True.

I guess “they” haven’t gotten to her yet. Uh, but she said that this whole pandemic is just a wake-up call to how we deal with fear.

What is with this? Why is everybody talking about fear as the main problem? I mean—yeah, why?

Well, I would say because they're looking at the result and then working backward. “Hey, look, everyone’s scared right now! Why do they want us scared?”

Yeah, yeah yeah. Okay. Yeah and I wonder if that’s also like a shallow memory, where if you’re not that, you know, if you haven’t had the benefit of a great education that taught you about other pandemics that were in generations before you, all you see is what’s going on around you and not that greater picture.

And you always have to ask, like, you know, history is just so random. You know like, well why not do this earlier? Why do this now? Why when you send the Apollo missions up, why have one fail? You know, why have a shuttle destroyed? Why release low resolution images of certain objects in the solar system and high resolution ones of others? It’s like—it’s all so arbitrary, and you have to work so hard to make a consistent story. Why do that, when you have a simpler explanation? Yeah, it’s Occam’s razor.

It’s—I’m trying to put myself in that headspace, and I feel it has something to do with trust, with like, “I don’t feel safe if I have to trust anybody with any sort of power I don’t have.”

Yeah, I think you’re right. And also, “I don’t like the idea of randomness, I wanna know that someone or something is in control.”

Oh, maybe that too.

It’s funny, it’s almost like, um, it’s this kind of like, Manecean thing they’ve created, where you have like, the good god versus the bad god, which in Christianity has just become God versus the Devil. And the Devil’s just this weird kind of not-quite god, but still very powerful. So they have this good force, and this bad secret force. But also God is somehow involved in all this? How much control does God have? All of that just fascinates me.

And being scared is somehow sinful, but the Bible is very inconsistent about whether we should be completely fearful all the time or not scared at all. There are definite verses that are like, “Fear God! You should have fear all the time, you should be afraid of me!”

Right, you know, the message is always, “We mean a different kind of fear. Where it’s just like awesome respect.” Right. So, Bracha’s big message here was just that “they”, whoever they are, are running a 3D dry run. So in the physical world, they’re doing this dry run of this pandemic, just to gauge how we react to it. Because they’re gonna use that information later for something bigger. They’re not done yet! There’s also Magenta Pixie.

Magenta… Pixie? Oh, that’s a person. Okay, cool.

That’s another YouTuber. She is a galactic channel, so these are not her opinions, she’s just sharing information that—they said that, and I had to stop and think for a second, like, “Wait, they’re not her opinions? Oh, that’s right, you think she actually got them from—okay.” Uh, I’m skeptical. Maybe she did. Maybe she did, uh, channel them from some other galaxy. She had this video that they said was really good, called “Coronavirus Origins and Antidotes”. [Carrie affirms.] So, the way she described Coronavirus was that it is an evolved, mutating construct from an inverted matrix system. Does that help?

[Carrie laughs.] Okay, okay, hold on. Evolved? True. What was the second thing?

“Mutating construct”.

Okay? Yes, okay.

From an “inverted matrix system.”

What does that mean? [They laugh.]

Those are just words, aren’t they?

Yeah—I had a matrix, I sold it last year.

What is it—what are you saying? What does that mean?

And in what space are we trying to invert them? Was there a top or a bottom to begin with?

Get this, though: “It has aspects of 3D, 4D, and 5D”

Oh, shit! Okay so, it has aspects of the normal world that you and I occupy, the, “Uh, maybe there’s something else” world, and then the, “Yes, there is in fact something else” world.

You got it! Yeah. Again, more terminology. “This is a spiritual and biological intention from a blackbox program. And it allows us—”

Like in a plane?

That’s what I thought. “It allows us to preserve the victim/savior templates.”

Okay, I think I almost almost understand that part of it.

I’m glad you do.

So the virus reinforces this idea that we have weaknesses that we need other people to save us from, i.e. medicine.

Right, and that we have a bad guy, and a good guy. Which I think is funny, because here you have these commentators insisting on the good guys and the bad guys who are engineering all of this. And she is saying how all of this is being done to preserve this—

That exact same thought process.

Exactly. They didn’t seem to see any irony there. And uh, also this comes out of this genetic god complex that we have, that we can have complete control over nature. And so, it was scientists going mad and tampering, and that’s what created this thing that got out of hand.

Oh, yeah. “That God complex is just so bad, now let’s go ahead and channel some being from another planet that only talk to me.”

So at this point they kinda go back just, to their personal speculations. And, Dylan says maybe the cabal started it, but now the alliance is using it? Or both at the same time? He’s not quite sure. Because it seems like there’s good things happening, like the ransacking of the Vatican that hasn’t happened yet, and there’s bad things—

But will on 3-0-1-0-10. [Ross laughs.]

Um, so yeah, he wasn’t sure. Also they felt this virus, just by virtue of sending people indoors, it ended protests in China? And that’s what they’re trying to do. Also, the Epoch Times headquarters got burned down? So this was a way to stifle journalism?

Is that true?

So, I had to look this up. It was in November 2019. And if you haven’t heard of the Epoch Times, it’s this horrible publication that just publishes utter rubbish. Kind of right-wing conspiracy stuff.

It is. And it’s like Epoch spelled. E-p-o-c-h.

Oh, right. And uh, Dylan even sarcastically said, “Oh, that’s too bad.” So, I guess he’s no fan of them either. Uh, then they were debating for a long time. “Why was Tom Hanks—”

But they did—sorry, but it did burn down? Oh, wow, okay.

Yes, yes it did. So that was true, and it looked like it was arson, so.

Oh wow, okay. Yeah, don’t do that.

But, unconnected to Coronavirus, because it was November. A month before anybody had detected COVID-19. And then they wanted to speculate on why Tom Hanks was the first to be targeted? Of course that was intentional. And—

And not his wife, Rita Wilson.

Right. Apparently, there was some documentary that they were talking about that he was the target of, so maybe this is why focus is being put on him. And Dylan was saying, “Most of these celebrities have royal ties. They didn’t just make it on their own to their celebrity status! So maybe that plays a role, maybe he’s got some royalty in him.”

Okay, maybe.

Come on, it’s Tom Hanks! He’s so nice! [Carrie wheezes.]

That’s an excellent counterpoint. Rita Wilson, also very nice?

If they’d cut to me in the video, I would have been like, “C’mon! It’s Tom Hanks! Go infect Jack Nicholson or something! Not Tom Hanks!”

Ross. While we all are home, would you please make a two second video of you going “Come oooon”, so people can just edit it into videos. [They both repeat come on repeatedly.]

It’s Tom Hanks! But this culminated in Deep Time saying, “Tom Hanks is fishy as fuck.”

Oh, wow! I want that on a shirt.

It’s Tom Hanks! Come on, dude.

Yeah, actually, I guess I don’t want it on a shirt until he’s well.

But they just thought it was so convenient, like, “Oh, now he can’t come back to the country.” [Ross stutters.]

Why is that convenient. For who?

Exactly! I don’t—

We want him back! He’s Tom Hanks! “Come on!”

He’s a national treasure! [They both go back and forth saying “come on” again.] I just don’t understand any of this. Okay so, this was probably the best point, because it’s where Dylan talks about getting his downloads. And he said, “This morning, I received a download. And I gotta tell you, my downloads have really slowed down.”

He needs 5G. Okay, so, “downloads” is this concept that those in the great beyond give us information directly, and you get it all at once. It’s not like you hear it in your head, or anything, it’s just like, “Suddenly, I have all this information, and I need to share it with the world!”

That was a good download on downloads.

Thank you!

Uh, so he’s been working on this particular piece of information, and he told you I think that all of these diagrams that he’s drawing, he really doesn’t deserve credit for them, because he’s received them from the downloads. So he says that he gets this particular download, usually when he wakes up, just as he’s entering back int consciousness, he gets pieces of… he called it, I think, the “Codex-5 of the Ort-B?” [Carrie laughs.]

Okay, that helps me file it, thank you.

And uh, so this morning he got two pages of downloads. And the second one has to do with Coronavirus, and 5G, and he read them out for us. So, this is gonna be an and remember text, we’ll let him read to you his download about Coronavirus and 5G. We’ll include the whole thing at the end.

Dylan: I’m just gonna read this one through. So, Ort-B, not sure what number it’ll be, but from today, March 11th, 2020. “Why build a 5G network? They are building a regulated version of that which already exists. A second aether that might be monetized. If 4G made manifest an Uber, if 4G can stream audio and video from any point on the interstate system, what will 5G be capable of? Think five senses. Think full immersion. Think Uber for flying saucers. Who will control the 5G? Not Hawaii, and the U.S.A. Why did the Coronavirus target China? Why did it target Wuhan? When was 5G activated in the U.S.A? Why are population centers going into lockdown over a head cold? The time of reckoning is near. Only those who know they are in misalignment have reason to panic. Gamma Q.”


Gamma Q.

Wow, that’s—it’s a lot. It’s a lot. I also enjoy that it plays into this thing that I just watched happen online over and over, which is like, people pointing their fingers at one another and going, “No, you’re panicking!” “No, you’re panicking!” “No, that’s panic! I’m not panicking, you’re panicking!” It’s like, one person’s rational fear is another person’s panic.

And as you noted there are more questions, there, than actual answers.

Yeah! These aliens have, like, one chance to talk to him every morning, and they’re like, “Dylan, what’s up, what’s happening? Can you explain what’s happening, we don’t know!”

“We know just as much as you do!”

Yeah. Which kinda makes sense. Like, they’re on another planet, maybe they are like, “What’s happening? Knock knock knock, guys!”

I get the impression that Dylan is a poet who has been struck by the muse. Usually in the mornings, but not as much lately, and this is how it expresses itself.

Mm-hm. Yeah, it’s wild how much your automatic brain will do without interference from your executive functions if you let it. I think that’s what automatic writing is. Um, I’ve written that way, like, if you just consciously are like, “I’m not gonna think about what I’m writing.” Like, you’ve seen me do it. Yeah, with the gobbledy-gook talking? Yeah.

Yeah, there’s content there, and the brain can just kinda push it out the mouth, and you’re surprised along with the rest of us, hearing what it is.

Also probably Glosallalela has something to do with that as well, the speaking in tongues.

Mm-hm. Related phenomena.

[Vaguely in the tune of “Manah Manah” from Sesame Street.] Phenomenamena. [Ross hums the tune.]

So then they go back into talking about 5G, and they’re saying, “Well, why isn’t Trump stopping 5G?” This is, um, Deep Time, who clearly is a big Trump fan. [Carrie affirms.] And uh, he says, “Maybe it’s not actually 5G, ‘cause Trump would stop it if it was real 5G.”

Ah. What do we do with the fact that we love this guy who’s supposed to be a maverick and outside the system, but now is in control of the system? We make it way more complicated!

The election of Trump, I feel, lays waste to so much conspiracy theory, ‘cause if you really believe that Hilary Clinton had all of the influence and dark power that she did, why did she not actually get—

Become president?

—into office, right. [Carrie affirms.] Trump getting elected upset every expectation of all the conspiracy there is. Okay, now you’ve got your conspiracy theorist in chief, and what good has it done you? What have we learned about aliens? What have we learned about flat Earth? Nothing. And so then they always have to explain away. “Okay, well, he’s gone a little off the rails about this thing, but…”

Right, but this is on its way.

But I feel like it was a solid refutation of every, I don’t know, cynical idea about how all elections are rigged or controlled or the outcome is set, because him being elected broke all of that.

I think also there’s the tendency to explain those things by saying, “Well, here’s how that wasn’t his fault, here’s how these other forces worked—” And that might—in many cases, that’s probably true, but that’s exactly what you want a President to be able to manage. A President is supposed to know, “Oh, we have a country with millions of different opinions, and people fighting over how to attack various problems, and everyone’s got a good idea, and it’s really hard to move forward in a situation like that.” That’s what you’re supposed to be trained to do, prez!

Indeed. Indeed, and you should be capable of thinking outside yourself for half a second. Well, another thing that they debated about 5G is maybe it’s directional, and they’re like, “Oh, yes, it definitely is,” and they kind of talk themselves into that one. Meaning that when they put up all these 5G towers, every 200 yards, they were saying. That sounds about right. You know, they can choose whether to affect you with whatever this tower’s actually supposed to do. You, Carrie, you know, whoever they’re trying to single out. So, this is then, maybe the best part, I think I already said that.

You did, I can’t wait anyway.

Gets even better. So, then they say, “Well, what are your personal recommendations, everybody, for the listener out there? How do you deal with the current times? [Carrie affirms.] So, Deep Time says, “Stock up on ten weeks of stuff.” That’s a Deep Time. “Do what you normally do. Wash your hands. Calm the fuck down. Drink ginger tea.” These were pieces of advice from Deep Time.

Okay. I’m not sure that that is what I would normally do, stock up on ten weeks of stuff, but, okay.

You know, maybe you should be more of a prepper, then.

Okay, touché.

Uh, Veil Removed spoke from the blue screen, and said, “Tune this out. This isn’t even a thing. You’re way more likely to die from hepatitis, pneumonia, meningitis—”

Well, pneumonia, that’s—

Right. An effect of this—

Yeah, that’s how people are dying of it.

“Bacterial infection, staph infections. This is a non-thing. This is not going to harm people. Just eat healthy, take care of yourself, drink lots of water. Make sure it’s alkalized water. Breathe. Breathe well. Take supplements.” Those were all of Veil Removed’s recommendations.

“Breathe well” would be a very uh, ridiculous thing to say to someone with Coronavirus infection.

Right. Then Dylan chimed in, he said, “Well, first of all look at the healing web.” That’s that big graphic he created that we posted on Facebook, that had—it looked like the London underground, one of those diagrams of a subway system. Just even larger. He sells it at the end, he was talking a $25 version of it that you could buy as a wall poster. Yeah, it looks pretty cool. If we had a recording studio, I’d wanna buy that and put it up on the wall. [Carrie affirms.] They had to explain, “Here’s why we sell stuff, and this helps us, but, you know, we’re not selling out.” Anyways, so uh, he said, “You know, I didn’t put it on at the time, because I was a little suspicious of it, but I would recommend colloidal silver.” He’s starting to come around on colloidal silver.

We’ve only talked about it colloidal silver here and there, but it’s an alt-med treatment for, what, everything?

Oh, yeah, it heals all that ails you. It’s a cure-all. He brought up this graphic that he had put together that said—this is a good microcosm of the whole episode, too. “Here’s cold, flu, respiratory, sinus, and Coronavirus. Both causes, and pharmacological solutions, and holistic solutions.”

Okay, here we go.

Alright. So the causes? Flu shot.

Oh no.

Chem trails. [Carrie affirms.] Toxin overload.

Why didn’t any of this happen before?

5G sickness. And biowarfare.So maybe we’re talking about biowarfare. Okay, so, things that you can take that are from doctors or pharmacies.


Acetaminophen. Ibuprofen. Antibiotics. Though, that won’t help you with a virus, but okay.

If you have a concurrent bacterial infection, maybe.

Decongestant. Expectorant, or flu shot. That’s interesting, that’s under the causes?

And the solutions?

Yeah. Uh, but, here we go, here’s the “holistic” ways you can treat this. Immune support. Vitamin-C. Echinacea. Astragalus?

Oh. Not familiar.

Okay, Herbal tea, raw honey, licorice, adaptogens, steam, neti pot, nasal breath aides, eucalyptus oil, Thieves’ Oil...


Have you heard of this before? Okay, I’ll do a little breakout in a second, because I hadn’t either. “Nature. Sunshine. Fresh air. Ozone. Sound healing. An organic diet. Olive leaf, garlic, colloidal silver, exercise, not smoking. Lymph stimulations.” Stimulating your lymph. So uh, yeah, one thing he mentioned there was this Thieves’ Oil.

Yeah, never heard of it.

Young Living’s most popular blend. So he posted this graphic about Thieves’ Oil. It’s based on the legend of thieves who covered themselves with mixtures of herbs and spices before robbing plague victims. So it has clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus, rosemary, coconut oil. And he said the he put it on himself, especially when he was on the plane, travelling to the Conscious Life Expo. Uh, he would put it on a mask, and then wear that over his face when the air started to feel stale inside the plane. Yeah.

Okay. It was good?

Uh, yeah, well he stayed nice and healthy. He even mentioned that at the previous year’s Conscious Life Expo, a lot of people were getting sick. So he said that this year he brought the Thieves’ Oil to help out, and he would, in th hotel room, he would run an ozone purifier.

Oh no! No no no, those are not good.

Yeah and he even said, “Huh, you know, the medical establishment tries to say, like, don’t use that when you’re actually in the room with it. I think they’re just lying to us, I’m skeptical of that.”

Oh, no.

“It oxidizes free radicals, it breaks down the bad stuff in the air, so you should be doing that.”

No, that’s toxic, you don’t want to breathe in a bunch of ozone.

Don’t do it! And then, he also said— [Ross laughs.] Dylan said, “I’m not gonna recommend drinking bleach—”

Great! End of sentence.



“There might be something to it.” [Carrie vehemently repeats her disagreement.] Please, everybody, do not drink bleach. Why would you do that? Don’t do that. It’s bad. It will just tear down your cells.

We’re not even gonna do that for you.

The good with the bad—no, we are definitely not doing that for you. So he said he wouldn’t rule that out. And, um—

Well, he should. [Ross sighs.]

And uh, that was it, they all agreed at the end that we should just focus on living life on our own, to ignore all these tricks that—all these forces that are put out there to delude us, to distract us, to lead us away. Instead, we should just focus on living with a high vibration.

Okay, cool.

And that’s it, that’s what I learned in an hour and seven minutes. And vigorous note-taking.

Well well well. I never knew that. Still don’t. That is a lot. So, here’s where my mind’s at. Um, I do think that because of our work, we do get a little bit of insight into how to talk to people who have a completely, completely different mindset than you. I’m not saying we’re great at it, or we always do it right, we certainly don’t. But, one thing I’ve learned is you can really only fight one battle at a time. So, if you’re listening to this, and you’re thinking, “Oh god, that’s my stepdad.” Or, you know, maybe it’s not to this extreme, but, you know, I know that my cousin thinks that congress is out to get her, or whatever, so you know. She kind of falls into this conspiracy thinking. In times like this, like, don’t try to disabuse her of that whole thought network. You know, I think, just—you can be like, “Hey, I get it, you know? And you’re right, there probably are some people freaking out who shouldn’t be. I bet there is some of that. Listen, though. For me, just for me, even if you think I’m being hysterical, can you do this for me, because it makes me scared that you aren’t self isolating.” You know, I think putting it in those terms is probably the furthest you’re going to get in a time like this. So if you’re—

Yeah. What do you do if they’re taking bleach?

You say, “Listen, I’m doing my whites. And I need all of that.”

“Hand me that now, please.”

You quickly buy a lot of white clothes. Justify your lie.

I picture Catherine Hepburn in The African Queen, she takes all of Humphrey Bogart’s alcohol, and she just starts pouring it out because he’s a horrible raging drunk. So, she just starts emptying out bottles of his alcohol into the river. And I have pictured doing that with the bleach. “Give me your bleach. I know you can use this for real things, but I’m pouring it all out so you can not consume it.” [Ross sighs.]

Yeah, fair. Cool.

Yeah, good advice.

Speaking of, that whole 10-31 becomes 3-10, or whatever, where you’re just doing these crazy things and numbers until you get what you want. I have to recommend to everyone to watch the new Zodiac killer docu-series. [Ross affirms.] It’s on Hulu, it’s from FX, and it’s called The Most Dangerous Animal of All. And, I’m not a deeply true crime-y person. And you’ll watch the first episode, and if you have—if you’re at all like me, you’ll watch the first episode, and you’ll be like, “Okay, I don’t get what the big deal is.” Stick with it, it becomes something very different than you expect, in a really great way. I was actually heartened at the end of it, I was like, “Oh my God, I’m so glad this got greenlit. I’m so glad this got made.”

That’s a good sell.

Yeah, so, I can’t say more than that, because it would give away too much, but you should watch it.

Okay, fascinating. Yeah, it’s interesting how much entertainment revolves around the” murder of the weak” format. [Carrie affirms.] There’s a story consultant named Brian McDonald, and he says that “All storytelling is about survival.” And that’s kind of the filter through which he looks at storytelling. And I always remember that, because I think a lot of the reason that we are interested in stories in general is because we want information that we can use to survive in the world. And so, it seems like murder just gets that right away, like, “How do I avoid getting murdered?”

[Laughs] Netflix, please tell me.

Or conversely, “How do I kill someone and get away with it?”

Oh, true.

Recently, that came up. There was a woman talking about how she used to always watch Unsolved Mysteries with her dad, and it turned out that her dad was a killer.

Oh my god!

And he was watching it to get tips on how to get away with murder.

Oh my god. I think we found it, her name is Carrie Rosson.


That is her name. Carrie Ross-on.

That’s our name. “Oh No! Ross-on Carrie.”

Oh, shit! We should have her on, and ask her to explain that. “Okay, wiseguy!”

Alright. [Both laugh.]

Can I start every interview episode confronting the person and going, “Okay, wiseguy!” Okay, cool.

With your gumshoe, Carrie!

And you just go, [High pitched and loud boston accent] “Come on!”

Come on! It’s Tom Hanks!

Alright, well let me tell you about some stuff.

Alright. What did you find out about Coronavirus, what is it?

Well, speaking of bad explanations for what it is—what, are you still thinking about Rosson Carrie? Yeah. Last night, I joined a phone call with many prophets around the country.


Yeah. So as you know, I am prophetic. I can see the future, God speaks to me. Did you not know that? Did I not tell you about that?

No. You’d think you would have mentioned it, over all this time.

Yeah, you know, I guess it never came up.

So this organization, would you say it is “not for prophet?”

[Strangled sounds of disagreement.] I would say it is indeed “for prophet”.

It’s a “for prophet?”

It is a more than “for”.

Thank you, I’m done here, uh, you can do the rest of the podcast, I think I’ve contributed my part.

Um—oh, no, he’s actually getting up, he’s paying off the joke in real time. He is walking out of my apartm—oh he’s coming back.

[From a distance] Alright, alright.

It’s a joke one can’t commit to. [They laugh.]

You were like, yeah, how far would I get. “He left his laptop, but he did go outside.”

“I’m still narrating.”

“When is he gonna get tired of this?”

So. There’s this woman named Darinee Mederes who we’ve both been getting emails from for a couple years.

Yeah, we do so many things like this, where we sign up for something, and we think about doing an episode based on it, and then, I dunno, feels like half a story. So we kinda wait to do something else with it. And then we end up reading her prophetic emails for three years.

Years and years! And then, eventually we’re at a point where we’re like, “How did we find out about this person? What’s their thing?”

Yeah. I saw she’d written something about Coronavirus, but I didn’t pay a lot of attention.

So, basically what she does is she runs a ministry, mostly online.

Yeah, it used to be called Mysterion?

It still is.

Okay. Maybe it was called something else before then.

Uh, that—oh, yeah, I think it was! And I can’t remember what it was, but you’re right. Basically, her bag is that all Christians have the gift of prophecy, it’s just a matter of whether or not you cultivate and grow that gift. So, she has people join her school, her prophet school—

Yeah, and it sounds something like a Harry Potter school almost. Like a school of mysteries.

Yep. It’s just called the Mysterion Academy.

Oh. Boring.

I must say, her classes are rather cheap. They’re like 21 bucks a pop.

Hey! Yeah, we’ll be back with more about her in the future, then.

Uhh, we’ll see. So, yeah. She talks every monday, she talks to her students, and anyone who wants to call in. She does this big, like, call in code call. Um, you do have to text her at a certain time to ask for the call in codes, there’s like a little bit of, “I’m gonna make this a little too hard for you, if you’re gonna get on it.”

Just to randomly—yeah. I’ve joined a couple of these, and my first takeaway about Renie is that she’s one of those people who’s very much a committed Christian, and Trump supporter, and feels that there is this massive spiritual import to Trump’s legacy, and his role in the White House, and ascending to power, and that God has ordained this. And, I feel like Trump looks at these people with this kind of amusement, like, “Sure, whatever, knock yourself out.” But boy, is she one of them.

Mm-hm. Definitely. Uh, that will play out here for sure. And, just in case anybody’s listening and thinking, “Oh, they’re ripping on Trump.” We really did start with Coronavirus, and he just keeps coming up. It wasn’t an intentional thing, these are the people who are giving alternative views about Coronavirus, so make of that what you will.

The people who trust science, uh, yeah, aren’t in this camp.

Yep. Okay, so, I need to call into this, because I’ve got an email from her, where she said she was gonna be talking about the Coronavirus, and what the Christian response should be. [Ross affirms.] I ended up on this call for two hours and fifteen minutes. It’s very long. And, as far as I could tell, I think all the callers were women, based on names and voices, but I could be wrong. And—

Okay. Did Renie end up dancing at any point?


She loves doing these like, ecstatic dances.

Oh. Well, this was audio only.

Oh, alright, well. And uh, she’s maybe in her, I dunno, forties?

I can’t really tell. There’s like a lot of very, you know, photoshop job photos of her. So I’m not sure.

Good point. Okay, so, over two hours on this call? [Carrie affirms.] Oh, what happened?

Well, I’ll tell ya. So, we got on there, and first there was sort of a set up, “Everybody introduce yourself” kind of thing, but that’s hard to do with forty callers and no way of anybody raising their hands.

Oh. So that was the first hour and forty minutes.

Almost! So. So she was like, “So, everyone say hi, and your name.” And then, of course, there would be like, a pause. And then four people would be like, “Janet! [She speaks in fast gibberish.]” And she kept being like, “One at a time.” [Carrie laughs.]

How did—yeah, you can’t!

Yeah, “One at a time…”

You can’t do that. “I’m gonna give each one of you a number. One. Two. Three. Four.”

Right. Yes. Oh my God. I don’t know why she didn’t understand why it wasn’t working. And she wouldn’t abandon it. She just kept being like, “No no no, one at a time.” Anyway, so everybody’s just saying their name, and what city they’re from, often overlapping each other. And I just thought—I was just like, “Just stop answering. Like, I’m not gonna say Carrie, Los Angeles, because let’s get on with it!” And so this is just happening forever!

It really doesn’t—no one’s gonna remember.

No one’s gonna remember, it doesn’t matter.

No one’s gonna talk again.

[Ross is wheezing with laughter as she speaks.] We’re all calling into, she can look at the list, she can see where people are coming from. It’s fine. We don’t need to do this. But, people just kept doing it. And I think they thought, like, “Okay, I’m getting it over with,” but it’s like, she’s not counting these! Just stop! Anyway. A bunch of people said their names. They were from all over the states, though I will say a very big representation from California. Yeah, hey, what up. So, she says, “Okay. Every week on monday nights, I have something called ‘political intercession’. It’s 9pm Eastern, there’s a 12 dollar administration fee, that’s just to pay for our internet.” Which, girl. You need better internet if you have to pay 12 dollars for a two hour talk. But anyway.

Per person. [Carrie affirms.] Wow, yeah, that’s a lot of money, if it just covers internet.

Yeah, just terrible, isn’t it?

Yeah, then, get some cheaper internet, then you can support charities.

Get that sweet 5G! So, she said, “But tonight is free, and open, because of the circumstances. We’re going to be dealing with some deeper issues, and more private issues.” But she made this free and open? So I don’t understand that. But, so she said, “God speaks to all of us, and everyone on this call has messages from God, so I want to hear what all of you have to say.” Yeah.

Oh hey, okay. Carrie’s like, “Uh oh, what’s my message?”

I know, right? So, I just wanna pause for a second to say, I said that so clearly compared to Renie. I don’t wanna try to convey this in the way it was conveyed to me, because it was so, just like, “One thought here, one thought there, oh, I’m back to A, I’m back to B, okay, wait, A reminds me of Z, but now snaking back to K!” So I’m not gonna do that to you, but just so you know, I’m making this so much clearer. Okay, so she says, “Now is the best time to be alive as a believer in Christ, and we can get people through this. Your influence matters. We need to bring the peace of God to others, and remain in prayer.” Uh, “There’s a lot of theories out there, some make sense, some don’t.” Okay. With you so far. She’s like, “You know, the nation’s in a frenzy.”

Okay. Boy, she checks out.

“But lets hear what God is telling each of us. Us, his prophetic kingdom.” Alright, fine. And then she says, “Now, I especially want to hear from the people who are in my class, there are a lot of people in this call who are in my glass, I wanna hear from you, and if you’re a medical professional, I wanna hear from you.” Okay, I like this, I like this. And she says, “Now, you’re probably thinking, like, how will I discern what’s true? The witness of the holy spirit will tell you what’s true.” Okay. That’s different for everybody. We’re really just talking about a gut feeling, but okay. Um, and then she said, “And some people might say, ‘You’re not giving me enough evidence’. But, when that happens, I just—if there’s something that I don’t have evidence for, I just put it on the shelf to pray about it.”

Oh, the shelf! Our old friend from the Mormon investigations! Brother—I don’t remember what we called him, but he put every tough question on the shelf, so he could answer it later in the great beyond.

Yup. So, that’s what you should do, if there’s not evidence for the thing you want to believe. Okay, so, she says, “You know, we all have to do this, right? We’re all on Facebook, and you see a story, and you’re like, ‘Is that true? I don’t know!’ And—”

Oh, this must have been so hard for you, not to just start giving advice on how to verify information.

When it says “this is a bad source”, believe them. No, that’s probably not a good rule.

Google exact phrases, and find out where the article originated.

Mm-hm, yeah thats’ a good one. So, she said, “And Facebook is built to addict you, and keep you in there, without judiciously looking at the right sources!” [Ross affirms.] That’s true! That is absolutely true. So, you know, “This call is to validate some of the things we’re feeling, but also, to really get clarity about what’s true. And you know, it happens to me, all the time. I post something, and then Facebook tags it as false information, and takes it down. I’m sure this has happened to all of you.”

Not as much as it does to you, Renie.

It has never happened to me. Has it ever happened to you?


Okay. And then, she said, “And then, if there’s enough of those, they can just shut you down! And it’s a type of control, so I don’t even post about this stuff anymore, which is why we have the call.” Okay, so, now—

“So I can infect you all directly with bad information.”

Right. Uh, “Okay, so let’s get down to what’s happening. So, everybody, if you can just share what’s happening in your area, but first say your name and where you’re from.” We just did this! We just! Did this! But now we’re gonna say our names, where we’re from, and what’s happening. And of course, 80% of the stories are like, “Well, I’m in Albuquerque, and everything’s closed, except for pharmacies, doctors, and grocery stores.”

“Thank you, Janice.”

Uh-huh! And then they would go, “Ohh. You know what? It’s the same here, I’m in Minneapolis, and everything is closed, except for doctors, and pharma—” Everybody’s saying the same thing! And I don’t know why we’re doing it! Why are we doing it? We know what’s happening!

Poor Carrie, just like, shaking with irritation. What did you sound like when it came to you?

I didn’t participate in this part. I was like, it’s the same thing.

Sure. Who’s gonna be like, “Wait a second, we heard from 39 people, where’s the 40th one? Who’s being quiet out there?” Wow. And it was all women, right?

As far as I could tell. Based on names, yeah.

Yeah, what, would they like, kick out a guy?

Yeah, I—it wasn’t intentional.

“Get out of here, Steve!”

It wasn’t intentionally all women, from what I could tell. It was just who she had acquired.

Self-selected audience.

Yeah, I guess so. So one person said, “You know, it’s just so scary, like, a lot of companies are shutting down across the country. Even Starbucks!” And people were like, “Starbucks? Starbucks Starbucks? Starbucks?” I don’t know why that was so shocking to people, it’s Starbucks!

Passed it’s way down the telephone line, yeah.

“But that’s a public entity!”

[Whispering] Starbucks...

[Also whispering.] Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks… [In normal voice.] So then, Renie said, “Yeah, no, I get it. And you know, we hear about how they’re developing, like, a vaccine, and I don’t wanna go off on that, I don’t wanna talk about vaccines too much tonight.” And people murmured in agreement. And she says, “But personally, I’m not doing any vaccines, because I know there are people that want those, and that’s fine, but it’s not for me.” And then people were like, [She hums in monotone over and over again.]

[Still whispering.] “ Starbucks, Starbucks, Starbucks. Mm-hm. Mm-hm, mm-hm.. Starbucks Starbucks. Mm-hm, mm-hm.”

And she said, um, “You know, I wasn’t even scared about all this, but now I’m worried about the economy.” So, she’s not worried about the disease itself, just uh...

“But now that my, uh, stocks are sinking, I’m suddenly concerned!”

Right, right. And uh, “Now it feels like we’re in a surreal movie. There was nothing like this before, in my lifetime.” Okay, that’s probably true. And then she says, “And churches aren’t being able to come together with more than ten people! And I mean, I can see the wisdom in that, I told my daughter not to go to a packed concert a few days ago, because she’d be really close with people.” And I think like, “Okay, so you get it! So you get it.”

Yeah, there’s actually a virus that could be caught, and you’re not comfortable knowing your daughter is going to be in proximity to other people. Good. [Carrie affirms.] Let’s hold onto that.

Yeah, let’s cultivate that thought. And then she said, “And fear causes your mind to overreact, and then you speculate.” And like, yeah, uh-huh. [Ross affirms.] That’s—yeah, like, when you start to talk about how, like, the virus isn’t real, and stuff?

Yeah, she’s got some of the pieces there.

Mm-hm! Yep. “Okay, so now we’re going to share the various messages from God that we’ve all gotten.” Because, of course, we are all prophets. So, she’s like, “Okay, I’m going to open the line up,” which, the line has been open this whole time, everyone’s been talking. “I’m gonna open the line up for people to share. One at a time.” [They laugh.] Impossible!

“We have zero cues upon which to understand who is going next, and where we are in your hypothetical line.”

It would have even been more efficient for her to be like, “Anybody who’s name begins with ‘D’ can go ahead.” Yeah.

I’m starting to think that maybe an alphabetical system would be an approximation of what she’s going for.

“If your birthday is next week, you may speak.” [She sighs.] People start sharing—oh, and also, people aren’t muting themselves, so you can hear, like, their blenders—

The dogs barking, and like, “Mommy! I scraped my knee!”

Or j—yeah, loud background hum that interrupts, yep.

That sounds really fun.

Yeah, so she kept being like, “Please mute your line if you’re not speaking, it’s so simple, all you have to do is dial star-six.” [They burst into laughter.] Which I guess is also a way to mute? But I’m like, “Press the fucking mute button!”

Yeah, phones have a mute button!

Yeah, but I guess you could also do star-six. And then she’s like, “And then if you wanna unmute, you just press it again, it’s so simple.” Anyway, um, so— [They laugh.] Linda. I won’t say her actual town she’s from, but Linda in California. She says, “Yeah, right around me, there’s six counties under quarantine for three weeks. You’re not allowed to go out of your house, unless you work for the police.” This can’t possibly be right. So, in real time I look up the city she’s in, and it’s just like, here, they’re like, “Hey, you probably shouldn’t hang out in large groups, please stay home for the good of the city, stay home.” But there’s nothing about like, you know, you going to prison if you go outside. There’s no specific consequence.

Right. Only in her mind.

Yep. And then she said, “I know someone with a child at Stanford, and Stanford students are not allowed to do anything but go and get food. It’s prison.” Like, lady.

Prison. [Ross sighs.]

You don’t have a very good concept of what prison is, if you think it’s like, “I’m staying at my dorm, I get to go to the dining hall, I bring it back, but I’m not allowed to stay in the dining hall.”

My goodness. This reminds me of my very right-wing cousin, who doesn’t believe in the curvature of the Earth, and all those things. And she was on a kick for a long time where she would constantly talk about how we live in slavery.

Oh, no!

And, she’s got like, a three-story house, and she lives with all of her family in Idaho, and, you know, things are going well. She has multiple businesses, it’s like, “Stop it. Stop calling yourself a slave. That’s so offensive.”

Aw man. Yeah. Yup. Jesus. So, Stanford students aren’t allowed to do anything but get food, and it’s prison. Um, oh yeah, and “There are guards enforcing it,” and I’m picturing, like, these college security officers being like, you know, [In a goofy voice] “Move along! You need to go back to the dorms.” [Ross affirms.] All in this call, people are going, “Oh my God. Oh my God!”

She thinks it’s some kind of Stanford prison experiment. [Carrie laughs.]

Which is also a bullshit thing. I did look it up, there was a Mercury news report about what’s happening in Stanford. It said—and this is just from yesterday: “The university had changed its rules for campus dining halls to comply with county limits on gatherings. Students won’t be allowed to eat at the cafeterias, and will receive pre-filled to-go meals they may take outside, or back to their dorms.” Like prison! [They laugh.] So then, someone else is like, “I know, I know! I’m in California, too. California is very corrupt, there’s so much control, we need pro teams all over the state, we need the glory of God to fall on California.”

I mean, there are a lot of people right now who are really suffering in very real ways. I don’t think any of them are on this call.

Eh, maybe some of them are.

Well, at least not from what I’m hearing so far.

Yeah. Probably not of Coronavirus, illness. But, who knows. Okay, then, we get Marla. She’s from Oregon. She sounds very worried. Uh, she spoke to someone today who’s in the corps reserves, that just called into duty, and he said to expect partial martial law within sixty hours.

I just like partial-martial law. [Carrie laughs.]

And she said, “Yeah, expect that within 60 hours, but don’t be afraid.” Okay. So then Renie said, “Okay, can you explain that? What is partial martial law?”

Other than fun to say.

Yeah. And she said, “Well I did Google it. It’s when the government picks elements of martial law to implement.” Which, martial law is already the government picking what to implement? That’s kind of the whole idea. I don’t know, we just have to wait sixty hours to pass to see if that’s true, yeah.

We’ll find out very soon, exactly what happened, right.

This is roughly 27 hours later as we’re recording this, so. We’ll let you guys know if she was right. To prop up her claim, she said, “And this person, like, I’m not gonna say his name, but the guy who told me that is a member of the Republican party. And he is a respected citizen. And someone else said they heard it too.”

Well, that’s enough for me.

Oh, okay. And then, Marla also said, um. “And I have a friend whose grandson—his friend’s father is a CIA agent. My friend’s grandson’s friend’s father is a CIA agent. And they saw a text that came through last night on his phone that verified it.” [Ross affirms.] Okay! Problem solved. Okay, so then Gilda pipes up. She has a son who’s a police officer. And he was given instructions to be on 24 hour alert for emergency calls, and if they call him, he has to go in.

Yes. That’s how that works.

Yeah. You knew when your son was becoming a police officer that this was part of the thing, right? Um—

“I can’t believe he’s a police officer, and he has to go when they want him to.”

“When he’s on call!” Um, okay, then we hear from Kita, from Washington state. Kita would talk a lot on this call. So she says, “Okay, the governer in our state put out a statement an hour ago that no more than ten people can meet! No gyms, no meeting places, no seated dining. Um, but pharmacies and grocery stores are open. If you meet with nine people, you just go to jail.” [Carrie laughs.]

Mm-hm. No. No, not true.

Also, wait, hang on—

That would directly violate, uh, freedom of assembly.

True. And also, so groups go to jail, but in prison, you’re separated and sent to your individual dorm rooms? I need to know more about this system. Okay, so she went to a grocery store that day, and she was like, “And actually, it wasn’t too bad! But the shelves weren’t full. And this is socialism 101, people want socialism? Well here it is, babe! Welcome to seeing what that’s gonna look like!”

How did we make socialism the boogeyman, here?

I don’t even know. I think she was trying to say there are examples of socialist states—

Bread lines famously were—there’s not enough for everybody.

And so, if that’s what you want, this is how it’s gonna end up. But like, this isn’t a great example, no even quasi-socialist policies got us here.

Right, it was just a panic, and everybody on their own went, and it was a tragedy of the commons.

Right. Yep. We get it, why doesn’t she get it?

Let’s call her back! [Carrie laughs.] Kita.

Someone else was like, “Oh, you know, Canada isn’t letting anyone cross the border, and we should be doing the same.” Yeah, and then Kita pipes back in, “Yeah, and isn’t it funny that Trump was poo-pooed for being a nationalist like a month ago? And now all these countries are taking nationalist stances. They’re taking care of their own.” [Ross affirms, bemused.] Just controlling the flow of a sudden onset of germs. That’s what that is.

Um, makes sense, on some level. Doesn’t extrapolate to other situations.

Right? I mean it’s also, like—It’s not this thought of, “We can only take care of our people,” It’s like, “Stay as many doors as we can close so people aren’t sharing this virus.” You know, and what is a border?

Right, right. Which includes traffic between other countries, yeah.

Okay. Then uh, we get Val. She’s in Wisconsin, and she’s like, “Yeah, the grocery stores are open, but the library is closing.” And she said, “But there’s some good news. The schools are still serving lunches, even when the teachers won’t be there to teach. They’re still feeding the kids. And everyone thinks that’s nice!” And they’re like, “Oh, that’s so good.” And I’m thinking, like, “You were just talking about how socialism— [She stammers.] [Ross affirms.] This is where I started to get that feeling of, like, “Oh, okay. The only thing that’s not allowed in this room is the mainstream explanation. Everything else, we’re just gonna pretend that it all makes sense, and it all fits together.” But my brain won’t do that, so I keep trying to, like, match up these things that do not match at all, and give a coherent narrative to this noncoherent thing.

I feel like I need to say—because I kind of castigated the right, here, and said that they were the province of people speaking these alternative things. I did just look up Miriam Williamson has a couple talks about Coronavirus, and I haven’t listened to them in completion yet, but, apparently, Miriam Williamson released a bizarre prayer/meditation on video, blessing people’s nether regions in response to the COVID-19 situation.

I saw that. Well, I saw her response to it on Twitter, where she basically said, “That’s not what I was saying, but I think it’s very funny that that’s how people took it.” So, I dunno.

Okay, alright, well. We’ll give it a listen. But, just to say, maybe not all the bad ideas are solely from the right.

Of course. Absolutely. Aw man, some of these things used to be more on the left, things like GMO and vaccine fears used to be very leftist issues.

—And fear of vaccines. Absolutely. And still is.

I thought that too, and then Drew corrected me, and I looked it up, and it’s pretty even, now.

Okay. But it’s still present on the left.

Oh, yes, yes.

You still have, like, Bill Maher saying very irresponsible things about vaccines.

Totally. Okay, now let’s get down to our bread and butter. Everybody share their visions! [Ross responds emphatically.] So, not everybody was saying their name during this part. Some people were. So, one person says, “Okay, I just know that we have to not be afraid. It’s gonna get worse before it gets better, but I can see the God of Libya closing things down. The Devil might mean this for evil, but God’s working it out.”

I’m sorry, the God of Libya?

Yeah, so I—I said the same thing in my head. “The God of Libya? What does that mean?”

Yeah, shouldn’t that be the god of all? You believe in one god, right?

Right. Apparently, there’s like a possible ceasefire in Libya. Because the government was like, “Hey, guys. Can you pause it on the fighting, because we need to control—COVID-19 isn’t here yet, and we wanna control that situation.” And there may be a ceasefire, they may have just agreed to not fight for a while.

Hey, cool. I’ll take it.

Yeah! If I understood this New York Times article correctly. Yeah, so she’s like, “So, God has control, keep going, don’t be afraid.” Okay. I’m gonna give that vision a C+, but okay. [Ross chuckles.] Next person. Hits it out of the park. Says, “Well, I saw a vision of a guy who looked like Stucco.”

[Laughs.] A guy who looked like Stucco? I like it already.

And then she starts explaining what Stucco is, which, everybody’s like, [She makes noises of unease.]

I’m betting not everybody knows what Stucco is.

She’s like, “It’s that stuff that’s like, on the wall, and it’s like kinda, it kinda looks like cottage cheese, but it’s hard.”

It’s like, textured concrete.

And she says, “And this Stucco guy swallowed the virus up. He just swallowed the virus up, and I immediately got up, and I began praying.” And everyone’s like, “Oh, mm-hm.” Clap clap clap clap clap. [They laugh.]

Does this give us any assurance of—what’s—

No, it doesn’t tell us anything.

—of how the virus will eventually go away? Do we wait for the Stucco Man? [They continue laughing.] Don’t fear, the Stucco Man will eventually be here to swallow the virus! But, do we still, like, huddle in our houses, for now?

Right. Right. Yeah, I don’t know the lesson of that one—

Does he come after Jesus? Because we’ve been waiting for him for a long time. I love the Stucco Man. I’m sorry, I’m stuck on this.

No, it’s a really good one. Um. Drew was listening to that with me, we were eating dinner and I put it on, put my side on mute, and then put it on speakerphone.

Did you hit star-six to do that?

No, I just pushed the mute button.

Oh, that’s even easier!

And I put it on the table between us, and we were eating quietly, and I just enter him into this mess of a call right as the person is like, “Well, I saw a Stucco man.”

But this is so, like, biblical prophecy, which I’m sure they read all the time, you know, like, “I saw a cow, and the cow withered away, and another cow rose in its place. And that cow had horns that were mighty and red of fire.”

And we were like, “I gotta write this down, so 2000 years later we can still talk about it.”

“And its eyes were blue, like lapis lazuli.” Lemme throw in some weird words.

Totally. So, next person said, “Well, first of all I just gotta say the Taco Bell is closing its drive-thru. Can you believe that?”

I mean, that sucks for her. How are you gonna get your soft taco supreme?

I can believe that. Okay, “Anyway, about my vision. So I—” [They both start laughing.] “I had a vision of Coronavirus falling on my skin, and then burning up. And I just knew that God won’t let this come near us. Even the dump is closed, but my bible study is meeting tomorrow, and there are seven of us, and we’re gonna meet, because we don’t wanna just give in to fear.” What, what what?

There’s always this—always this terrible first inclination that when people say things like that—like, “I know its not gonna affect me.” Where like, for a second, I just want them to get infected. Like, “Well, you kind of called it upon yourself, and I wanna see you humbled by it.” Then I think, no, of course I don’t.

Oh, yeah, of course you don’t. I think part of it is schadenfreude, but like, I think part of it’s also, like, “Well, that is the thing that makes people finally get it. So like, if you could get that, and that then well…”

That increases your odds, because you’re gonna put yourself in situations where you do get it.

Right. Yeah. Oh, yeah, I just realized when I said “That’s what makes people get it,” I meant understand it. But, also, get it.

Right. I get it.

So that same woman, in passing, she called Coronavirus a germ. Which is a fine term for it, yeah, it’s kind of a catch-all term for, like, any pathogen.

It’s like saying a bug, and like, well, technically it’s an arachnid.

Right, exactly. So it’s fine to call it a germ. The next person, Veronica, who would also talk a lot. She pipes in, and she’s like, “I just wanna say, the lady before me called it a ‘germ’. Did you hear that? A ‘germ’. And I saw a video of Nancy Pelosi also calling it a germ, and it’s like one of those, oh, what’s it called, a slip, or like, you say the thing that you meant, but you didn’t mean to say it, you were like, thinking of it—”

A Freudian slip.

So yeah, I like, unmute myself with the mute button, and I said, “A Freudian slip,” and she’s like, “Yes! Exactly! That’s what I believe it is. It is a germ, it’s not the way the media’s putting it out, they are in everything. You know, they try to make pandemonium, but I’m gonna be surprised if it does turn out to be a germ.” [Ross and Carrie snicker.]

Okay. Where do you start with that?

I—What? I know! I was thinking, like, “Does she not know a virus is a germ?” Or...? Yeah, she thinks it’s like a bacteria, maybe?

She has a very specific idea in her mind of what a germ is. Or maybe she’s given a certain threat-level that the word “germ” can encompass. [Carrie affirms.] And she’s like “Oh, that’s lower than what we’re all talking about. But in my mind, germs aren’t all that bad of a thing, they’re pretty manageable. I have some wipes over here that kill 99.9% of germs.”

Oh, right, maybe it’s something like that.

It’s something like that going on in her head.

So she says, “God doesn’t cause destruction.” Which. Have you read the Bible, lady?

Yeah, right?!

There’s like, a whole, very big story about that with Noah. Remember that whole ark thing?

Right! Killed almost all of humanity minus a handful of people.

And two giraffes. The giraffes are always in the painting.

Yeah, like, Saul got cast out as King of Israel because he refused to thoroughly kill a city as God had instructed him to? Okay. Anyways, continue.

A real meany-pants. Anyway, “God’s doing this to wake his body up.” Which, I picture God like, shaking his foot, his foot falls asleep. Um—

Wait, God has either allowed or sent this Coronavirus to “wake his body up?”

Yeah, meaning, us. The church.

Why can’t he do it some other way?

Right? Also, I think, your brain is starting to do the thing my brain’s been doing the whole time, which is like, “So it is a—or it’s not—it’s not a virus? It is a virus? Or? Is it good, or is it bad? Is it bad, or is it good? It’s bad. No, it’s good? God’s using it, so it’s—wait—no—yeah.” [She stammers for a while.]

Is this a cabal? Or is this the alliance? I dunno.

Does it matter? Does it matter to you? It matters to me.

Is it God, or is it Satan?

Right but, uh, this is—okay, so you’re probably wondering, “Why does God want to do that?” Let’s assume that whatever it is God intended it, why does he want it?

Please, tell me.

I have the answer. Or, more specifically, Veronica has the answer. It’s because God wants us to sit down with the pages of the Bible, “Not with electronics! God’s original design was to not have the internet!”

Oh. Okay, which you’re now using for this call. Or I guess, a lot of people are on telephones, but. Wait. Why aren’t we supposed to have the internet—So, Coronavirus is here to take down the internet so we learn to go back to living with nature?

Nope! So that we go back to reading the Bible in book form.

Oh, okay. None of these, like, stupid apps that were trying to...

Right. Also, Coronavirus has done absolutely nothing to the internet?

Right, yeah, the internet is still going strong, thankfully. We can still work from home, even though we’re putting a lot of strain on the internet—I have so many questions. Um.

But you don’t know what they are?

Like, first of all, alright, let’s say I’m God, and I want people to read the physical Bible. I could, maybe, write it in the sky? I could rearrange stars to say, “Read the freaking Bible.”

“But in book form!”

“Comma, but in book form.” There’s enough stars, I can form a full sentence with a clause.

Yeah, for sure. Um, okay, so, we should allow God to use this shutdown, because Trump is—Trump’s allowing God to use this shutdown. And you’re probably wondering how.

He certainly never acknowledges god, or seems to know anything about him.

Mm-hm. Except to say things like, “I’m actually very religious, okay?” So, Trump is using this situation to shut the country down, and begin a mass arrest of… [Prolonged like a soccer announcer] the pedophiles!

Oh, hey! Okay, well, thank goodness, both of these groups agree that finally we’re gonna get rid of the pedophiles. [Carrie affirms.] All it took was just getting everybody massively sick and scared.

Right, and killing a bunch of people. And, she clarified, by pedophiles, she meant the Hollywood stars. [Ross affirms.] So, I guess, every famous person. Oh, no wonder, Tom Hanks.

Oh, come on. Come on! It’s Tom Hanks! Come on!

What was the thing I was supposed to say?

He’s a gentleman!

“Okay, wiseguy!” [Ross and Carrie giggle.]

All Hollywood stars—which makes me think she’s picturing somehow, that, before you work on your first major film, you have to go through some ritual.

Ugh, god. Yeah, I guess. Or like, those are just the only people who are elevated, people who already had those desires and were—? I don’t know. Yeah. Cart before the horse, but the cart and the horse are both ridiculous. [Ross affirms.] Okay, so, anyway, Veronica is really, like, overstaying her welcome with her little monologue, and Renie is like, kinda trying to—she’s going like, “Okay, okay—” you know, trying to wrap it up? And, Veronica is like, “Okay, I just have one last thing to say. I got a call on my phone, and I sent it to you, Renie, I sent it to you on Facebook, did you get it? Did you get it?” Renie’s like, “Yes, Veronica, I got it, I haven’t listened yet.” You could tell, oh, this happens a lot.

One of those people, “She messages me all the time.” [Carrie affirms.] “I wish she wasn’t in this call right now.”

Veronica’s like, “It was an anonymous call, it was from someone who knew about the pedophile thing, they knew what was gonna happen—” Who knows, who was prank calling Veronica. And uh, and Renie’s like, “Yeah, I haven’t listened to it yet, but I know what you’re talking about with Q and the pedophiles.” She says, “It wasn’t Q! It wasn’t Q—” “I’m not saying Q called you, I’m saying I understand, I know—I understand the thing, I’ll listen.’

This isn’t necessarily a “Q-tip”. [Carrie laughs.]

So, finally, Veronica’s like, “Okay, just—you promise you’ll listen?” “Yes, I will listen.” Okay, okay. So then—

Let’s have this with, what is it, 40 other people?

Yeah, something like that. Okay, so then, Renie says, “Okay, I’m just gonna uh, pull back a second here, and I just wanna read off some things that I’ve read or heard, and some of them I don’t quite understand, and I’m hoping that you guys will help me understand and see if this resonates with you and your visions. So the first is that, ‘It can’t be a virus, right? I mean, it can’t! Because I was watching the TV, and there was a video of this woman eating a bat. And they were like, that’s how it got to humanity! Someone ate a bat!’ And I just got that feeling, I got that feeling in my stomach, like, that’s propaganda, that’s what they want us to believe.” Okay.

Hmm. That’s a feeling.

Yeah, that is a feeling. And then, she said, “And a virus can’t be transmitted that way.” And she didn’t explain why. And then she said, “And then another thing I heard was that viruses are actually good for you, because they clean out toxins. The common cold cleans out bacteria in your body, and the government doesn’t want us to get viruses, because they’re good for us. And that’s the reason for this big push for vaccines.”

Woah. That’s topsy-turvy, okay. Wow.

Yeah, right? So, I’m writing real quick, “Okay, viruses are bad—no they’re good, but vaccines are bad, because they think— [She stammers for a while.] Short circuiting!”

So that means that all of the flu symptoms—yeah, all of the flu symptoms, and the being incapacitate and low on energy, and feverish, sweating, all of that is good and supposed to happen?

I guess? And—

Except for the people who die from it?

Right, it gets out all the bacteria. So there you go. Um—

Does that apply to all viruses? What about HIV?

I was just thinking the same thing. I don’t know. I guess.

What about measles? What about rubella? What about mumps?

They’re good for you, these are all good—although I’m sure these all have special exceptions, you know, “Well, mumps isn’t really a virus, that’s, you know, that’s the disease you get from—”

But it really does make you wanna unpack that right there, like, “Okay, exhibit A. Explain this one.”

“Uh, that one’s GMOs.” So, she said, “So, it must have to do with the 5G network.”

Of course! The boogeyman!

So she says, “5G was instituted in China, and it was on that princess cruise where they had the outbreak.” And I love this quote, “And I am very particular about conspiracy theories.” [They both make “Psh” noises.] “But I listen to this one. And it was very compelling.”

Particular. She’s like so discriminating she’s a connoisseur of conspiracy theories. Swill this one, don’t like it, spit it out.

“And there was a video on Facebook that had 5 million views, and yet it was flagged and removed. It was all about that.”

Probably a good thing.

Okay, so then someone else jumps in, and she says, “Yeah, you know, the people who are doing this, they’re very smart people in the government. And maybe they’re giving the virus to these animals, and then re-selling the animals so we get it.”

Why? Why go to that much trouble?

Right! And we just established viruses are good! Are they good! Are they bad! Are they real! Are they 5G! What! Are they! How can we all be in agreement right now?! You’re all saying “Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!”

But this one isn’t a virus? Aah! What is it then! How does it transmit, and why did you have to put it in the animal first and get someone to eat the animal? Why not just grab Claude off the street and inject him with it?

So true, poor Claude. But then, Renie says, “Yeah, that makes sense to me!” And I’m like, “What! You just—you just said!” Um, she said, “Because you can’t get a virus. You just can’t, unless injected from a vaccine.” Wait. Wait. Okay, A: Virus. Vaccines do not cause viruses. B: You just said viruses are good! Should I get vaccines now? [Ross laughs.] So—

Wait, they’re trying to keep us from having viruses, but they only way you can get a virus is from them injecting it in you. Okay, alright, yep. Yeah, I get it now.

But also, it’s 5G. [Ross wheezes.] So, so then—

This is why science education is so important. [Carrie affirms.] Because they’re just shooting in the dark with words that are loosely associated with feelings, and that’s all they’re banding about.

It’s a hypothesis generator with none of the subsequent steps.

“And I don’t wanna bounce this off of any sources, other than just getting your feedback, all of you. What have you seen in your visions?”

“Let’s all check our intuition.” Your intuition is pretty good, if you’ve encountered a lot of that specific subject matter, but if you haven’t, it’s worthless.

Let’s get 40 people on a call who have zero experience with this. Except for Carrie.

Barely! I mean, compared to these people I guess, quite a bit. Okay, so then Renie’s like, “And just to be clear, I’m not getting a vaccine.” Like, yeah, we get it, Renie. And then there’s this chorus of, “No, no, me neither, mm, no way, uh-uh-uh.” She says, “Chemicals and vaccines are—they’re a danger for our body, and if you’re young, you don’t have a lot of toxic buildup. But we eat a lot of chemicals, and that’s what makes us susceptible to the virus, and why old people are more susceptible. All their toxins are built up.” Again, I just made that 20 times clearer than she said it, but that was the idea. Okay, so wait, you’re old, yo uget susceptible to the virus, but wait, don’t worry! Viruses are good! Right? Wait, no, they’re 5G. So—So then she says. “You know what, I think actually, it’s probably a push for population control.” So how does that work? Viruses are good for you, but also 5G, but also bad.

They wanna kill people off, this is tied to that whole Georgia guidestones, and these other conspiracy theories, but just expressing themselves through this, uh, Christian element. Um, yeah, boy, well—

I still don’t even know if vaccines are good or bad for me.

Our consistency circuits are just on overload. And I so often see this as, just, a failure to hold multiple things in one’s head at the same time. So, especially if you’re being guided just by these sensations and feelings, as long as that is preserved, this feeling of the “other”, and “them”, and “control and danger”, and the overarching narrative, then it doesn’t matter, and you can kind of flip from one little thing to the other without ever having to keep them all within your worldview at the same time, and make sure that they’re consistent with one another.

Right. This is like, sort of the first step of science, right? If we come up with one idea, we find out that’s wrong, like, astrology. Like maybe this is the explanation for human behavior. Oh, we found out that’s w rong. And everybody does go, like, “Okay, well maybe it’s this, I don’t know, maybe it’s this, maybe it’s this, maybe it’s this.” But that’s step one. [Ross affirms] Then you test all the damn things.

Yes, and then you remember what happened in that test. [They laugh.]

You write it down. Okay, wiseguy.

You even publish the negative study, sometimes.

You should all the time.

And I guess, really, that’s the endeavor of science. It’s just the ultimate consistency seeking mechanism. [Carrie agrees.] Trying to get to a worldwide collective knowledge of how the world works.

Yep, so, just ripping through a few more visions. Someone named Paxton had seen a vision that the Coronavirus was manmade in a lab, um—

Bill Paxton?

Yeah, I know, he’s back. And Renie agreed with that.Okay, it’s made in a lab, now. You thought it was 5G—Okay, I don’t understand. So then, Veronica’s back, thank God, Veronica’s like, “Listen, Trump’s wall is going to make the 5G safe. We don’t need to worry about this, there’s a mechanism in the wall, it’s built into it.”

[Quietly] What? Oh, God, what?

It’s built into it. “It de-clogs the 5G, it’s not gonna hurt us, it’s fine, okay? And listen. You can’t put total trust in a man, but I believe this man has a heart for the people.” We’re still talking about Trump. And then she says—

He doesn’t!

He doesn’t, but that’s even the least crazy thing they’ve said. And she says, “And my pastor has Donald Trump’s cell phone number. And he called Trump directly, and he asked for a national day of prayer, and that’s why Trump held one! He listens to the people.” And I’m like, “Oh, okay, your pastor is a liar.” [They both laugh.]

Yeah, something got lost in translation, there. [He makes a disgusted noise.]

Okay, now Renie needs to tell us about her visions. So, she had a vision of Trump being the beloved father of our nation, she saw future generations praising him as a forefather, which, why? He wasn’t there at the beginning. That’s the definition.

Well, with the way out memory of, just, American history has been affected by this presidency, I wouldn’t be surprised. In kind of an Idiocracy kind of situation, they’re like, “Donald Trump is one of the founding fathers of our nation.” [Carrie affirms.] Like, remember that speech where he conflated, like, the war of 1812, and somehow put airports in the revolutionary war? They did what they had to do—ugh, don’t get me started.

Okay, so then, at this point, she‘s like, kind of shouting? So she’s saying a lot of stuff, and she sounds angry? I dunno, but she’s like, “God’s not gonna let us down at this time! Just tap into His heart much more than ever, we’re not going down with them!”

Who’s “them?”

[Carrie makes a kind of “Yikes” noise.] I think she means the people who have the virus and get sick? Which I still don’t know how you get it. Or if it’s bad.

And, if God is in control, why is all this happening anyway? [Carrie agrees.] Why are we getting all this dangerous 5G? Why do we have the virus? Either it’s part of God’s plan, and just going according to plan, or God can prevent it, and should be.

Right, or it’s a test of our faith, or—which also, just like, why? I mean like, I don’t put Drew through tests of his love. You know?

Right! That would be very petty. And defeat the purpose of that love. Because then you’d be less worthy of it.

And, that’s like, what we tell people about abusive boyfriends. “Well, you shouldn’t have to, like, prove to him that you’re not cheating on him.”

Right. Right.

So yeah, there's just so much talk of not being afraid, the fear is the real thing, that’s the problem. And then she started praying for exposure? She kept saying, like, “I just want more exposure, God, give us more exposure.” And I thought she meant exposure to the virus, and I was like, “Eugh...!”

That’s a weird use of the word exposure.

Yeah. Finally, I think I understood that she was saying, like—

For the message to get out?

Yeah, like, exposure to the gospel, and exposure to whatever caused this. So the way we’d use disclosure in the UFO movement. [Ross affirms.] Like, “Expose the real underlying current, here.” I think that’s what she was saying, here, but poor choice of words.

And careful, if you have too much exposure, you’ll get too famous, and you might be a pedophile.

True, and then you get too many subscribers on Youtube, and you’re no longer a good source.

Hoo! Diminishing returns.

So then there’s a bunch of praying, she prays that God reveals the truth about animals, vaccination, injection, and EMFs. Literally, that was in one breath. Um, she commands uh, Coronavirus to dissipate and stop.



Welp, they’re in there.

Yep! And then people started praying, and like, mumbling and talking over one another. And since I’ve never been on this call, I thought maybe this was the style of the prayer? You know, in some really charismatic churches, everyone’s kind of shouting and saying amen, and stuff. So, one person would be saying, like, “Oh, God, please just bring truth on this nation.” While simultaneously someone’s saying, “Let the deaths actually be life.” Just a bunch of like, [babbling.] It was very creepy. And then—

I kinda wanna hear that!

Yeah, it was [?*]. And then Renie just, peels through and goes, “Let’s pray one at a time.”

Oh, no! We still haven’t learned!

“Let’s pray one at a time so we can hear and agree!”

“We have no visual cues! No way to line up one at a time!”

What? Yeah! So then, Renie start’s praying, back to her. And she says, “And I just wanna say? I just wanna pray to stop abortion, which I know is a big thing.”

Alright. It’s a big thing.

Then somehow, I won’t make you go through it, but somehow, she just starts getting people to share again. Their visions. And it is like, listening to someone’s dreams, so the visions are getting less and less interesting, there are things like, “You know, I met...”

Well, since you’re pulling it out of—I wasn’t gonna say it, but. I actually did have a dream where I had a shopping bag, and I was in the desert, for some reason...

“And the handle of the shopping bag was not a normal one? It was like more wire?

“And I kept pulling out like, eggplants from under the sand!”

“Which is funny, because I’m allergic to eggplants.”

In the vision, yes, right.

“And my mom was there, but it didn’t look like my mom, but like, I knew it was my mom?”

“But a tree grew out of the desert, but it was still my mom, but it’s also a tree? Does that make sense?”

“And also, overlying all of this was just, like, a sense of fear. So anyway—”

“Now I’m in the backseat of a car, and I’m not sure, I’m also still in the desert, but it’s the backseat of the car. Anyways.”

Yeah, it was like that. Um, so people were just telling us their boring-ass visions, and one was like—it was like, “I went to my friend Richard, he’s an architect, and I tried to get blueprints from him, and he had to the go to the back of his office, and he had to get the blueprints for me, and he brought them out, and they were blueprints from a mall. Uh, the bottom of the mall, there were all these stores. And then the very end of the blueprints, it said ‘Trump’s Steps’, and I took that to mean Trump wants us to be in the church. And then, up on the top there was something called ‘Joseph’s space’, and I realized, oh my God, Trump is Joseph, when we talk about Joseph in the bible, that is Trump’s role.” What? What? Are you saying? I can’t—I don’t know?

Wait, and, do Trump’s steps, do they go down, or do they go up?

They’re actually the only ascending steps. Yeah, wild, right?

Oh, interesting. That is fascinating. Gene Scott callback, everybody.

Yeah, so—so then, somehow, someone else got something out of that, and was like, “Oh my God, that’s amazing! Because—” [Ross wheezes, Carrie snickers.] This is an actual quote: “Because, speaking of Joseph, my dad’s name is Richard.” [They both laugh.] She tells us about her dad, Richard, giving her a coat that had many colors on it. So it reminded her of Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors.

The was she introduced that was, “Speaking of Joseph, my dad’s name is Richard.”

That’s right. And, so Richard gave her this coat that had lots of colors on it, very colorful, it reminded her of Josephs many colors, she’s had it for years. And just yesterday, as she was praying, she put the coat on, and now she realizes that was God telling her that Trump is Joseph, just like God told the first woman that Trump was Joseph by sending her the dream about the blueprints! Okay, so finally, finally, Ross, there’s so much of this, I am going through so many notes, and sparing you all—

I simultaneously feel sorry for you that you had to go through this, but I’m also a little jealous. Like, certain moments here sound very, very interesting.

Yeah, you should join, it’s only twelve dollars to pay for the internet. So she’s finally starting to use wrap-up voice, right? “Okay, wow, this has been really interesting, blah blah blah,” and I’m like, “Okay, here’s my one chance.” Okay, so I take myself off mute, which was just a one-click thing, and I said, “Renie, this is my first time on a call, could I ask a question?” She’s like, “Oh, sure.” And I said, “Okay, so, how do I kind of codify all these different theories into one thing? Because, like, they seem to contradict, right? Like, I’m hearing it’s a virus, but it’s also 5G, but also viruses are good for us, and they clean us out, but also they’re developed in a lab to hurt us, but also it’s in our heads, and we shouldn’t be scared. And I guess I’m trying to figure out, like, if you can speak to discernment. Like, how do I decide which of these are true?”

And Renie and everyone in the room is thinking, “I don’t like the cut of her jib.”

Oh my God, there was an audible: [She sucks air through her teeth.] —from someone on the line. I don’t know who, that person did not say.

But an intake of air—

“This is Brenda in Wisconsin.” [She sucks air through her teeth.] But yeah, that? And then—and someone else, like, laughed uncomfortably. And then uh, Renie, and she sounded pissed, she was like, “Well, it doesn’t matter. Follow your peace. You have to listen to the inner peace inside of you. Listen, I’m a community leader, but I can’t get stuck in all these different things, like figuring out if every little thing is true. Uh, you just have to learn to follow your peace if you’re going to survive during this time. Do what’s best for your family. It doesn’t matter what’s true.”

[Softly, with feeling.] Oh, no. Well, there we have it.

Yeah, right? That’s when I was like, “I think we have a fundamental disagreement there.”

That’s the infection.

Right? Yeah. But, as she finished up, there were just mumbles of people being like, “Oh, yeah, very good, lots of wisdom there.”

[Quiet, awed.] “It doesn’t matter what’s true.”

It doesn’t matter what’s true.

Renie Maderas.

Right? So, anyway. I recommend this really greta call you can join up on, for two hours of your monday. For 12 dollars! But it just covers the internet. So, that was that.

Well, thanks. Thanks for showing up.

Yeah, no problem. So, I just wanted to quickly say, because people would be like, “Did you hear? Did you hear?” if we didn’t. Jim Baker, of course, was um—

Oh. yes. And not Jim Baker who was Father Yod from the Source Family. This is the Jim Baker who is a televangelist.

Yes. Uh, so he was selling a fake Coronavirus cure, he was warned by the FTC and the FDA—


—and sued by the state of Missouri.


Um, so it was some silver solution he said cured it, and that’s no longer up on his site. Good job, guys.

This is why we need productions like this.

Mm-hm. And then, Alex Jones, we all know and love him. [Ross grunts.] He was selling a toothpaste, creams, and supplements on his website, and I guess he said, in one of his broadcasts, that, “It kills the whole SARS-Corona family at point-blank range!” So, the New York Attourney General sent a cease-and-desist, and his response was, “Well, I never intended to say it treats disease!”

No, you—that’s what you said.

You said exactly that.

More forcefully than that.

That’s still up on his site. And you’ll be glad to know that the toothpaste has no fluoride, so it does as little as toothpaste could possibly do.

I don’t know how to feel about that. [They laugh.] Alex Jones, you are the worst. The worst.

Yeah, he sucks. There is a guy named Tom Paladino, who runs a site called Scalar Light, and um, normally this costs money, but out of the goodness of his heart, he’s running a free...where you try out something, a test run—


Trial, that’s the word. A free trial, where—

He—he scaled down the price.

Right? Where for a month, you can get his services for free, and what he does is, you can send him up to seven pictures of your loved ones, including yourself, and every morning at 9am, he sends ‘scalar energy” to those people, and that “breaks up” the Coronavirus!

Oh. Okay.

So, I got it today. And you have been receiving his scalar energies, one of my loved ones.

[Emphatically] Oh, thank goodness! I really appreciate that!

So, I got— [She laughs.] So, for the next month, you, Ella, Drew, John Ronson, Linda Moutlon Howe, I, and—Oh, and Dick Van Dyke. We will all be protected from Coronavirus for one month.

Okay, using energy that has magnitude, but not direction.

Mm-hm! Mm-hm!

That’s a meaningless term the way that it gets used in these circles, but okay. Well, what is the magnitude? What is the scale of it?

Yeah, I—it’s just important to me that you use words I don’t understand! It makes me feel safe!

I mean, there’s zero point to it, there’s zero point.

Oh, okay, I wondered if it was, but I don’t know enough about energy to know what was happening, Okay! Next questionable claim. There’s a woman named Shaqulin Tawli, I met her followers at the Conscious Life expo, she’s followed around by a lot of mostly young women, all of whom wear white. And they are very intense. They come up—they only want female followers. So they come up to you, and they get very close to you, and they all talk in this sort of, like, bedroom voice? And they would get, like, very close to me, and say things like, “She really showed me my femininity.”

This is a creepiness scale, right here.

Yeah! It was sexual, but also, like, you clearly do this to everyone, so it’s like, somehow empty? It was so weird. Um, so since Conscious Life Expo, they’ve been calling and emailing me because I’ve given them, just, the slightest hint of interest. So, I hear from them a lot, and, um. So, this last weekend, I get this call—Oh, and they all call me, like, “sweetie, darling, honey,” things like that. Oh, and “my sister”. And they’re all younger than me, so it’s also, like weird. They’re all, like, 21, and they’re, “Hi, dear.” Um, anyway. So—

I’m trying to think of what the equivalent is for a male.

Yeah. Yeah! “Hey, bro.” That’s my “boy”. “Hey, bro.”

I feel a bunch of guys calling me, like, “Hey, bro, hey, man. Hey, warrior. Hey, stallion.”

Yeah, i guess so. I guess that’s it.

Super creepy.

This last weekend, I get this call. And this young woman is like, “Hey, it’s Alexa.” I’m like, “I don’t—Sorry, I don’t think I know an Alexa.” And she’s like, I’m with Shaqulin Tawli.” I’m like, “Oh, okay, I’ve talked to your friend Carla.” She’s like, “Oh, we’re all one.”

[Delighted gasp.] She said that?!


“We’re all one.”

That—that doesn’t mean I’ve talked to you! You don’t get to just call and say, “I’m Alexa,” and assume I’ll be like, “Oh, they’re all one.” [Ross wheezes, Carrie stutters.]

I wish you could have seen Carrie’s face when she said that. It’s hilarious.

So, she says, “So, we’re having a healing circle this weekend.” And, okay, like, self-quarantining has begun in LA, at this point. And she’s like, “We’re all doing a healing circle this weekend, for the virus.” And I’m thinking, “Are you online?”

“Are there fewer than ten of you?”

Right, right. Or it’s online, or something. And she’s like, “We’re in LA, near you.” Oh, you mean an in person healing circle? She’s like, “Mm-hm.” And I said, “Well, aren’t you afraid of transmitting the virus?” And she goes, “ [Condescending chuckle.] Oh, dear. No. Because it’s the fear. We’re praying against the fear people have. And Shaqulin Tawli never gets sick. She can’t get sick, so she’s going to pray so the people get over the fear.” And, I had talked to Carla about this before. Shaqulin Tawli claims to cure AIDS. It’s not a good sitch’.

Is that her?

Oh! Yep, mm-hm.


Yep, beautiful brunette, yep. That’s her.

So, there’s this video—so, I’ve seen Shaqlin Tawli just in this video, and I saw her booth as I was walking by in the Conscious Life Expo. Yeah, in this video where somebody posted it to our Twitter, because they spotted me.

For like, half a second.

Yeah, very quickly walking by in the background, I’m impressed they picked that out. It’s called “All Gas, No Breaks.” Very funny editing style, interview style. I recommend his coverage of the Conscious Life Expo. But he interviews her, and he asks her, because she’s talking about her secret to youthfulness, and why. She says, “Oh, you know, I still look just like I was at 20.” And he says, “Well, what we—” [Ross laughs.] Carrie’s just looking at me.

She’s beautiful, but she’s clearly a woman in her thirties.

“You look great, but yeah, you do not look exactly like you did in your 20’s.” And he says, “Well uh, how long will you live?” And she says, “Oh, well, as long as I want to.” And, he said, “Okay, well, how will you look when you’re 80?” “Just like this.” “How will you look when you’re 90?” “Oh, same.” So uh, yeah, let’s just remember that when we need to add that to our list of people who make claims about living forever, or maintaining their youthful appearance.

Also, you’ve paused her in profile, and it’s really weird. From the front, I think she looks like Cara, your wife.

My wife? [A la Borat] My wiiife.

From the side, she looks like me.

Interesting. Yeah, I can see, uh—yeah, I can see what you’re getting at, there.

So, she—if Cara and I had a baby. She’d be Shaqulin Tawli.

You grew that baby to the age of 20, and then froze it in time. You have Shaqulin Tawli.

Yep. Okay, so, she’s trying to get me to come to this thing that’s in person, and I’m just like, “Okay, well, send me the info, and—” I’m thinking like, “Ugh, is there any way for me to do this safely, just to report on this? Because like, I don’t think there is.” So I talk it over with Drew, and we’re both like, “No, not really.” So, when she texts me the info about the healing circle, I wrote back, and I’m like, “You know, I’ll be honest. I’m a little spooked by the idea of maybe catching the virus and passing it.”

[Whispery] “That’s fear, Carrie. It’s fear. That’s what we’re defeating.”

So, I was like: “Let me ask you this, does she ever do interviews?” And she’s like, “It’s amazing that you’d ask that! Do you know someone that can interview her?” And I was like, “Yeah, um, you know, I’d be interested in interviewing her, you know, we do this show, blah blah blah.” And um, she’s like, “Oh my God, that’s amazing! Let me go ask.” Okay. She comes back, and she’s like—

But they’re all one? [Carrie laughs.]

Good point! Just turn to yourself! So, she comes back, and she’s like, “Okay, we’re cancelling the event. And we’re gonna come to your house for Shaqulin Tawli to do the interview.” [Shocked laughter from Ross and Carrie.] You’re what?! No! Don’t do that!

You are not invited.

So, to review, I didn’t wanna go be in a room with a bunch of people, so you’re gonna bring the people to me? To my home?

And you’re all one, which is freaking me out.

And you’re creepy! I know! So, I said, “No.” And then, and fortunately I had like, a service person coming over to fix my garbage disposal, so I’m like, “I have someone coming over right now.” And they’re like, “No, that’s fine, That’s fine if the garbage disposal person is there. We don’t care.”

Oh, you don’t understand. The social cues.

And so, finally, I just started saying, “I’m not going to do that.” And just like, offering no other explanation. “I’m not going to do that.” And then, she’d be like, “Oh, okay.” By this point, we switched to phone call. Um, she’s like, “Okay, okay, I understand.” I said, “How about a Skype call? I could interview her via Skype if she’s not gonna be in town long.” “Yeah, she doesn’t have good internet connection.” Everywhere? She doesn’t have— [Carrie wheezes.] Everywhere she can go?! Uh—

She should hold a group call and people can help pay for that internet connection.

And so she’s like, “I will ask, okay…”

Oh, they wanted the exposure.

So dejected. Yeah, and she says, “Well, what we pictured is that we come to your house, and we pray, and uh, anyone can listen, and they join us in the prayer.” And I’m like, “No no no, I’m talking about an interview, where I’d ask her questions, and she’d answer the questions. The show would be edited, and it would go out like a week later. That’s what I’m talking about, not a simulcast of your prayer at my home.”

“You’re just assuming I have amazing internet.”

True, yes. She’s like, “Oh, okay, I will get back to you.” And at that point, I was like, “I am not going to try anymore.” And they didn’t get back to me the next day, and I haven’t talked to them since. But they didn’t hold their healing circle, I think no one was coming.

Oh, okay!

Yeah. So that’s those people. Um, okay, onto the next—there’s a woman named Kimbery Meredith, who is a medical intuitive. And she—I met her at Conscious Life Expo, I’m on her mailing list. And she sent an email saying, “Oh, I wrote a new book about the Coronavirus.” And it was a three dollar e-book, and I was like, “I’m sold.” So I read this whole e-book for you. It was only 61 pages.It’s called Coronavirus Top 21 Tips for Protection. Um—

Good. Wow, very timely, she cranked that out.

I know, right?

That’s like a download of two pages every morning for a month. She didn’t have that long.

She did it real quick. And I gotta say, most of the tips? Totally fine. I’m reading it, and I’m thinking, like, “Okay! Like, this is fine.” “Wash your hands—”

“Stop touching your face.”

“Don’t touch your face.” Which we were both just doing. Um, “Be careful about touching public surfaces. If you can stay indoors, do. Don’t shake hands.” Just like, all—I mean, I don’t need a medical intuitive to tell me, but. If you’re going to enter this space where people are buying this stuff—

Right. If you’re providing good information, then good on ya.

Yeah. Certainly better than the alternative. But, okay, I get through 75% of the ebook, it shows me at the bottom. Last 25% goes off the fricking rails.

Oh, it zagged on you.

Yes. So, first she tells us a prayer to say, to get to fifth dimensional immune boost healing.

Oh, wow.

Yep. Then there’s an “about the author” section. And that takes up a good ten pages. And that’s where we learn that she offers individualized spiritual trans-channeling sessions.Um… [Ross hums in interest, Carrie laughs.] That help us overcome illness. She’s guided by The Ascended Masters. Uh, she has a powerful, exclusive service, available with equal effectiveness in person or online, where she uses her eyes to diagnose you. So, if her right eye starts blinking, then something’s wrong with you. But if her left eye starts blinking, then you’re very healthy. And she just blinks at you over and over, like you’re blinking at me. Uh— [They laugh.] And, that’s how she tells if you’re sick, it takes 3.5 minutes. It is, uh, “much more effective than x-ray, or a F-MRI.”

Much more effective...

Mm-hm. She’s removed tumors, she’s restored hearing in the deaf. She’s made people walk again. And she’s “completely healed all kinds of physical and emotional disease of many kinds—”

Wow, that is better than an x-ray. So it’ not just diagnostic, it’s also, um...



Yep. She can tell within 3.5 minutes whether you have Coronavirus, and she can heal it. It only costs 300 dollars. And she has been— [Ross makes a dejected noise.] Yep! And she has been “double-blind tested at various scientific facilities.”

[He claps between words for emphasis.] This! Is! Not! Good!

[Laughs.] So, she says she was—She was in a double blind test at Sci-tech Subtle Energy laboratory. I wrote to them, and I asked them if they could confirm it. And they wrote me back this very funny email, they were like, “Uh. we’re looking into it, but just so you know, virtually no one who comes in here to be tested passes.”

Oh, so they maybe are on the up-and-up.

Yeah, maybe. She also said she got tested at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. IONS. I wrote to them, they did confirm, like, “Yes, she was part of a large group we were studying about energy healing, but the results haven’t been published, so we can’t really tell you very much about them.” So, okay. So...

But that says something, that she seeks out that kind of confirmation. If nothing else, it’s a bullet point for her resume.

Yeah, that’s true.

But I’ve met those types, and uh, they often mis-represent the findings of those tests.

Right. I noticed, like—I roped back to the email blast where the advertisement for the book had been, and I said, “Oh, I’m really interested in these scientific studies. Do you have any documentation where I can read about them?” And she sent me a picture of like, a thermograph of some person she’d healed, and she was like, “Look, on the left is the before, on the right is the after!” And...

I don’t know what to make of this. These are their legs? Okay.

Mm-hm. But here’s the thing, the “after” has a date, and the “before”, the date is chopped off. And I said—I said, “Do you have a version where it’s not cut off?” And she said, “Call me.” And I said, “Okay? What number?” And she gave me a number, and I called it, and it was disconnected. [Carrie laughs, Ross exclaims in disbelief.] So then I wrote back and I said that number was disconnected, and then she didn’t write back.

What is she, Gordon Somland?

I don’t understand that reference.

It was like—the whole situation with Russia, they didn’t wanna say over text, something incriminating, and “Call me.”

So, finally somehow I got back in touch with her via email, and I said that I would love to interview her, would she be willing? She doesn’t have any energy healing sessions coming up, so I thought, I’ll just shoot my whole load.

Okay. Everyone had a bunch of cancellations, lately.

Uh, no, I mean, she’s full up. Because she does them by Skype.

Oh-ho-ho, okay.

And she has agreed to be interviewed by me tomorrow.

Hey! Okay! Before this podcast comes out.

Yeah, so by the time you’ve heard this, that conversation has already happened, and I’m sure it’s... a delight? And, the first thing I’m gonna say is, “Eyy, wise-guy.”

Eyy, wise-guy! C’mon! It’s Tom Hanks! Interesting. Can’t wait to hear how that goes.

Yeah! And then the last thing is Teal Swan. She says that the coronavirus is a reflection of our own narcissism.

Takes one to know one. [Carrie snorts.]

And that’s my story.

Okay! Wow! Well, those are some fun little uh, side investigations you did, there.

Thanks, likewise!

Coronavirus. Well, hey, now we understand it, we know what it is, where it came from.

It’s 5G. A lab in China.

You know, we’ve given you a whole miasma, a soup of various things that it could be, that you can choose to believe. Or, you can go with, uh, science. But yeah, there’s all kinds of bad information out there. You have—I think the French government having to tell people that cocaine does not prevent against Coronavirus.

That seems right.

Also to remind people not to drink bleach. Um, I had a friend who sent a long post, and this has been getting passed around virally. Uh, saying that it’s from Stanford, and the medical board there. Bringing Stanford back in the conversation. And, as I was reading this in text form, it was saying all these wild things I hadn’t heard before. Like, “By the time you have fever and/or cough and go to the hospital, the lung is usually 50% fibrosis.”


So uh, I’m reading a Mother Jones article here where they address this, and say, “This doesn’t mean anything “

Yeah, I was trying to—

Fibrosis is a late scarring process. You may have 50% of your lung affected by the virus, causing pneumonia or fluid in your lungs, but fibrosis? That is not correct. It was also saying things like, you know, “There’s no test kits available, but you can test yourself by taking a breath and holding it for ten seconds. And if you can do that without irritation or difficulty, you don’t have coronavirus.”

Oh. Yeah, that’s—I mean, that’s a good sign, but that’s not a diagnosis.

Right. And uh, and then saying things like, “You need to keep your mouth moist all the time, so be drinking water every 15 minutes.”

“So make out with me.”

[Laughs.] “And it will—It will wash down the virus, and your stomach acid will kill it.”

Oh, no, what?

Yep. I love—they have someone who’s a real medical expert going through these claims one by one. “Drinking warm water is effective for all viruses.Try not to drink liquids with ice” And the response to it from the actual expert was just, “No.” Everywhere else, there were like these multiple sentence responses, and there was just, “No.”

It’s pro hot drinks!

Hey, we like that, but not when it’s false information. So, what I did, was I just googled one of the exact phrases from that email, and that gave me that Mother Jones article, and I just went, “Nope! This did not come from Stanford.” So, the message there is: Be cautious! There’s all these bad pieces of information floating around, uh,, they have a dedicated section on their website with Coronavirus recommendations. And there’s so much information floating around about Coronavirus, that they had to break up all of the articles by “conspiracy theories” and quote, “predictions”, unquote. Uh, “memes and misinformation”, “origins and treatments”, “U.S government response”, and “international response”. So, I highly recommend that as a resource, if you’re trying to look for information on Coronavirus that you hear, if it’s true or not. And then of course, you can also go to, they’ve got information about where it came from, what it is, how best to prevent against it.


Uh, make sure to double check things, especially if something sounds very new, and you’re like, “Oh, that’s interesting, I didn’t know that. But I’m gonna send it to all my relatives real quick by text.” Stop. Take a breath. Take a breath, hold it for ten seconds, just verify that it’s actually from a reliable source before passing it along. Because truth does matter. [Carrie affirms.] And there’s a way to check on that truth.

Oh, interesting take. Yeah.

And, you know, we don’t have perfect knowledge, but we’ve got pretty good knowledge.

Yeah. Model curious ignorance well, my friends. It’s okay to not know the answer. Help someone work through how you would figure out what the answer is. Yeah.

Absolutely. Well.

Well, how long is this?

Well, the raw audio is 3 hours and 19 minutes. That’s how long we’ve been recording.

Well, this has been the Joe Rogan experience. What’s that podcast called? Is that right?

Yeah, you got it

Alright! The—that’s a joke about how long this has been.

Yeah. And uh, you know, we could have cut it up into multiple episodes, but uh, thanks for taking this journey with us, and hopefully we’ve gotten to accompany you as you’re locked up, wherever you are. And not infecting other people.

This would have been MaxFunDrive week, but that will come later in the year, and so this is our way of celebrating with you, as you sit on the couch.



Well, that’s it for our show. Our theme music is by Brian Keith Dalton.

This episode—No? You’re not gonna—

He’s on vacation.

Oh, cool. This episode was edited by Ross Blocher. And maybe me.

Yeah. Yeah, you wanna take a stab at it first?

Sure, okay. Me too.

Yeah, this’ll be a fun one. And, our administrative manager is Ian Kramer.

And even though Maximum Fun Drive hasn’t come yet, if you do that, there’s already some new bonus content. There’s plenty of old bonus content, we’ve still got our firewalking episode, and our live show in Austin, ath the home of one of our listeners, Maya. And all all kinds of other great content. The latest one that we just dropped is a commentary track on Midsommar.


I had never seen it before, Carrie and Mathew Strugar, who joined us, had seen it four times?

Yeah, we saw it in the theater four times.

That’s—wow, that’s dedication.

[Laughs.] Um, it’s really good.

So, if you’re watching movies, and you wanna watch Midsommar, well, first of all watch it without us, but then watch it again with us!

It does have some violence, and some graphic images of self-harm. Just so you know.

You can also support us by just telling a friend. Sharing us on social media.

Saying, “This is the perfect first episode for you to get into this pod—” [Carrie laughs.]

I wanna hear a review if this is your first episode, and you made it all the way here? Then you’re my kind of person, and I’m very impressed.

Good job. Email us.

Yeah, send us a message.

And remember:

A downloaded message has revealed to Dylan Lewis Monroe from Gamma Q:

There’s been several downloads about 5G in this codex, but I’m just gonna read this one through, so. Oral-B, not sure what number it will be, but, from today, March 11th, 2020: “Why build a 5G network? They are building a regulated version of that which already exists. A second aether that might be monetized. If 4G made manifest an Uber, if 4G can stream audio and video from any point on the interstate system, what will 5G be capable of? Think five senses. Think full immersion. Think Uber for flying saucers. And what ofthe fears for our health? Any tool is a weapon in the wrong hands. A knife may cut fruit, and prepare banquets, and carve beautiful wooden sculptures in the hands of a creator. But in the hands of a destroyer, it can stab a commander in the back. Who will control the 5G? Not Hawaii, and the U.S.A. Why did the Coronavirus target China? Why did it target Wuhan? Our humans treat it with dignity by the communist party of China. Does the communist party of China have a seat at the table of the new Earth? Must one wipe a whiteboard clean before they begin to draw a masterpiece? When was 5G activated in the U.S.A? Why are population centers going into lockdown over a head cold? How are changes made manifest in a sea of pussyhat liberals who beg for their own enslavement? Martial law? Call of the national guard. The show is about to go into overdrive.Stand by the protections that you know are required, maintain the vibration of love, and continue to shine a light on those who spew forth darkness. The time of reckoning is near. Only those who know they are in misalignment have reason to panic. The warriors of light will always be protected by the most high. The angelic forces are ever vigilant. Our interactions and interventions will become increasingly visible as needed. Be strong and assist us as we assist you though this great transition which has already begun. You are loved and protected in life and beyond. In over unity, you shall find the path forward as you learn from your stumbles.” Gamma Q.

ONRAC Theme Song

speaker 2
Comedy and culture.

speaker 3
Artist owned—

speaker 4
—Audience supported.
About the show
Welcome to Oh No, Ross and Carrie!, the show where we don’t just report on fringe science, spirituality, and claims of the paranormal, but take part ourselves. Follow us as we join religions, undergo alternative treatments, seek out the paranormal, and always find the humor in life’s biggest mysteries. We show up – so you don’t have to. Every week we share a new investigation, interview, or update.
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