
On this episode, we discuss: Zarkorr! The Invader.

Zzzz from Mars?

No, just—the invader.

Oh, okay.

Don’t worry—we hadn’t heard of it, either!

Light, up-tempo, electric guitar with synth instruments.

Hey, everyone! And welcome to The Flop House. I’m Dan McCoy.

Oh, hey, Dan! It’s me—Stuart Wellington!

And over here, in Los Angeles, it’s Elliott Kalan! Living in a different time zone which occasionally causes scheduling problems. But you know what? We’re three friends who pull together through thick and thin. [Dan laughs.] So we get over it.

[Laughs.] Yes.

Like, do you remember that time—do you remember that time when Stuart was late for his own wedding, and oh boy. We had to drive him cross-country in only 17 hours to get him there! And it was crazy. And that song, [singing] “Bop, bop, bop, badaadaadaadaaah” was playing the entire time.

Do you guys—do you guys remember the time that, uh, the Pharaoh wanted to entertain his queen so this, like, kinda rapscallion character showed up at court? I think he, like, morphed out of a pile of sand?

Dan: I don’t remember that. [Laughs.] Elliott: Yep. Yeah—I—I do remember that time. Stuart: And then he—and then he sang a song.

And then he sang a song about, like, being in love with the queen and you’re like—what?

Dan: I get what’s going on. Stuart: That was crazy.

I feel like Elliott bringing up our scheduling difficulties now is him, like, laying the groundwork so I’m not [though laughter] mad at him later when we— [Elliott laughs.] —try and hash out—hash out how we’re going to schedule things? Um—

Yeah. Little does he know that that’s making Dan even more angry. [All laugh.]

Oh, no! Well, it does remember that—it does remind me of that time when—similarly—the Pharaoh asked me to sing a song and entertain his bride and I sang a song about how I was in love with the bride. And then I was—and then they were like, yeah. Michael Jackson just sang that song yesterday. [Stuart laughs.] And I was like—what?! [All laugh.]



Yeah, yeah, yeah. Your eyes popped out of your head. [Laughs.]

Dan: Okay, so— Elliott: Yeah. Like a tech-savory wolf. Yep.

Dan: Let me explain a few things. Number one— Stuart: Um, we’re The Flop House.

First principles—we’re The Flop House. We watch a bad movie and then we talk about it. Number two, the movie that we watched, uh, this time around is not our usual thing of… recent movies, uh… we’ve done a few movies in the theater recently. Normally we do stuff that’s new to, like, streaming or DVD, but anyway.

And usually it’s a big-budget spectacular!

Yeah. But uh… this week-

Or at the very least—whatever horror movie we could find at the moment.

Yeah. This week, though, we’re getting around to finally—

This is more of like a mumblecore art house movie. Right? [Elliott laughs.]

[Through laughter] Yeah! Yup. Zarkorr the Mumblecore. Yes! Sure.

Yeah. After—after months and months of other stuff that we kinda had to, like, run through, we are getting around to the contest winners who designed our Flop House merch. Um—

Oh, great!

And doing—one of the prizes was to pick a movie for us to talk about and the first, uh, contest winner—there were two—the first one is Elizabeth Stege [pronounces it “Steggy”]. Uh, I asked her how she pronounces her name and I believe that is correct.



Like a nickname for a stegosaurus in a kid’s cartoon show?

Well, that’s what—that’s what she said. She said it starts like “stegosaurus” and then there’s an “e” at the end. So.

Or, like, what would be—what—like, Plates? Uh, Fin? What—what would be a good nickname for a stegosaurus?

I mean, I think—either Steggy, or like… yeah. Maybe—maybe Plates could be it. Y’know. If he’s like a rapper. And they call him Plates. I mean, they also—

Or if he—or if he works out a lot and he’s always pushing plates around.

Dan: Or if he’s a busboy? And he’s always carrying plates? Stuart: Uh-huh. That’s also true. Yeah.

Let me just tell you—bad idea to hire a stegosaurus as a busboy. One, they can’t stand on their hind legs for very long so they can’t carry the plates. Two, you got that thagamizer at the end of their tail—that’s the actual scientific word—thagamizer—uh, for the spikes. It was decide—uh—Gary Larsen did a joke about it in The Far Side and scientists realized—oh, we don’t actually have a name for it! So I guess we’ll just call it that. So it’s called a thagamizer. But uh—it’s—while it’s swinging that thing back and for bussing tables, you know it’s just killing people. [Dan laughs.] You know it’s just impaling them on the spikes. And then you got the worst problem of all—stegosaurus has got a tiny little pea brain. It’s roughly the size of a walnut. And people are gonna wanna eat that delicious walnut. So they’re just going to crack open the head of your busboy, dip out that walnut, and then you gotta get a new busboy. My—

You know what? I gotta—I gotta tear up my business plan now.

Yeah. Now here’s another bad one to hire as a busboy: Tyrannosaurus Rex. Little bitty arms! Can’t carry a lot of plates!

I’ve—well, wait. I’ve never heard—heard that. I always thought Tyrannosaurus Rexes were the one with, like, super big long arms.

Uh, no. That’s just that one Tyrannosaurus Rex that has the workout tapes? Where he—that are called “Blast your tit—your itty bitty arms.” [Laughs.]

Yep. Blast ‘em. Yep.

It’s called—yeah. It’s—it’s called Tommy T-Rex: Itty Bitty Arm Blaster. And it’s—

What if I got Theodore Rex to be my busboy?

Now, then you’re just gonna have a lot of shenanigans. And you’re also gonna have to deal with Whoopee Goldberg hanging around the restaurant. I mean, that’s great!

Elliott: Who wouldn’t want Whoopee? A huge star? Stuart: Yeah. I mean, she’ll—she’ll bring people in.

Yeah. She’ll—well, she’ll bring in Billy Crystal. That’s who she’ll bring in. [Dan laughs.] That’s about it. Yeah.

Um… guys, let me get to [though laughter] what I was gonna say. [Elliott laughs.]


Which is, uh… I asked Elizabeth, uh, to contribute a—you know, a few words saying why she chose—of all movies—this movie that no one [though laughter] has heard of. [Elliott laughs.] Zarkorr! The Invader.


Uh, and… she said: “Zarkorr is quite possibly my favorite B movie and it’s not one of the better-known ones, so I suppose I mostly just wanted to share it with others! I found it at a going-out-of-business sale for a video rental joint sometime around 2004. For me, it strikes that perfect balance of being overacted and dumb, cheaply-made, etc, but with the occasional moments of brilliance and several aspects that are genuinely unique and interesting.”

It’s funny—I would’ve thought that, like, rentals of Zarkorr would’ve saved the business! But I guess not! [Dan laughs.]

“I don’t know if you’ll feel the same way, but I love how fucked up the alien race is; how terribly the protagonist reacts to suddenly needing to save the world—I think I would do a similarly shit job of it, to be honest—how cryptozoology is apparently a thing but cryptozoologists sure as fuck don’t believe in aliens—" [Elliott laughs.] “—and how thoroughly uncharismatic and awful the nerdy hacker character is. Also, it has a rad closing theme. I don’t know. It’s Full Moon Features doing a Kaiju flick. If nothing else, that’s fairly unique. I hope you guys enjoy watching it!”

Oh boy did we ever! Don’t wanna rush to the end.

Stuart, were you excited when the Full Moon logo came up and you saw Charles Mann’s name in the opening credits?

Yeah, yeah, yeah! I hopped up, uh, out of my chair and I started running in circles while lying on the ground.

Yeah. [Laughs.] The old “Whoop, whoop, whoop” and then—and you said, “Oh, what a good boy am I!”

Elliott: ‘cause—I— Stuart: Uh-huh. And I—

I did it so fast that I bored a hole in the ground and I went to the center of the earth— [Elliott laughs.] —and I told the magmen and they came back and watched the movie with me. [All laugh.]

Oh, did—I mean—spoil—did they like it? Not to jump to final judgments. How did the magmen feel about it?

Oh, they were kind of concerned about its portrayal of—well, I don’t want to talk about it.

Okay. Well, why don’t we get into it? Zarkorr! The Invader starts as many spine-tingling terrifying movies begin: with 90 seconds of the plainest credits I’ve ever seen. It is just like they said, what is the—what is the cheapest font that we can get? Well this is the font that comes with the video editing software you’re gonna use. Just give it to me. Great. Perfect. Yes. Of course. Uh, we then go to Mt. Aurora, California, at 10:10PM. The time—

Did you just say “Carif—” did you say “California” wrong?

I don’t think I did. Uh, let’s check the tape. [Imitates tape rewinding.] We go to Mt. Aurora, Cugalugaluga— [Stuart and Dan laugh.] You’re right, Stuart! [Through laughter] I did! On reviewing the tape—instead of saying “California,” I said “Cugalugaluga,” which is not the name of that state. [Dan laughs.] And I should know! I live here!


So— [Dan laughs.]

Yeah. You checked your driver’s license right before saying that word.

[Through laughter] Yeah! Just to make sure I was pronouncing it right. Because California—it has the pronunciation on the license because this state is full of dumb people, as we know from ‘80s movies about the entertainment business.

It’s broken down phonetically.

Exactly. Uh—and—

Elliott: Broken down emotionally! Stuart: What, like—

Yeah. Uh, dumb ‘80s movies like Less than Zero and—and what? Uh—

Stuart: Beverly Hillbillies? Dan: Uh— Elliott: Uh—

And—yeah. Yeah.

Elliott: And, uh—and uh—Sophie’s Choice. Dan: St. Elmo’s Fire?

Yeah. And uh—you know, uh… other ‘80s movies like, uh, Children of a Lesser God. Howard’s End. The—like, your classic California movies. You know. Uh, so anyway. We’re in California. It’s 10:10PM. This will become important because the time is the same everywhere in the world, despite how time works in real life. As we’ll see. Uh, and 10:10PM is most exciting because it’s the Tintin of times, if you pronounce it Dan McCoy way.How

Yeah, that’s true.

Now Dan—did you think that Tintin the cartoon boy—was—that his name was just Ten-Ten and he was a robot?

No, I—I can read and understand, uh, words. [Elliott laughs.] And I—I—I don’t—I’m not confused by that. And also, I’m like—I guess both of you guys—

Stuart: Are you guys talking about Tan-tan? Dan: —I can— [Laughs.]

I got—unlike—I guess—both of you, I can understand words via context clues?

Stuart: Uh-huh. Elliott: Ohhhhh. Dan: Like, I can think, like—

Oh, he’s probably not thinking of the metal tin; he’s thinking of the number ten. And uh—and so—like, I mean—homonyms do exist in the world. Uh, guys. Are you—are you confused by those regularly—

Dan: —in your— Elliott: I mean, I—I just—

I worried that you would be listening to “Love Shack,” the hit song by the B-52s, and they’d say “Tin roof rusted” and you go, ten roofs! What kind of mansion is this? [Laughs.]

Uh-huh! And they’re all rusted?

Stuart: I better get to work! Dan: I wouldn’t call that a shack! [Elliott laughs.]

[Through laughter] Yeah! Ten roofs on a shack? Oh boy! Anyway, it’s Mt. Aurora, California. It’s 10:10PM. And a pack of blue-collar joes witness an avalanche from which a monster emerges! Which we assume—we later learn is the titular Zarkorr. And he’s kind of like, uh… y’know. How would you describe him? Like—he’s like Godzilla but he’s got devil horns and… uh, not a lot of lower body movement? Mainly just—just waist up? Uh—

And you would—you would kind of assume this from the movie? But, uh… if you do any research on the film? I—I guess they just sort of had these special effects and wrote a movie around them. [Laughs.]

Stuart: Oh, cool! Elliott: That seems—

I mean, I don’t know how you’d—how you’d get that. I mean, the fact that the hero of the film and Zarkorr—the monster—almost never appear in the same— [Stuart laughs.] —scene, let alone on camera together. Uh, Zarkorr’s kind of unsteady on his feet. Which is understandable. There’s fire and magma erupting behind him.

And he just woke up.

And he just— [Through laughter] That’s true. Who knows how long he’s been sleeping for?

That’s true.

Uh, but he does manage to destroy a miniature gas station. Cut to Newark, New Jersey—11:30PM.

Elliott: Now, yeah. Stuart: Yeah. We—we—

We hover over the skyline of the sprawling cityscape of Newark, New Jersey. [Laughs.]

Not since—not since the HBO production, uh, logo have I seen a miniature city created with such—just—love. [Dan laughs.] In every single bit of it. And yet it still looks like a tiny little miniature. Now—

[Through laughter] I gotta say that this is one thing I appreciated about the movie? ‘Cause like—the movie does this transition where the camera is zooming through these miniatures, uh, to go into this guy’s apartment, uh, window. And… you know? The movie could’ve been satisfied by just, y’know, going out on the street and doing a static establishing shot of a building.

Stuart and Elliott: Yeah!

And no one would be any the wiser.

Dan: But they’re like, no. Stuart: Throw in the, uh—

Yeah. Throw in the Seinfeld, uh, baseline right in there. [Elliott laughs.] You got an intro!

Elliott: Yup. And that— Dan: The movie is like, no.

We gotta swoop through these skyscrapers.

Dan. Dan. They wanna get across the excitement, the enthusiasm, the exuberance of Newark, New Jersey. Which is—y’know—it’s the hottest city on the East Coast, as you know. And as a New Jersey boy, I was like—finally! Newark is getting its due! Small quibble: 11:30PM at Newark, New Jersey is actually two hours before the events we just saw in California at 10:10PM. Again, this seems to exist in a world where there are no time zones? [Dan laughs.] And it’s the same time everywhere in the world and that really threw me off? Uh… the—as we’ll see as we go on—

Elliott: —time is an interesting proposition. Stuart: It took you—it took you out of the movie.

It—yeah. It—after—after—I was like—Zarkorr. Puppet monster that walks out of a mountain? I totally buy it.

Elliott: Newark, New Jersey? It—it— Stuart: And destroys a very realistic-looking mountain town? [Elliott laughs.]

Yeah. Uh, Newark, New Jersey looks totally like a real miniature city. I am buying this. 11:30?! Hold on a second! Ho-ho-ho-ho-hold on! I found the one plot hole in Zarkorr! The Invader.

And—and this is where we’re introduced to our hero, right? Tommy, the postal worker who watches cartoons at night?

Yes. It’s 11:30 at night. He is still in his postal worker uniform. So either he is leaving to work the night shift, or that’s the only clothing he owns. [Dan laughs.] Is his one uniform. Like a cartoon character. Which is—makes sense! ‘Cause he’s watching cartoons on his TV in his kitchen. When a tiny woman materializes on the counter and tells him— [Eerie, otherworldly sound effect plays in background.] —that she is a mental project—

Sorry. Uh, so Audrey bought me, uh, this little soundboard for uh… for Christmas and I thought that, y’know, just to spice things up, make things a little more like a morning zoo crew, I could, uh… y’know, just toss in a few little drops every once in a while?

Sure! Yeah, yeah. Give us another drop. Yes. So it’s—so let—let’s—let me re-set you up. So a—a tiny woman who is an alien materializes in his apartment. [Sound effect of something dropping from a great height, then crashing when it hits the ground.]

Oh, shoot!

Wait—so— [Laughs.] So she fell off a cliff? I don’t— [Laughs.]

[Through laughter] Yeah. I don’t—y’know, I don’t know how she materializes there. Maybe—

So Dan—

She jumps into a [though laughter] portal.

When she gave you this, did she say “this oughta spice things up a little bit?” [Dan laughs.] ‘Cause you might be using it wrong. If that’s the case. [Dan laughs.]

[Through laughter] I don’t know. Uh—I think I know what you’re implying and I’m not quite sure how that would work.

I mean, I guess—I assume that this is—Dan, and I don’t wanna air your dirty laundry on the—on the podcast too much in public.

Stuart: Dirrrrty laundry! Elliott: But I have to assume that a lot of your love play—

A lot of your love play involves you being the wolf from a Tex Avery cartoon?

[Laughs.] Uh-huh. I mean, that is kinda my personality. To some degree. But uh, yeah. I don’t think—it’s not integrated, let’s say.

Yeah! You think you’re some kind of a beast in—partially in the shape of a man, forced to wear a man’s clothing, but deep down you’re a boiling…

Stuart: —cauldron of… sexual energy. Dan: Yeah. With—I assume—constantly—

—like, painful eyes from all the popping that happens.

Stuart: I—certainly. I mean— Elliott: Oh, yeah. Must hurt.

And when your head turns into a steam whistle, that can’t feel good.

Yeah. Well, anyway, I’m gonna set this, uh, soundboard aside for just a second and then, y’know, like every once in a while maybe it’ll come back. I dunno.

Elliott: Sounds great. I love it. Stuart: Cool. I mean—

I mean, we have—we have been talking—y’know, we’ve been doing this show for a little while now, guys, and we’ve been talking about ways to spice things up and I think, uh…. this is a step in the right direction, Dan! I like it! [All laugh.]

I just wanted to be proactive, guys.

Yeah! Well, you’re—you’re picking up stones and seeing what’s underneath! [All laugh.]

And as often happens, you find great things when you pick up a stone— [Dan laughs.] —and look what’s underneath. It’s rare the times that I’ve picked up a stone and looked and looked underneath and not been like, this is good! [Dan and Stuart laugh.] I’m glad I found this!

Yeah. Uh, been playing a lot of, uh, Legend of Zelda. And a lot of times when I pick up stones there’s just, like, rupees sitting there? [Elliott laughs.] And I’m like, okay!

Guess I’m going to India! So anyway. The, uh… so this tiny woman materializes and tells him—I’m a mental projection from a superior alien race. We have set a monster, Zarkorr, to destroy the earth unless you can stop him. It’s a test of humanity. And we picked you because you are the most middling, non-exciting, average man out there. And his response is—his immediate response is—“Okay.” [Laughs.] Just kind of a little resigned. And I wish they had run with that. Because then he’s like, wait, wait! This is crazy! But I love the idea of somebody being told that and just being like, uh, oh—okay! Like, what do I do?

Yeah, I mean, he has—he—he certainly has a, uh, he has a put-upon—he has a certain put-upon energy when explained that he is the only one who can stop them. In fact, we have one of my favorite line readings in the movie—

“How in God’s name am I supposed to fight an 180-foot dinosaur?!”

How am I supposed to fight— [Elliott laughs.] —a 180-foot dinosaur? Now—

Well, I just like that Stuart noticed Dan’s soundboard game and decided to immediately obliterate him by taking it to the third level. [Laughs.] [Bugle plays an abbreviated version of the “Call to Post” tune—the “do do do doo, do dooooo” tune usually preceding the “Charge!” command on a cartoon battlefield. Bugle is then followed by the sound of a slide whistle; a rattle; a wooden recorder, flute, or penny whistle; and a scratchy recording of someone laughing wildly with a faintly sinister edge.]

Stuart: Wow. He—he was—yeah. [Laughs.] Elliott: Was that one bite? Dan: [Through laughter] Yeah, that was one!

Yeah. He was saving that one for a big—big slam-u moment. [All laugh.]

So the—so this alien, who is—is basically like, uh, if that alien that talks to Fred Flintstone was played by Amy Dolans from—

Dan: Yeah. Great Gazoo character. Stuart: Yeah. Uh—and— Elliott: Yeah, yeah. Well, if the—

If—you mix the Great Gazoo with Christina Applegate from Married With Children and you get this character.

Yeah. And there’s—there’s a moment where he’s like, why do you look the way you look? And she’s like, well, the alien intelligence is trying to—trying to come up with a form that you find the least intimidating. And I’m like—guys—a—that—if you think that a guy like him is not intimidated by young, scantily-clad women? You are wrong, my friend. [Laughs.]

Very good point. Very good point. Uh—

Dan: Although she is three inches tall. Maybe that’s the compensation. Stuart: Much of society ills her. I get—yeah. You’re right.

Uh, so she can crawl—so at night while he’s sleeping she can just crawl into his mouth and pull all his teeth out? Uh, that’s pretty scary. [Stuart and Dan laugh.]

Now, I—I—I wanna say—

What does she even need all those teeth for?

I—that’s a good question! [Dan laughs.]

[Through laughter] I— [Laughs.] You know, uh—

Is she going to use it, like, as an ottoman or something? [All laugh.]

Uh—maybe she’s—she knows the monster from the first season of Channel Zero and she’s—

Uh-huh. And she’s trying to replenish— [Dan laughs.] —his body? Yeah.

Uh, what I—what I—

So, uh, she also—she also tells him—she informs him also that life has no meaning and there’s no life after death.

That was great. I love that.


He accepts that pretty—pretty easily.

Now, this notion of him being, like, the absolute mean human being—the—the middle-of-the-road—

Dan: Uh-huh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Elliott: By—by “mean” you mean “average.” Not like—[makes angry growl noises] “Oohh! Errr!” Stuart: Most average. Yes. Yes.

Not like a bully.

Well, he—he says he’s the mean later. I should—so I use that term? But I guess it was confusing. Um—this notion of him—

It’s okay. No, I—also—I—I think that’s his rap name. “The Mean.”

[Through laughter] Okay.


But him being the most average, uh, person on earth—now… I feel like maybe I’ve seen this in science fiction before? This notion? I don’t know where though? But I did like it. I did like the idea of—I thought it was kind of fun, this alien race testing humanity by choosing… the most average person.

Yeah. Um—

Yeah. No—

And it also—the way he behaves—if he is the most average, man. Ugh. Woof. [Laughs.] [All laugh.]

Well that’s the—I was like, ugh, holding humanity to a pretty low bar if this is the average. ‘Cause his—his plan is to go kidnap somebody, basically.

Elliott: Because— Stuart: I… love it.

They turn on the news and, uh, the news is interviewing a pretty cryptozoologist named Stephanie Martin. But the news anchor does not—is not really interested in Stephanie’s answers and keeps cutting her off. [Laughs.] To, uh—because she’s bored by what she’s saying?


And she’s basically like— [Dan laughs.] Uh, sorry. I missed it. What was that one, Dan?

[Through laughter] Sorry. I thought this was appropriate at that time. [Plays “Whateverrr!” clip again.] [All laugh.]

Dan! I want you to—Dan, to like hold up a finger so that I know to pause when it—

Elliott: When the sound is coming. Dan: [Through laughter] Sorry. [Laughs.]

So I can enjoy it so much. Uh— [Stuart laughs.] And the tiny—and the tiny lady is like—hey. Write all this down. Zarkorr can’t be beaten by earth weapons, including swords [Elliott pronounces this with an audible “w”]—and she pronounces it “s-words,” which I found amazing—but there are things on earth that you can use to stop him, and Zarkorr is keyed to you. So he’s gonna travel across the country to you and kill you. And you’ve gotta stop him. But here’s a hint: Zarkorr contains the key to his own destruction. And you better act fast, Tommy! And then she disappears and we never see her again in the film, which is too bad! Because I liked that Great Gazoo type chemistry that they had together.

Yeah. Well I—I mean, she talks about how he’s the only one who can see her? Because… she’s projecting into his mind? And so I assumed that she would come back later on and that would be, like, a plot point that like—he’s the only one who can see her and everyone thinks he’s crazy.

I like—I like the point when this very average man, when she’s explaining the rules of the movie to him—he’s—she’s like—you might wanna get a pencil and paper. And he’s like, ugh. Do I have to? [Dan and Elliott laugh.] How about I just use a tape recorder? [Laughs.] And she’s like—of course that wouldn’t work because only you can hear me and yadda, yadda, yadda.

But she does not become part of his team of heroes that she assembles. So Zarkorr, meanwhile—in-between most of the Tommy scenes, is just footage of Zarkorr stomping around different towns. Blowing up miniatures. I just get—assume that every time we’re not watching Tommy, we’re watching Zarkorr just kinda like… making his way across the country in the dark. It’s always nighttime wherever Zarkorr is. It’s never daytime. Perhaps he brings a plague of darkness with him. A cloud cover that blots out the life-giving sun. But more likely they just didn’t think that much about it and the darkness really hides the fact that it’s like, a—a puppet suit that they’re using?

Oh, okay.

I—I would assume. So anyway—1:33AM. Tommy, for some reason, has taken two hours to get his act together and go on down to the news station so that he can… essentially—like—go find the cryptozoologist. This takes the form of him creeping her out and ends with her—him in a standoff holding a gun to her with the security guards.

Dan: Yeah. I kinda loved— Stuart: Oh, man.

—this development ‘cause it was— [Laughs.] It was like—okay. You’re—you’re gonna save the world. Like, this guy immediately gets himself into a hostage situation. [All laugh.]

Yeah. It’s—it’s—it’s kinda—it reminded me a lot of like… the times that I’ve seen an intricately-plotted roleplaying game and the characters immediately, like, get themselves into deep shit by doing something dumb. Like… 30 minutes into this movie, we’re in, like, a tense hostage situation. [Elliott laughs.] I’m like—man. This is not gonna help them stop Zarkorr. [Laughs.]

No. And I have to admit—at the time I was like, come on, dude. But then I started thinking about it and I was like—well, what would I do in that situation? I don’t know! Could I have come up with a better plan than try to kidnap a cryptozoologist I saw on TV? [Dan laughs.] Probably not! What this also implies is that the news station just has her on call at the studio all night? To cover—I guess—during their live coverage of the Zarkorr, uh, invasion as he walks across the town?

Elliott: Uh, and— Stuart: I mean—

—that’s the life of a cryptozoologist! I like that the, uh, security guards are like—he’s like—you can’t take me to jail! And they’re like, yeah, we can’t. We’re just security guards. But we have guns and [though laughter] we can kill you. [Elliott laughs.]

They’re not great security guards. There’s one that really wants to be a martyr and keeps saying, just let me—just take me out. Just let me go in and get him. Uh, and—the soundtrack of the movie—this is a problem it has throughout the film. It can’t decide whether this was supposed to be a tense scene or a goofy scene? The movie is like [singing; alternating between a dramatic, tense tone and a cheerful, upbeat one] Bum, bum, bumm! Bup ba doop boop boop boo! Dun dun dun! Du duh dun! Dee dee dee dee dee dee! And I was like—guys, how am I supposed to feel? [Dan laughs.] You gotta help guide me through this! [Laughs.]

I will say—the music is definitely a little overbearing? Like, it’s mixed pretty loud and it gets kinda Mickey Mousey sometimes? But—

That’s how you get that Full Moon flavor, baby! [Laughs.] [Elliott laughs.]

But I also kinda like it? Uh, and I looked it up. It’s by, uh, Charles Mann’s brother, who did, like, almost all of the Full Moon stuff. Like—including, y’know, like, Castle Freak and like he did the music to—

Stuart: Oh, Castle Freak! Never heard of it! Dan: From Beyond. Elliott: He did the music for—

—Reanimator. Like, did—and—understand—he’s good at—and Head of the Family. He’s good at this! He’s got “band” in his name. Music is in his blood!

Yeah. One-man band. Um, the—

I’m looking now—he did all four of the Time Warrior movies?

So he ends up—he ends up taking the cryptozoologist at gunpoint into the bathroom— [Elliott laughs.] —and then, like, two cops show up and he somehow manages to convince one of the cops to… put a gun on his partner, who he describes as “like a brother to him.” [Dan laughs.]

Yeah! So this—one of the cops, uh, is a… uh… is a UFO guy already. And he’s like—ah, see? This all makes sense! Cattle mutilation! Crop circles! It’s all been there! And so this cop is like—you know what? I’ll help. Oh, the cop’s name is George. By the way. Uh, and he handcuffs the other cop and they go on the run. And this is why—I mean, Tommy’s an average guy but you know what? George? He’s kind of an average guy, too. And there’s kind of, like, an average guy understanding between the two of them. [Stuart laughs.] And so that’s why he’s like—I can see into his soul. Meanwhile, again, Zarkorr—he shows us now that he has eye lasers. He’s just blowing stuff up. And our heroes are in the cop car and they listen to a radio report of Zarkorr defeating the Air Force. So, uh, nothing can stop him. There’s nothing. Uh, they—Tommy finally convinces Stephanie to help. That’s the cryptozoologist. And the three of them hide the squad car in what the chyron describes as “the warehouse district, New Jersey. 6:17AM.” Now here’s two things I love about that—one, they must’ve been driving around for like three hours. Two—so this is the warehouse district for the whole state? ‘Cause usually, like, a city has a warehouse district. I assume by warehouse district for New Jersey they just mean the northern half of the state.

Elliott: Since the southern half is fairly rural. Stuart: Yeah. Or—or Camden.

Could be—it could be the city of Camden. That’s true. [Laughs.] Yeah. Uh—but as a New Jersey guy I was like—yeah, I guess the—New Jersey is kind of the warehouse district for the entire country. But uh—the specificity of it I liked. Anyway. They argue a lot, and Stephanie is like—I know someone who can help us. And this is when—maybe my least and most favorite character in the movie—decides to make his entrance. Now, uh, what was his name? I don’t remember what it was. But this is, uh, the wheelchair-bound nerd hacker. Who—

Elliott: —has apparently been— Stuart: He does not like that term.

No, he doesn’t like the term “hacker.” He prefers to call himself a “cybernaut.” He has a nervous laugh and is constantly talking. He’s very much the Elliott Kalan of the movie, which means he is very annoying. But he’s also, like—

Elliott: A creep. Stuart: Yeah. He’s got some—

He’s got some serious Joaquin Phoenix, uh, vibes here. [Elliott laughs.]

But he’s also like a creep. So he’s like—oh, did you—did Stephanie tell you? She lost her virginity to her English teacher? They talked about it on the phone. I recorded it! And it’s like—oh. So you’re a—you’re a maniac. Like, you’re a terrible person. But uh—this guy—he really chews the scenery and he decides he’s gonna get them some information by hacking into government weather satellites. This takes roughly—what? Half the movie? That they’re just hanging around in his lab and he’s just hacking?

Elliott: Like, what’s going on with that? Dan: Like, I—

I personally thought that this movie had, like, a promising beginning? I was thinking like—

Stuart: No, it was great! Dan: Oh, this is kind of fun!

You know? Like, I like the—the notion of this guy being, you know, chosen to—to prove that humanity should still exist? And then they go to this place and they’re just hanging around, uh, this computer guy. And I’m just like, okay. Well, I’m losing interest rapidly, movie. Uh—

Yeah. [Elliott laughs.]

Can you do something?

Elliott: They, uh— Stuart: Yeah. It—

The movie begins almost like a Jerry Forward episode of Rick & Morty. [Laughs.]

Yeah! [Elliott laughs.]

Uh—and then—but they get—they get really, uh, holed up at this place for a long time. Uh, eventually they somehow—and I couldn’t quite follow their logic—decide that the monster is made out of laser light? And therefore must have an off switch. They all just kind of accept this and…

Elliott: And run with it? Dan: Well, I—yeah.

I don’t know about the laser light part. I don’t know how they figured that out. But like the off switch thing—the notion, I guess is… that was the code? They like—the monster holds the defeat within itself?


And because he is the most average person in the world? Like, this is just dumb enough but just clever enough an idea?

Oh, yeah.

That he would come up with it? [Through laughter] Is their logic, I guess?

Maybe. I don’t know. It’s one of those things where they’re like, we’ve gotta find the off switch. Instead they end up finding some other thing. Like, it’s not really an off switch. But—he just—

Elliott: I mean, long story short, he— Stuart: I don’t know—

I don’t know how you turn your TV off; I usually, uh, refocus its eye lasers back on itself. [Elliott laughs.]

[Dan plays noise akin to video game bleeps.] Okay?

I don’t know if that was the most appropriate one, but.

I mean, you should probably save that for when Zarkorr gets defeated.

Dan: No, no, this— Elliott: Which is pretty soon—

—‘cause there’s not a lot that happens in the movie. And the movie’s only an hour and fifteen. It’s that sweet 75-minute sweet spot. So anyway. There’s a lot of mumbo-jumbo and radar hacking and they find out we gotta go to a small town in Arizona called Williston, Arizona. They fly there because despite the monster on the loose destroying the country, there are still regular flights— [Dan laughs.] —from Newark to—to Phoenix—or—where was it? Phoenix that they went to and then they had a rental car or something? It’s, uh—infrastructure is still working fine. Uh, they go there and everyone at this town has been waiting around for some government people to deal with this little flying saucer that crashed into the local diner! It’s a little bitty—it looks like a Weber—one of those little Weber grills that you get when you have an apartment and you’re just gonna grill on the patio. You know.

And they—and they show up wearing suits, so everybody assumes they’re government agents.

Yeah. And—yo uhave to assume that they were like, oh, here comes the men in black, galaxy defenders! Here come the MIBs. Here come the MIBs!

Yep. The forget-me-nots.

Elliott: Yeah. Exactly. Dan: I—I—I liked this, too.

The notion that this whole town was like, uh, like when they showed up and like, finally! Like they’d been expecting them but they—it’s a case of mistaken identity. That was—

Dan: —kinda fun. Elliott: And they’re wearing—

They’re wearing suits now because, uh, the nerd goes, hey! While I’m looking up this stuff, go take them to get some clothes since it’s you, a mailman, and a police officer. Uh, and you’re not gonna get too far in those uniforms. And they had the opportunity for a shopping montage and they did not take it. And I am very disappointed.


I do love that the costuming in this movie feels a little bit like they just went to, like, whatever… central casting, uh, like warehouse they could find. And they’re like—well we have this, uh, postal worker uniform— [Dan laughs.] —so you’re gonna be a post office guy.


‘Cause he never—aside from picking up one of those postal bins to get into the TV studio when he first goes to meet Stephanie, he doesn’t do anything there he needs to be a mailman or a postal worker.

So you wanted to use—him to use his special mailman powers to defeat—

Dan: —Zarkorr somehow. Elliott: I mean, if there—

I wanted there to be a part where it’s like—oh! What’s in this Arizona town? Oh, Williston, Arizona! Oh, yeah! That’s zip code duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh! There’s a special mail route that goes there! Or—for instance—what if he’s like, I’ll disguise myself as a letter; mail myself to Zarkorr. [Stuart laughs.] Zarkorr will open me. I’ll jump out, and then I’ll catch him in a bag—

Elliott: —just like Lock, Stock, and Barrel do with Sandy Claws! Dan: Now, is this some sort of—

—Flat Stanley situation you’re talking about? Or—

I think it would have to—well, before that he’d have to use a steamroller to flatten himself, a la Kevin Kline at the end of A Fish Called Wanda. Uh, so they could fit into that envelope. Now—

Yeah. Or Judge Doom. The—

Well, he’s not so much flattened as just pushed down into some cement.

Okay. Then a Judge Doom scenario. Thank you, Stuart—

Elliott: For—for correcting me on that. And Dan. Stuart: The, uh— [Dan laughs.]

Or—or—or if there’s a moment where, like, the—he—he had to, like, get to Zarkorr but the only way he could do is get past, like, a dog. And he’s like— [Elliott laughs.] Oh no! My greatest enemy, the dog!

I would love that. Or if it was like— [Dan plays sound clip of cat screeching and fighting.]

Sorry. I don’t have a dog on there. So—


Now Dan, I think—as you may remember from our Cats episode, Judi Dench told us—cats are not dogs! [Dan laughs.]

Oh, then I’m sorry.

Uh, that’s—just go check out the Cats episode! Smile and stan. So anyway—the uh—uh, so yeah! Or if there was a part where they were like, no one can get past it! He’s creating hail, rain, snow, and dark of night! And he’d be like—none of those things will stay me from my appointed routes.

Alright. I like that one.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I’m just saying, make the most of it! The cop they use a lot of his stuff. He has a gun. He handcuffs his partner. And then later on—for one minute, he becomes very religious when they show up at the town— [Dan laughs.] —and I didn’t really understand that? But uh—anyway. They find this—this crashed little flying saucer and they just take it.

Well, it’s kind of like the movie Signs, Elliott. Where—that shows, like, that the—the difference—like, faith, y’know, it’s the same in—no matter what you have faith in! Y’know? [Elliott laughs.] Whether it’s, uh, whether it’s like magic or like, coincidence or whether it’s, uh, water killing aliens or something!

Oh, yeah, yeah, sure. [Laughs.] Any of those things. Uh, and also that—I mean, aliens are out in space so they’re closer to heaven. Right?

That’s actually true. Yep. Technically true. [Dan laughs.]


‘Cause heaven is not a place on earth, despite what the song says.

No. And hell is not for children, despite what that song says. So there’s a lot of misperceptions about heaven and hell out there.

Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens, though. I am told.

Uh… I mean, that is something I’ve heard but I don’t know it for sure? I’ve also heard that there’s a highway to hell— [Dan laughs.] —but I haven’t seen it.

Elliott: And I have not driven on it. Stuart: And I also—

I also heard life is a highway.

Oh, wow! [Elliott laughs.]

I mean, to be honest—life—if you do it the wrong way, is a highway to hell. I assume. If there is such a thing. Uh, now—

Or the right way. [Dan laughs.]

Uh—I don’t—I’ve heard that you could also walk on sunshine. So maybe there’s a highway to heaven, too!

Elliott: But—unless that’s— Dan: Yeah. Stuart: I also heard that—

—children shouldn’t play with dead things! [All laugh.]

Dan: Guys, who slew Auntie Rue? [Laughs.] Elliott: And there’s a—

Guys, what—I wanna give you some directions. Okay. you wanna avoid the highway to hell. Don’t take that exist. That highway goes to the danger zone. You don’t wanna deal out that one! No, no. Stick to this one: the highway to heaven.

I also heard that, uh, don’t tell mom the babysitter’s dead? [All laugh.]

You heard that?

But don’t—but don’t tell her it’s me, also. Don’t tell her it’s me, aka, the boyfriend school. [All laugh.]

Dan: And I’m killing Stu. Elliott: Okay, but guys—

But guys—but guys—who’s Harry Crumb? [All laugh.]

Dan: John Candy? [Laughs.] Elliott: And—and—

One more question for you. One more question. What about Bob? [All laugh.]

Yup! [Dan plays clip: “Ohhhh Yeah!”]

Alright. Sorry.

What sound was that?

That was—that was an “Oh yeah”? Like a sort of a—bowmp, bowmp chika—doom doom doom doom.

Like the song by Yellow. As—as seen in the Twix commercials. Smile and stan. Anyway, the heroes take this little flying saucer. And uh, Tommy is like—we gotta head straight to Zarkorr.

Elliott: And then Zarkorr’s still— Stuart: It kinda looks like a—

Like an old-timey construction worker’s hat. But real big.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah! So let’s describe this flying saucer. It’s like a con—it’s like a… it—I couldn’t tell—at one point they refer to it as a “sphere,” but I thought it was just like a dome. Like—

Elliott: What is it— Stuart: Yeah. Like a weird plate.

And they say that the, uh, that it’s, uh, that diamonds won’t scratch it. Which is weird that this dude found it and he’s like, I’m gonna start rubbing diamonds on this! [All laugh.]

They’re like, uh—it’s really funny ‘cause they’re like—they’re like—diamonds won’t scratch it. Look at this! Nothing can get through it! And they’re like, did you try to open it up? And it’s like, yeah, dude. That’s how we figured out the information we just gave you! [Dan laughs.]

I think the heroes are not really paying attention at that point. So. They’re gonna go to where Zarkorr is. They encounter a roadblock, uh, and they try to bluff their way through it which does not work at all. Uh, George the policeman is like—hey, uh, my mom’s in there. I gotta go [though laughter] find her.

That was—that was great. That was great. It was terrible. It was such a—like a—fuck-up. It was awesome.

Yeah. And, uh, and the guy’s like—everyone’s been evacuated. Which is not true, ‘cause when Tommy finds himself in the town, there’s people running around! But uh—Tommy is like super intense. He’s almost in a trance now. As if he’s come to accept the importance of his mission and that he really is the only one who can save the world from Zarkorr. Guys, did you feel like he like suddenly started taking things seriously?

Oh, yeah.

Stuart: He certainly stepped up his game. Elliott: Okay. Dan: I mean—

The—and there’s a moment where he—he’s so—he—he has a plan and he’s like, okay. I got this, guys. Trust me. And George, like nods his head he’s like, sure. Tommy’s got this. And then like… Stephanie in the back—her name’s Stephanie, right?

Yeah. Stephanie.

She’s in the backseat like kinda takes a second looking at both of them? She’s like, uhhhh—do you have a plan? [Elliott laughs.] Like, I do like that she is the—she is clearly much more intelligent than these two guys and is just being dragged around by these two maniacs.

Yeah. It takes her a long time to get on board with their “saving the world” idea? Which—to be honest—again, if I was in her position? I gotta say—it would take me a while to come around to it! I would not be a George and just be like—yeah! That makes sense. I’d be a Stephanie!

Stuart: I mean, it’s—she did— Dan: I don’t think—she’s—

She did have a gun held, like—she did have a crazy guy show up at a news station and post—post office worker’s uniform.

I don’t think she’s so much against the idea of saving the world, but the methodology is kind of… her argument.

Oh, no. no. She’s—she’s like, tear it all down. It’s time to restart from the beginning. Yeah. This place is too corrupt. She’s a real Joaquin Phoenix in Joker. It’s the second time we’ve mentioned it in this movie.

She’s got a—yeah. She’s got a tape that queued up to—what is that? “Wave of Mutiliation?” To play? As, uh, the whole world collapses?

Oh, I thought you were gonna say “Rock & Roll #2.”

Elliott: When he’s dancing and— [Laughs.] Dan: I mean, if you’re making a Fight Club reference—

—it’s “Where’s My Mind.”

Uh-huh. Oh! “Where’s My Mind.” Thank you, yeah. Yeah, whatever.

Oh, yeah, that reminds me—dude, where’s my car? [All laugh.] [Dan sighs.]

[Singing] I love movies whose titles are question marks! [Dan and Elliott laugh.] [Regular voice] Because it’s like—the moviemaker is saying—I can only promise you that the movie will answer— [Dan laughs.] —this one question. If you were wondering—if you’re so dumb that when you watch a movie you’re having trouble figuring out what the characters wanna find out, let me just put it in the title. So that you know for sure.

Yeah! It’s like, uh, it’s like how my friend Alejandra was saying that the cover of every book should ask a question that only the interior can answer. And that’s kinda what the question as a movie title does! Like, who is Harry Crumb? I don’t fucking know! He’s stuck to a window! [Dan laughs.] That’s about it! [Elliott laughs.]

That’s all anyone ever knows about him!

Yeah. Or like the title of—

Elliott: Hot Dog: The Movie. It’s like— Stuart: Is it—is it—is it this guy? Is it— [Dan laughs.]

Is it John Candy? I don’t know! [All laugh.] Doesn’t say so on the cover!

Do you think there’s some guy who—when Who’s Harry Crumb? Walked out, passed by the poster and was like—I don’t fucking know! Don’t ask me, dude! [Dan laughs.]


Just like—‘cause at the time, also, everyone was talking about it. Who’s Harry Crumb? Who’s Harry Crumb was on everybody’s lips. So you think he was constantly being like—why is everyone trying to ask me who Harry Crumb is? I don’t know! And eventually it drove him insane.

I mean, that was—

Oh, wow.

—my reaction to Meet Joe Black. I’m like, what if I don’t wannu? Don’t tell me what to do! You’re not my dad, movie!

Stuart and Elliott: Yeah. Stuart: I feel like— Elliott: Yeah. Good point.

I feel like every movie that is just the—the… the name of the main character, it should have “meet.” [Dan laughs. Elliott joins in.]

Meet Citizen Kane. [All laugh.]

Meet Nell. [All laugh.]

Meet Hoffa. Yeah. So this— [All laugh.]

Yamma Meet Hoffa. [Laughs.]

So—but then the movie Dave would be called Meet Dave, which is already a movie. Stuart? We’ve got a problem. [Dan laughs.]

Oh, no, no! Ahhh! How do I untangle this? [All laugh.] Okay, we gotta work our way backwards. [Elliott laughs.]

Yeah. If you call it Meet Meet Dave, you’re just saying, like, you gotta meet the movie. Like you’re holding up a DVD and like—meet Meet Dave.

But uh—but uh—wait. A movie’s not a person, right? [Dave and Elliott laugh.] So we can’t do that. But there are some movies that have the name of a person. Oh, I’m so confused!

Dan: Hmm. Elliott: Oh, man.

What—and so you could have a movie called Meet Erin Brockovich, which makes sense. But then what about a movie called, like… uh, what if it was like—Meet Zorro, and you’d be like—wait. But Zorro—he’s a guy but he’s not a real—he’s a fictional character! What if it was a movie that was called Meet, uh… Meat. And the movie’s about meat?

Stuart: Uh-huh. Or— Elliott: I don’t understand!

Meet Midnight Meat Train? [Dan laughs.] And you’re like, oh my god. I don’t know—

Elliott: Wait, I gotta get a—I gotta leave the house? So—okay. Dan: They were running into that homonym problem I was talking about before!


I gotta go meet this train at midnight? Like, I’m gonna be sleeping!

Yeah. I’m busy feeling Minnesota right now! I can’t do that! [All laugh.] What a dumb name. [Laughs.] [Elliott laughs.]

Um—okay, guys. Long story short—actually, very short story— [Dan laughs.] —a little bit shorter. ‘Cause the movie is not very long. Tommy just drives through this roadblock after his friends get out of the car. He runs into town. Uh, and the monster shoots his labor—lasers at him. He holds up the saucer like Jason with his shield. Uh—no, no, not Jason. I’m sorry. Like—

Elliott: Perseus with his shield. Stuart: Perseus. Yeah.

But like—Perseus reflecting the eyebeams of Medusa, he reflects Zarkorr’s eye lasers back on him. Zarkorr is destroyed. And— [Dan plays clip of people cheering.] Tommy wakes up in a hos— [Dan giggles.] Wait, what was that?

Sorry, hold on. [Plays clip again.] That says “goal.”

Oh. [Laughs.] [Dan laughs.]

Just ‘cause, y’know, his—his aim was so good—I’m thinking—y’know, this is—this—alright. Hold on. This bit is over except for—I do have to—before I retire it—uh—there’s a sound effect that’s, uh, listed as “twaddle”?


And I just gotta see— [Elliott laughs.] —what that is. So hold on. [Plays clip: Someone babbles “Tok tong! Tiddley too!”] Oh, that’s good!

Stuart: Oh, that’s pretty great. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dan: I kinda like that one! Alright. So that’s—that’s that. Elliott: Yeah, sure. Now—

Dan’s—Dan’s making a note on the device. He’s writing—“Use only for love play”—okay! [All laugh.]

[Through laughter] Yeah, I was—I have a—I have a—I have a card here where I’ve been ranking the sounds. [Elliott laughs.] I think “twaddle” is at the top.

Oh, wow. Yeah. It’s—it’s just—yeah. Just upset the whole rankings.


Now, I—the thing is, uh, you guys may not know this. I don’t need a portable soundboard because I have one. It’s called “Sammy Kalan, six-year-old”— [Dan and Stuart chuckle.] And he’ll just walk around going, “Boom boom boom-boom! Waaaaaow!” [Dan laughs.]

Dan: Huh, that’s great. Stuart: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You uh—you’re pushing for him to be one of the cast in, uh, Police Academy Kids, right? [Laughs.]

Yeah, yeah, yeah! It’s called— [Laughs.]

Elliott: [Through laughter] It’s called—it’s called Police— Stuart: Taking over the Michael Winslow role.

It’s called Police Academy Junior. And, uh—it’s—they’re all the kids of the characters in the previous Police Academy. And there’s no reason Sammy can’t be Michael Winslow’s son! Come on! And so, uh, I think there’s like a little Hightower who’s really short? Which is—that’s the joke? Is that—

Oh, that’s hilarious.

She’s really short but her name is Hightower. And then there’s, uh—uh—Bobcat Goldthwaite’s character’s—

Elliott: Who’s named Bobkitten. Yeah. Stuart: Zed, yeah.

But, uh—and—there’s—I don’t remember the names of the other characters. There’s that lady who’s real tough? There’s Steve Gutenberg. Uh… there’s—


Yeah. Mahoney. And uh—


So—so Tackleberry—uh, their kid is like um…

Dan: A pacifist. Yeah. Stuart: He doesn’t like, guns. Yeah. He’s a pacifist, yeah.

No, no. Hates guns and is really into collectible card games? And—and is always like—and also, apps with in-app purchases? So Tackleberry’s like, I can’t afford this on a policeman’s salary! You’re buying all this Minecraft stuff in the app! And he’s like—eh, whatever! It’s not real money! And he’s like, yes, it is real money. This is terrifying. Uh—

Yeah. Now, Elliott—I wanna just rewind a moment, though. Now, this Hightower child— [Stuart laughs.] —you said the thing is that she’s really short. Now, is it particularly funny that a child is—is small? Because it is my experience that most children are actually short.

Dan: Naturally. Elliott: That’s a good point.

Well, there is—that is fair that children are naturally shorter than adults. But there’s also, uh, height as you—I mean, height’s not binary? Height is a—is a very fluid, uh—uh—

So you’re saying that the—this—this child can be as small as, like, the character in this movie, uh—the—the alien, uh, intelligence, maybe.

I mean, children can be as small as a single cell!

Elliott: Really early on. When they’re just starting. Yeah. And then— Dan: Yeah. Stuart: Yeah. Apparently—

According to some online, uh, resource, my friend’s child, uh, is about the size of a chinchilla growing inside of her stomach! [Elliott laughs.]

Oh, interesting.

Not as soft, though! If you—not as soft. If you touch that growing baby it would be real icky sticky and not—

Elliott: —at all soft like a chinchilla. Stuart: Oh, cool. Thank you for warning me.

I was about to— [Elliott laughs.]

Yeah. I don’t know much a—I don’t know much about children. I just know—as Stuart said earlier—they shouldn’t play with dead things.

[Laughs.] Yup.

I mean, that kinda goes for everybody, right? Like…

Well, morticians?

Uh-huh! Yeah!

Stuart: If people weren’t playing with dead things— Elliott: I don’t know if I— [Dan laughs.]

We would have, like, all of our medical advancements in human history.

Stuart: Think about that, Elliott! Dan: Depends on what “play” is defined as, I guess. Elliott: [Laughs.] Yeah. See, I would—

I would call that work. [Dan laughs.] But, y’know. I guess if you love your job, you never work a day in your life, so. [All laugh.] So that’s—

Elliott: There’s some mortician who’s like— Stuart: Yeah, yeah, yeah! The Victor Frankenstein, Stuart.

There—there’s some mortician who has an assistant and the new body comes in and he goes—it’s playtime! And the assistant is like, uhhh, I wanna work somewhere else. [Laughs.]


So, guys—

He’s like, I thought this was just a job where I got to eat sandwiches! [Laughs.] [Elliott laughs.]

The guy’s—okay. Let’s just throw out that myth right now. In every movie, the guy doing the autopsy’s always eating a sandwich. And I’m offended by that. I have a full three-course Italian meal. That’s right: there’s a pasta course; there’s a meat course; and then a cheese course. Every time I’m autopsying a body. I won’t settle for a regular sandwich. So—would you like more riga— [Laughs.] Would you like more lasagna Bolognese while you’re cutting open that corpse? And he’s gonna be like—uhhh—I don’t know if I want any. No, no, no—you should have some. It’s—it’s delicious. And then, uh, maybe like—

Elliott: Uh, what would you like— Dan: How about these seven fishes?

Would you like some of those? [Elliott laughs.]

Oh, so it’s a whole feast of the seven fishes every time that they’ve got work to do, huh?


Elliott: So anyway, there’s—there’s— Dan: Uh—so you—wait. The ending of this movie. [Laughs.]

There’s two minutes that are still left. Tommy wakes up in a hospital. He’s now famous. Everybody loves him. And the reporter from earlier is like, there are even some people who want you to run for president! And he goes, okay! And that’s how the [though laughter] the movie ends! [Dan laughs.] With the—with the promise of a Tommy third-party campaign for president on the Zarkorr-killing platform. And then, uh, there’s a really rocking song over the credits about Zarkorr! Like, I love any movie that has a song about the main character or the monster? And this one takes itself—this one’s having fun but it takes itself seriously. It is not telling jokes about Zarkorr. It is warning you through the medium of rock’n’roll about Zarkorr.

Yeah. Dan was singing his favorite theme song that mentions the main character, uh, that played over the credits of Meet Joe Black? [All laugh.] Do you wanna sing a couple bars of that, Dan?

Yeah. Uh—it’s like—it goes, uh—[singing] He’s really Death! Death in human form! Meet Joe Black! Meet Joe Black! [Elliott laughs.] [Regular voice] It’s pretty good.

Stuart: That’s what was going on! Elliott: And they had the—


Yeah. Yeah, Stuart, I know you missed the first ten and last ten minutes of the movie. So you were like—why is everyone being so awkward around this Joe Black guy?


Did you—did you ever see—there’s this scene in the movie where, uh, Anthony Hopkins is, uh, trying to come up with a fake name to describe Death to his kids? And they’re like—what’s his name? Uh… he has a name, right? Um, yeah. It’s—and I—I remember Conan O’Brien did a bit where—when the movie came out where they just were looping that moment— [Dan laughs.] —over and over again pretty much? Or re-editing it so it stretched on for like a minute? [All laugh.] Of him not being able to come up with a name? [All laugh.] It was really funny.

Funny stuff.

It was, uh… yeah.


It was a funny thing. Funny bit. So—Zarkorr, guys. Uhhhhh…

Final judgments! Is this a good-bad movie, a bad-bad movie, a movie you kinda like? Elliott, what were you gonna say?

Guys, I’m gonna—I’m going to admit it. This is a movie I kinda liked. For three main reasons: one, I love giant monster movies and I love giant monster movies where the special effects are not amazing. Like, to be honest? I would rather watch Zarkorr: The Invader than Godzilla, uh, the most recent one? What was it called? Was it called Godzilla—

All three: King of the Monsters?

King of the Monsters?

Yeah. I would rather watch this than that. But also—it was kind of like a… goofy movie that, like, had a few funny—like, genuinely funny ideas and moved along fast. And guys—it’s so short! There’s—there’s something—

Yeah. It’s an hour twenty.

Real—there’s really something joyous about starting a movie and being, like, oh! I’m gonna finish this kind of before I realize I’m watching it! [Dan laughs.] Uh—


Elliott: But I feel like it— Stuart: That’s—that’s why—

I was so excited when I’m like, we’re half an hour into this, uh, 75-minute movie. And they’re still in a hostage situation in a— [Dan and Elliott laugh.] —TV station.

Yeah. So—

I feel like this—they kinda—they knew exactly what kind of movie they were making and they made it and… I enjoyed it. But what did you guys think?

Yeah, what did you think, Stuart?

Yeah. I’m kinda in the same boat. It—I might lean more toward, uh… like, a good-bad movie. I think it’s fun to watch with people. I mean, I had fun watching it by myself, but… uh, you know! If, uh… you know, if you’re comfortable with yourself, like— [Elliott laughs.] —you can—you can have a good time just by yourself, you know what I mean, Dan?

I have a good time by myself all the time!

Stuart: Oh, awesome! Wait a minute… Elliott: Ew. Gross. Dan. Oh, Dan. Ew. Dan: Ahhhhh…

So—no, no, I’m—I’m with Stuart in that I think it’s kind of between a movie you kind of like, kind of… good-bad. However… I— [sighs.] I don’t know. I—I really wished I had been watching it with other people. As it was, at an hour twenty, I was kinda like—okay. This could be half as long. ‘Cause the middle— [Elliott laughs.] —sags a lot. Uh—I—I—I would say, y’know, like—it’s not streaming for free anywhere? You—like, I had to pay to rent it? And I wouldn’t [though laughter] necessarily recommend anyone do that. But.

No, I agree. I agree.

Elliott: I don’t think it is worth, uh—I don’t—I don’t [inaudible]. Dan: But if you get the—if you get a bunch of pals— Stuart: Uh, it might be—it’s—

—to kick in, uh, five cents so each—

Dan: —each watch— Stuart: I mean, it’s—I think it’s—

—streaming for free on the Full Moon Video App.

Oh, okay. So if you already subscribe to the Full Moon, uh, Video then—


There ya go. [Elliott laughs.]

Dan: Then—then Stuart wants to be your friend. Elliott: I mean, you’re describing Stuart. Stuart: Go on. [Dan laughs.]

Dan: Uh— Elliott: But— Stuart: Cool. Dan: Guys. Stuart: So. That was final judgments. Elliott: I think there are worse—

—there are worse things you could put in your eyeballs and your earholes than this movie.

Like—like needles!

Uh, yeah!

That goes without saying, Dan! [Dan laughs.] Why would you even suggest that?

I didn’t suggest it! You suggested it!

Uh— [Stuart laughs.] I was talking about, like, I dunno, other movies? [Dan laughs.]

What about those weird little, like, candles that you burn to burn off all your earwax?

Yeah. Ear candles? What about those?

I mean—I mean, don’t put ‘em in your eyes! [Stuart laughs.] You don’t have eye wax! That’s crazy!

Don’t talk to me about what I have. [All laugh.]

It’s—okay. Fair point. Sorry, Dan. I didn’t mean to judge. [Laughs.] Maybe your eyes are full of wax!

Light, up-tempo, electric guitar with synth instruments.

Music: Gentle, upbeat piano music. Helen Hong: Hey, J. Keith. J. Keith van Straaten: Hey, Helen! I hear you have a true/false quiz you want me to finish! Helen: I do! Here we begin: We host a trivia gameshow podcast on the MaxFun network called... Go Fact Yourself! J. Keith: True! Helen: Correct! The show is all about celebrity guests answering trivia questions about things J. Keith enjoys. J. Keith: False. We sometimes don't talk about baseball or cats. Helen: Thank god. It's questions about things they enjoy! Next, we bring on surprise experts every episode. J. Keith: True! Helen: Correct! Final question: It's just the two of us sitting alone with these guests. J. Keith: False. Helen: Correct! We have a live audience at the Angel City Brewery! [Audience cheers and claps.] Helen: See? [A bell dings.] Helen: You can hear Go Fact Yourself every first and third Friday of the month, and if you don't listen, you can go fact yourself! J. Keith: True! [Music finishes.]

[Sound of a gavel banging three times.] Music: Upbeat music plays under dialogue. Speaker 1: Judge John Hodgman ruled in my favor. Speaker 2: Judge John Hodgman ruled in my friend’s favor. Speaker 3: Judge John Hodgman ruled in my favor. Judge John Hodgman: I’m Judge John Hodgman. You’re hearing the voices of real litigants. Real people, who have submitted disputes to my internet court, at the Judge John Hodgman podcast. I hear their cases. I ask them questions—they’re good ones—and then I tell them who’s right and who’s wrong. Speaker 1: Thanks to Judge John Hodgman’s ruling, my dad has been forced to retire one of the worst Dad Jokes of all time. Speaker 3: Instead of cutting his own hair with a Flowbee, my husband has his hair cut professionally. Speaker 4: I have to join a community theatre group. Speaker 5: And my wife has stopped bringing home wild animals. Judge John Hodgman: It’s the Judge John Hodgman podcast. Find it every Wednesday at, or wherever you download podcasts. [Sound of a gavel banging three times.] Speaker 1: Thanks, Judge John Hodgman! [Music ends.]

Let’s move on to… uh… our sponsor this week? Uh, now, of course… The Flop House is largely sponsored in part by listeners like you, and in March the, uh, Max Fun drive will be coming up but we don’t need to talk about that just yet. It is also sponsored in part by… Squarespace! [Deep voice.] Squarespace! [Regular voice] Which is a company that allows you to make websites. Well, it doesn’t allow you to make website. Like—y’know—like, you can make a website— [Elliott laughs.]

Dan: —no matter what. Elliott: It’s—you have—

You don’t need Squarespace’s permission, man, Get off my back, Squarespace!

Yeah. It—it will help you. It will assist you in the making of a website. If you are… not a programmer? If you do not know html? This is a very convenient way of doing it. It’ll allow you to blog or publish content; sell products and services of all kinds; and much, much more! By giving you beautiful customizable templates created by world-class designers, everything optimized for mobile right out of the box—a lot of people are going to be looking at your website on an iPhone or other smartphone! I wouldn’t—I—sorry for shilling for Apple. Any—any phone.


Dan: You know, you want your website to look good. Stuart: Any kind of phone. Not a—

Not a burn—burner phone, though. Right?

Dan: No. Elliott: No, no. Or a rotary phone. Stuart: Not a flip phone. Dan: Or hopefully— Elliott: But you said smartphone. Yeah.

Hopefully not one of those exploding Samsungs, either.

Not a—not a ‘sploding Samsung!

Dan: But it’s a new way— Elliott: Dan! Dan!

It sounds like you’re still talking down Apple’s, uh… rivals! [Dan laughs.] When you’re talking about one of those ‘sploding Samsungs. So maybe, like, don’t mention brands of phones.

Yeah. Well, anyway, it’s a new way to buy domains. Choose from over 200 extensions. Free and secure hosting. Go to for a free trial and when you’re ready to launch, use the offer code FLOP to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain.

Now, Dan, I had an idea for a website and I was wondering if Squarespace could help me.

Dan: Probably, but I’m not gonna listen— Elliott: Uh— Stuart: Uh-huh.

—‘cause I gotta go pee. You talk about it.

I mean, you can tell me. Or we can just pause the recording.

[From a distance and slightly echo-y] Nope!

I mean, I could—nope! Okay. I’ll tell Stuart ‘cause Dan had to announce his peeing. So—anyway. I mean, now I want listeners to go back and listen to the last ten, fifteen minutes of the show. Knowing that Dan had to pee probably that whole time. And see, like, what does it—what does it make you think about the way he’s saying? Does it add a little bit of extra, like, meaning? A frisson to it? Is it like, now it’s like a Harold Pinter thing! It’s about what he’s not saying! And what he’s not saying is he has to urinate. His bladder’s filling with liquid to the point where—he need—his body needs to release it and he’s not gonna do that just sitting next to Stuart in his living room! Or is he?

No. I mean, maybe! You know? What was that website idea you had? [Laughs.]

Uh, I kinda want to save it ‘til Dan comes back. But I guess I’ll talk about it now. So—my idea was—we all love parkour, right?

I do! Certainly!

It’s a way to get through urban environments in—without just walking around. But it’s been so long that we’ve had parkour, and it’s time for a new development. What about a new way to get around or through the bodies of monsters? I call it: Zarkour. And it’s a way to, like… travel up and down a monster in just imaginative ways using, like, natural handholds and not just walking around. So anyway—

It’s kinda like Shadow of the Colossus, basically.

Uh—yeah! I guess that’s a way to put it. So I wanted to do a website called—this is a nonprofit—that shows people and helps connect people who have an intere—shows people how to climb around monsters and connects people who have a shared interest in climbing around monsters! And there’s a dating aspect of it, too. Because it’s hard to find someone who’s also interested in climbing around monsters to share a—a life with? Or even just to have some fun with. So anyway, that’s, a nonprofit, uh, about monster-based parkour. And perhaps romantic opportunities—

Elliott: —that arise from it! Stuart: How are you gonna—

How are you gonna monetize this, Elliott? Is it gonna be, like, a subscription-based service or is it mainly going to—is there gonna be, like, a—like a shop element where you sell, like, branded merchandise?

Now again, it is a nonprofit. So everything we make gets poured right back into mapping monsters and coming up with new ways to get around them and climb up or through them or—over them. But we would make money. We would sell branded merchandise and we’d also have, like, a donor page. We’ll of course be reaching out to corporate sponsors and grants from, uh, places like, uh, the Ford Foundation. To make sure that we can get that money together. Because there’s a whole world of monsters that need climbing on out there. And there’s a whole world of lonely people who like climbing on monsters who need to be connected.

Stuart: Yeah. Connected, yeah. Elliott: Whether that’s for—

—a casual encounter? Or something a little more formal! There’s no strings attached when you’re climbing a monster!

Elliott: And there doesn’t need to be— Stuart: Unless you have a string attached to the monster—

—while you’re climbing.

I mean, I wouldn’t call that Zarkour, though. That’s more kind of old-fashioned monster climbing.

Stuart: Oh, okay. Elliott: Zarkour is—

It’s all handholds or footholds. You’re not attached to anything. And you’re looking for: what is the most interesting route around or through this monster?

Yep. And—and your friends can stand and TikTok you while you’re doing it.

Oh, for sure. We actually—we have another app that you shoot videos with called ZikZok. And uh—

[Through laughter] Yup!

It’s like—it’s for monster climbing but it’s these little videos that you make. Sure.

Uh-huh. Yeah.

Okay! Well, I’m back, so let’s move on. Hey! Hey, uh, we’re doing a live show in Toronto on April 18th.

Elliott: Mm-hm! Stuart: Wowww.

It’s part of the What The Film Festival.

Stuart: Uh-huh! Dan: Um— Elliott: And—

We’re gonna be putting up a ticket link on our website,! Right, Dan?

We will! Yes. I will get on that the moment I remember to do so.

Dan: Which will be— Stuart: And a little closer to the, uh— [Elliott laughs.]

Hopefully very soon. [Laughs.]

And a little closer to the, uh, the actual event we will announce the movie that we are going to be reviewing for that show. Either… either on Twitter—well, probably on Twitter and on Facebook. Uh, y’know. Something like that.

Dan: Yeah. And we— Elliott: And on this—

And on this very show, likely!

Oh, most likely. Uh—I’d also like to, uh, take a moment and plug a friend’s business? Uh… this Toronto show, uh, was helped in part by my friend’s travel agency. It’s a small travel agency called Huckleberry Travel. Uh, they’ve been friends of the show for a while and they’ve certainly helped with, uh, my and Dan’s travel. Um—

Yeah. We went to an—we went on an Alaska cruise together! Stuart and I and some others.

And—and they did such a, uh, hands-on, uh… travel agent job. They actually came along on the cruise with us.

Now, they won’t do that, I think for you, the, uh, listener.

Dan: Maybe! Maybe. Stuart: I dunno! Maybe if your trip’s super badass!

Once a—a friend—a friend of mine and I went on a trip on a log raft down the Mississippi River, and they really helped us with it. Huckleberry Travel.


Uh… and of course we’re gonna try and do—we hope to do a ton more, uh, live shows this coming year. We’re—

Dan: We’re in talks— Stuart: I mean, not a ton.

Well, no. Not a ton. But we’re—

No; 2,000 lbs worth of live shows. [Laughs.] [Dan laughs.]

We’re working, uh, with our booking agent to arrange a lot more shows so we may be coming near you! Who knows.

But I would also—I would also say: if you are—manage or own a venue, and you’d be interested in us coming by, why—why not reach out to us?


Either through our website or on Twitter, uh, or through our Facebook page! And let us know if you think you would have interest in having The Flop House come to your venue! We’d love to get a sense of what’s out there! But where we’ll be for sure is in Toronto, April 18th, at the What The Film Fest.

Yeah. No—no Texas Chainsaw Massacres, please. Don’t invite us to do a show and then murder us.

Oh, man. Or invite us to do a show and it turns out it’s like a weird gross town that has a roller coaster that strips the flesh off of people’s bones?

Elliott: We do not need that. Stuart: Oh, that actually—

That actually sounds pretty good.

Dan: Now, Stuart— Elliott: Nooo! [Laughs.]

Was Leatherface inviting that van of—of kids to do a show? Is that what was happening [though laughter] in—

Dan: [Through laughter] —Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Stuart: Yeah, yeah, yeah! That’s—

Well, I mean, his—his brother is the one who kind of invites ‘em when he gets in the back of the thing and starts acting all, uh, bonkers.

The hitchhiker, eventually named Choptop.



Now, uh—now—what—uh—actually—uh—uh—I—I’m sure—I guess you guys don’t realize that that movie was the first South x Southwest.

Okay. Anyway.

That was the first South x Southwest festival was a van full of kids getting killed by Leatherface. [Laughs.]

Oh, wow. Well, the—not all the kids got killed!

One got away. That’s true. One got away. And she was like—I went to this amazing festival.

Elliott: And that’s just word of mouth! That’s how it grew! Stuart: Uh-huh. YOLO! [Laughs.] [Elliott laughs.]

Unless—work—I mean, still better than the Fyre Festival, weirdly.

Yeah! Yeah.

Uh—now—unless there are any more objections from the floor, we’re gonna move on to letters.

Oh! A letterbag!

Letters from listeners. Listeners like you. Uh, this first letter is from Brendan, last name withheld.


Who says: “Good afternoon, Flopsters! I recently attended the Judge—"

Dan: “—John Hodgman—" Elliott: It is—

It is the afternoon! How did he know?


Who knows?

Who’s his source?! [Dan laughs.]

Um—he could be outside the apartment right now!

Yeah. He’s standing over Dan’s shoulder, threatening to chop off his head if he stops podcasting. The way Robert Howard claimed Conan would do.

Okay. Uh—thi— [Laughs.]

Wait. If Robert—so—

Elliott: Conan’s a big— Dan: Oh god.

Was a big podcast fan?

Yeah! Yeah, yeah. ‘Cause Robert Howard did a podcast with his buddy H. P. Lovecraft. [Elliott laughs.] They would Skype. [Laughs.]

Alright. I was taking that moment to put some chapstick on. Okay!

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Stuart: He’s—this is drying him out. Elliott: Dan, we don’t need to know—

—these things! Dan, we don’t—we didn’t need to know about the peeing. We didn’t need to know about the chapstick. Remember the time you opened a package during the episode?

That was—

Your life?

Dan: That was content for the episode. Elliott: You—you— [Laughs.] Stuart: Yes. It’s all hot content.

People were amused that there was a waterpik inside. I—I firmly believe that.

I’m just saying that you need to have a division between your personal life and your professional life. Or else you’re not gonna know who you are! Are you the Dan character, or are you Dan the man? Are you Dan in real life? Or—or do you not have a pillow made out of pancakes?

That’s somewhat true. That is true. Uh, okay. Well anyway! Brendan writes: “I recently attended the Judge John Hodgman live show at the Murmrr Theatre in Brooklyn. At the beginning of the show, Jesse was warming up the crowd and—in an apparent attempt to fire up the audience—he mentioned there was a special guest in the crowd—our own Dan McCoy! What followed was complete silence.”

Oh man, yeah. Well, that’s better than boos!

Now, I gotta—I got—I gotta take issue with this. Uh, there was—I would call it a smattering of applause. [Laughs.] [Elliott laughs.]

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was like, uh, it was like when we—uh… when we went to that, uh… Stuff You Should Know at the Bell House? And, uh, I was trying to sneak out of there and then Chuck, uh, Chuck was like—yeah! And if you come by after, Stuart and Dan and The Flop House will be around! And I’m like, god dammit. No one clapped. [Dan and Elliott laugh.]

Yeah. No, I—there were—there were—there was some, uh… there were a few… uh, people who recognized, uh, The Flop House and were cheering. Uh, it was not, like, however, uh, Hodgman’s, uh, book reading at Books Are Magic, where he also did [though laughter] the same thing. Saying, Dan McCoy of The Flop House is in the crowd. And there—I would say—uh, the bet—the response, uh, could be best described as “baffled.” But uh—

Dan: Moving on. Elliott: Wow. Well, I mean— Stuart: Yeah.

I went to—I went to a, uh, John Hodgman book reading event and he made sure to point out that Cory Doctorow was in the crowd. My name went unmentioned. [Dan laughs.]

Oh, wow. Yeah, I mean—was that the book event that I showed up at and then left before it started? Yeah. [Elliott laughs.] I didn’t—I didn’t like the—I didn’t like the energy in the room. [Elliott laughs.]

There were—there were a bunch of dogs there and—

Dan: —outside— Stuart: Wow! Dude!

No, actual literal dogs.


And, uh, Audrey was— [though laughter] was visibly more interested in the dogs than anything else that was going on? And John invited her to go to the back room where the dogs were hanging out.


Anyway. Uh, so—move—uh, continuing with the letter: “This was a bizarre experience. I wanted to yell out, but I didn’t. I think I was a little afraid of being berated by John Hodgman for yelling during his show.” It wasn’t really during his show. Uh, but anyway: “It’s been bothering me all week, so I wanted to write in to tell you I love your show and you deserved a better welcome. Raow raow. My question: Is there anything significant that you remember from one of your own live shows that either didn’t make it into the official recording, or that just doesn’t translate to the podcast medium? Brendan, last name withheld.”

Um… yeah! I mean, uh… mine was super recent. When, uh, I managed to bring Dan to tears with my PowerPoint presentation. Uh, that was—that was a really special moment. ‘Cause Dan couldn’t really start the podcast.

[Laughs.] No. Stuart did a new presentation in Boston that was… maybe the most I’ve ever laughed? [Laughs.] [Stuart laughs.]

It was—it was very magical. That was—yeah. I—I kinda wish we had stopped the show right there and just told the audience to leave, ‘cause that would’ve—that was the highlight.

Stuart: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dan: Yeah.

I mean, I was running around ripping people’s eyes out of their heads ‘cause I didn’t want them to have to look at anything else afterwards. [Elliott laughs.] But—

Dan: I would not— Stuart: The cops got mad at me.

There’s nothing that’s coming—I know that there’s good stuff that happens beforehand that, uh, people don’t get to hear. The only thing that’s coming to mind is, like, visual stuff. Like, often when Elliott is singing his songs, that is the cue for Stuart or I or both of us to leave the stage and go get beers.

Elliott: Or—or I’ve seen you lie down on the stage. Stuart: Check our phones. [Dan laughs.]

As if I’ve murdered you with my music. [Dan laughs.]

Dan climbed under the, uh, climbed under the table once.

Yeah. A lot of visual humor.

Yeah. I—so—but it’s not like, uh, it’s not like an Iron Maiden concert where we’re coming out in different costumes or there’s like a big, like, Eddie that comes out and—

Elliott: —we have to fight him off. Dan: Why don’t we do that? Stuart: Well there was that—

There was that one time where I—uh—I—the stage had a giant Eddie hand and I climbed up and the hand, like, lifted me up into the sky? And people were losing their minds.

Elliott: Yeah. That was the— Dan: I mean… speaking of—

When we—when we were performing in Rio before 200,000 people.


Speaking of costumes—I mean, not to suggest that Stuart’s clothes are—are a costume, but people are missing the amazing shirts and cardigans that Stuart often wears.

Yeah. I mean—I—I have to—Dan and Elliott, uh, dress so nice. I have to—I have to bring my own flavor, you know.

Dan: Mm-hm. Elliott: Mm-hm. Yeah, sure.

Uh, so I guess—I mean, the thing that—mostly—people miss is they don’t get to see our presentations. But uh… y’know. Uh, they should start coming to shows! You know? And—and capture the magic! Should we do more special for the shows? Perhaps even have… an animal on stage with us? Hmmmm! Perhaps some kind of… dare I say… house alligator?

Mmmm! A new—a new character! I think we could do it. Uh, we shouldn’t bring a cat due to allergies.

Dan and Elliott: Yeah.

And the fact that I think a cat would not like it.


And there would be pee, probably.

Even Archie Preps—the most laid-back cat I’ve ever encountered—would probably panic in an audience full of people.

Stuart and Elliott: Yeah.

Dan, that sounds like a Disney movie from the ‘60s—Archie the Laid-Back Cat?


I—y’know, I would love it. [Through laughter] Let’s—let’s make it! Let’s go back in time and let’s make it. [Stuart laughs.] Uh, this next letter is from Rusty, last name withheld. Not—not my best friend from growing up. Um—

Rusty Shackleford, uh, the—the pseudonym from King of the Hill.

Okay. Uh, Rusty writes: “Flop House crew! I recent—I relatively recently found your podcast, back in July, and have been vorasist—voraciously consuming your content. And I just wanted you guys to know, I regard each of you as avatars of my own psyche in a way. Elliott—"


“Elliott is the superego, with his hypercerebral and historical film appreciation. Stuart is the id! As he shares my low of brine, yesna, and other goopy, gory, and insane horror cinema. And Dan? The superego. Who acts as a middle ground. Being both a huge pervet—pervert—and an intellectual in his own right. Who maintains order in The Flop House.”

I don’t mean to split too many hairs, but that’s two [though laughter] superegos.

Yeah. I was just thinking about that. One of us has to be the ego, and the other one the superego. Uh, you know what? Dan—I’ll take ego. That’s fine. I’ll be a living planet with a beard made out of moss.

Oh, man.

Okay. Uh—yeah. I don’t know which one—I’m—uh, I’m reading it here. I don’t know which one he meant for which person. Um…

What—maybe one of ‘em, he meant, is like a really good ego.

Yeah. [Elliott laughs.] “Uh, now the sweet, sweet question: What Dungeons and Dragons class and alignment do you feel best represent you? I would postulate Dan is the pensive half-elf ranger who wears the scars of his past proudly and has a badass cat companion.”

Mm-hm. Yup.

“Stuart is the hale and hearty dwarven cleric, worshipping some kind of dwarven party god.”

Sure, yeah.

“I know there’s one—it’s in the 3.5 edition book, Races of Stone. But I got rid of that book because I thought it was mostly useless to me.” This aside—

Dan: Side piece of info. Stuart: I mean, I feel like most books—

—are basically useless.

What?! [Laughs.] [Stuart laughs.] “Elliott, of course—"

Now that there’s movies and books on tape.

Okay. “Elliott, of course, is a— [Elliott laughs.] —half—is a halfling bard, because he is small, cunning, and I picture halflings as eating tons of chicken.”

Dan: I’m a bit—I’m a bit— Elliott: You gotta believe it. I—

I think—I think you can base that on the scene in Masters of the Universe: The Movie, where there’s that, like… he has that, like, dwarf companion? He-Man does? And that guy loves the chicken that they find.

Yeah. I’m a bit fuzzy on alignments or I’m too lazy to superimpose my ideas. Pick one. I don’t care. Keep on shining, you crazy diamonds. Rusty, last name withheld.

Oh yeah. Obviously, I’m… I’m lawful good. You know. I love playing by the rules— [Elliott laughs.]


Just, like, being cool and nice. But within the rules.


Dan: No, Stuart. Stuart: Dan’s neutral evil.

[Laughs.] Okay. [Elliott laughs.] Sure.

Yup! And I’m probably a neutral milk hotel?

Oh, wow!

‘Cause like— [Dan laughs.] —I don’t—I’m not necessarily good or evil; I’m just a normal person. But also—I’ve got a lot of calcium and protein and also, uh, y’know, I let people stay at my house sometimes.

Yeah! And you—you have the prestige class “King of Carrot Flowers.”

[Through laughter] Yeah. Exactly.

It’s weird that the neutral milk hotels get all the attention? Like, what about the good milk hotels out there?

Dan: Like, if you’re looking on Yelp— Elliott: It’s funny because—

—you want a good milk hotel.

Stuart: Just like Tommy in the movie Zarkorr. You know. Elliott: Yeah, yeah. The best—


The best milk hotel doesn’t get a lot of press, but the best exotic marigold hotel—apparently—gets the most press of all the exotic marigold hotels! Yeah.

[Sighs.] Well, that’s letters, guys. [Laughs.]

That’s the letters. [Elliott laughs.]

I suddenly got really worn out. But we got one more… segment.

Elliott: Op! Wait! Hold on! Dan: And that— Stuart: Woop! But!

Do you hear that? [Singing, and continues singing until indicated otherwise] Why—it—it sounds like Dan’s got a problem with energy! Time for a song! A surprise song to get him all lifted up! Let’s lift Dan’s spirits with a surprise song ‘cause nothing makes energy like the magic of music! Hey everybody! All across the world! Let’s dance in our seats and dance on our feets! ‘Cause we gotta show Dan there’s a reason to live! Daannn! Put down all those things! That make you sad. ‘Cause it’s time to be happy with music! Dan’s favorite music is Talking Heads, which sounds just like this. This is what an average Talking Heads sounds—

Dan: Okay. Come on. Elliott: —sounds like.


Hey. It’s me—David Burn. And I’m talking to Dan through the power of music! Dan! Dan! Daaannnn! Are you feeling the power? Feeling the magic? Feeling the notes and feeling the lyrics? Do you have the energy of the old spirits? In your body right now? That’s me—David Burn! Saying, well Dan, do ya? Do ya? Do ya? Yes? Or? No? Can you sleep on it? [Dan laughs.] Baby, baby, can you sleep on it? That’s right, it’s me, Meatloaf! Another guy who is singing to Dan. I’m also a popular foodstuff! But don’t eat me! Because that would be the end of my time as a music superstar. Hey, David Burn, does it ever feel good to not be named after a food? No, Meatloaf—

Dan: [Sighs.] Oh, god [inaudible] Elliott: This is me, David Burn now—

—saying I’ve always envied that you are also a food! So Dan—I think it’s clear. That it’s time for us to continue— [Dan laughs.] —newly revitalized! Newly reenergized! Newly reaching up to the skies!

Dan: Alright. Elliott: For the last segment—

—of The Flop House—

Thank you.

Elliott: With Dan. And Stuart. And Elliott. Dan: Oh—okay. Stuart: Yep.


David Burn may not be a foodstuff, but he is something that can happen to foodstuffs!

Yeah. That’s true. [Elliott laughs.] That’s very true.

Get it?

Yeah, I do. Um—so.

Stuart? This is David Burn—

[Through laughter] Goddammit!

—again—and you’ve given me a new lease on life! I finally know what it’s like to be happy! Dan? Take that as an inspiration! Let’s go into this recommendation with maximum energy!

Uh, okay. So—I’ll go first. Um, I’m—I’m gonna recommend, uh, two movies at once because I feel like they are, uh, pretty linked, actually. Uh—in—in style. [Elliott laughs.]

They’re Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2.

No, they’re not— [Stuart laughs.] —they’re not actually related in any other way that—than—that I saw them, uh, very close to one another? But they reminded me of one another. I watched a movie called VH-Yes and I watched Greener Grass. And both of them are kind of… they’re movies that have a narrative, but also feel very much like… uh… sketch comedy movies. Um… VH-Yes is a movie that is, uh… kind of… found footage-y? It’s about a kid who gets, uh, a camcorder and he records, uh, snippets of his own life. Uh, while you see in the background his, uh, parent’s marriage is dissolving? But it also then, he uses the camcorder to record a bunch of snippets of late night TV. And this, uh, all occurs—it’s a—it’s a period piece. It occurs in the '80s. And I found it very... it spoke to me because I was that kid? I… uh, saved up a bunch of money from a paper route? And I bought a camcorder? Uh, and filmed a bunch of stuff, and I also—of course—snuck out and stayed up late and watched, uh, late night television. And, uh, there’s a lot of stuff—

Dan: —in the movie— Stuart: I get it, dude.

You’re a bad boy. [Dan laughs.]

Yes! [Elliott laughs.] Uh, the—the… late night TV stuff’s all very funny. It’s got people like Tom Lenin in it. Uh, uh… uh… Tim Robbins. Shows up. It’s funny stuff, but then—like—there’s actually kind of moving stuff? In the… uh, framing? Uh, stuff? And I won’t—I won’t kinda get into that further. But also—Greener Grass I would describe as… kind of if Wet Hot American Summer was also Blue Velvet? Uh, it’s a lot of, like, very… the comedy of absurdity; the comedy of people acting very awkward and strange with a lot of commitment? Uh… it—is set in suburbia but it’s not, kind of, the tired dark side of suburbia thing so much as it is about a woman whose life is deteriorating because she is so… polite and passive and—and like feels the need to be polite to the degree that it screws her over in a number of ways. And both of these movies, um… aside from being kind of strange? Take an interesting sort of tonal turn. That I won’t get into. But uh… I liked them both. Stuart.

It’s funny that you should recommend Greener Grass, ‘cause I’m going to recommend a movie that also has a color in the title!


I’m going to recommend, uh, the movie Color Out of Space, starring Nicolas Cage, directed by Richard Stanley. It is a horror movie. Uh, based on a short story by H.P. Loved-craft. And, uh… it is, uh, yeah! It’s like—silly and funny. Uh, and… the—it’s filled with special effects and music and— [Dan laughs.] —acting. Uh— [Dan laughs.]

Okay. So it’s a movie. [Dan laughs.] So let’s establish the minimum of—that it takes to be a movie.

And Nicolas Cage gives this performance that’s like… almost so crazy—like, it’s crazy enough that it—because everything else around him is so normal? That it—it’s kinda like Al Pacino in The Irishman. Where it takes me out of the movie and at no point am I not thinking—oh yeah! That’s, uh, that’s Nicolas Cage. Or that’s Al Pacino. But at the same time, there’s something so, like, charming about how over-the-top and silly the performance is that I don’t think I’d—I don’t think I’d change it for anything in the world.

Yeah. And—let’s be clear, though, Stuart. Uh, when you say “everything else is normal,” you mean that everyone else in the movie is acting in a naturalistic style, unlike Nicolas Cage. The movie is bonkers. [Laughs.] Crazy the stuff that happens in it.

Yeah. It’s bonkers crazy but it’s also like—I dunno, I feel like it’s—ehhh, I feel like it’s pretty straightforward. It all—it all makes a lotta sense.

Uh, yeah. I saw it at the same, uh, time as Stuart and I—I would’ve recommended it if I hadn’t been pretty sure that Stuart was—

Dan: —gonna. Stuart: Yeah! It’s—

‘Cause it’s—I don’t know. It’s like—it’s so silly and weird and—and it still manages to be pretty scary and it does some stuff that I don’t feel like I’ve really seen before. And it plays with, like, the—I don’t know. It—it does stuff, uh, that I—I wish I saw more in, uh, Lovecraft, uh, interpretations.

Yeah. I think it finds interesting ways to take the cosmic horror, like, unexplainable, undescribable stuff. And—and show it as best you can.

Yeah. And then we got to watch a Q&A, uh, a filmed Q&A afterwards where Nicolas Cage, uh, was dressed like a crazy biker man and Richard Stanley just mumbled through every— [Dan laughs.] —single question. It’s—it’s so great.

Nic—Nicolas Cage—

Was Richard St—was Richard Stanley wearing his, like, wizard’s hat? Or like, warlock’s hat?

Elliott: That he al—he seems to wear in his interview? Dan: He didn’t have the hat on— Stuart: Yeah.

He had his hair that makes it look like he’s wearing a wig that no one would ever choose— [Elliott laughs.] —as a wig.

[Mocking voice] Mm. I—no one would ever choose it as a wig. [Regular voice] Yeah. He’s so funny, man.

Nicolas Cage’s jacket though, uh, I described it as, um… he looked like a wrestler who’s also a rockabilly guitarist? [Laughs.]

Yeah! Yep! [Elliott laughs.]

It was pretty good.

Uh—okay. Well I’m also recommending a movie in theaters… in 1952. It’s called Sudden Fear and it stars Joan Crawford and Jack Palance. Uh, Joan Crawford is a successful, wealthy, Broadway playwright who gets into a romance with a young actor played by Jack Palance. And—spoiler—he’s—there’s something sinister going on. ‘Cause it’s Jack Palance. You can tell almost from the minute he walks onscreen. Uh, Gloria Graham is in it, too, playing the kind of character Gloria Graham plays—a kind of like, uh, sneaky, conniving, uh, lady. And… it is this kind of… interesting combination of… a film noir and a woman’s melodrama? There’s a lot of, like, Joan Crawford being—in the throes of love and then falling from those heights into… kind of passionate sadness and tears. But there’re also some genuinely, like, very tense and very creepy noir-ish scenes. And, uh, there’s a moment involving a wind-up metal dog that I didn’t expect to see onscreen? That I found very, uh, very eerie and strange! But anyway. It’s called Sudden Fear. Uh, and it’s from 1952 and it’s available on the Canopy app. If you can get that through your local library! And I thought it was—it was one of these movies where I was like—how have I never heard of or seen anything about this movie before? ‘Cause I found it super entertaining and really well-made. Uh, and everyone in it is great! So that’s Sudden Fear, starring Joan Crawford!

Excellent, guys.

Dan: Excellent. Stuart: Love it.

Did a great job.


Dan: Stuart, you did a great job. Stuart: I wanna—I wanna know more about this—

—wind-up—wound-up metal dog, you know?

I mean, I don’t wanna—I don’t wanna, uh, build it up too much, but I did think that might pique your interest, Stuart. That there’s a—for some reason, there’s a scene where two characters decide to start playing with this wind-up metal dog. And I’m like—why is this the moment they started to do this? But.

Why—when you just said pique like that, you held up a VHS copy of Dante’s Peak. [Dan and Elliott laugh.]

I’m really into puns these days. [Dan laughs.]

Inexplicable, baffling ones. Elliott, I wanted to say, also, you did a great job. I was—I—I told Stuart—and then Stuart, like, sorta cut me off in the middle with his dog talk? I just didn’t want you to feel left out.

Uh, okay. Thanks. I— [though laughter] I appreciate it.

Dan: [Through laughter] I want to spread the compliments around… equally. Stuart: Oh, wow. Elliott’s still not very good at taking a compliment.

[Through laughter] No, no! It’s just—the, uh, I—

He’s still got his armor up, huh?

I just didn’t want you to feel left out. That’s all.

They power their shields down there, uh, Vice-Admiral Thrawn or whatever! [Elliott laughs.]

I know he’s a Grand Admiral. [Inaudible.]

Uh… [Elliott laughs.] Hey!

I—I’m glad you corrected yourself, Stuart. ‘Cause the listeners were pissed. I could feel it. It was like a great disturbance in the Force, as if one of us— [Stuart laughs.] —had said something slightly wrong.

[Through laughter] Uh-huh.

Elliott, you talk quickly. Do you wanna give the usual spiel about, uh, Max Fun and all that?

And I’m also Jewish, so it’s okay for me to give a spiel! Whereas— [Dan laughs.] —if one of you guys did it, it might be a little…

Elliott: I don’t know. Kind of like— Dan: Appropriation.

Appropriating another culture? Uh—hey, everybody! We’re a member of the Max Fun—Maximum Fun—podcast network and there’s a lotta great shows in the Maximum Fun network. I would recommend you don’t just stop with us! You go on and listen to one of the other ones! There’s a lot of great ones about movies; there’s a lot of great interview podcasts; there’s a lot of great ones about TV; there’s one about work processes—come on. Just try some other, uh, Maximum Fun podcasts! There’s advice shows! Y’know, there’s all sorts of stuff! There’s great podcasts on there. Go to to look at ‘em! Uh, also? If you like this podcast, hey—why not say something nice about us on iTunes? Review us there. Review us anywhere you see podcast reviews. Tell people about us. Tweet about us. Instagram about us. Send letters to your grandma about us. Write a postcard so the mailman can see it ‘cause you know they read—

Elliott: —those postcards. Dan: Hey, if you’re in the media—

Y’know, uh, say something about us on—on a bigger platform! We’ve been around for 12 years now, so it’s hard to get, uh, people excited about [though laughter] publicity?

Dan: But—if you wanna— Stuart: Yeah. You heard all those great— Elliott: Well they—when—

You heard all those fucking great drops Dan was doing!


Yeah. [Laughs.] Yeah. Don’t wait to talk about us when one of us dies or all of us in some kind of freak accident? Talk about us now, while we’re still alive! You know?

Elliott: And also— Stuart: I mean, it’s—

—at least gonna look like an accident. Um— [Elliott laughs.] And also— [Dan laughs.]

Elliott: [Through laughter] Wait. Hold on. Stuart: Uh, you mentioned the—

You mentioned the network and we also mention that the, uh, episode today—the movie was chosen by a contest winner. Uh, who designed merch and that merch is available for purchase at, uh, at, right?

Yes. And if—unless, uh, something drastic happens that forces us to change our plans, we will be doing the next contest winner next episode, Uh, so look forward to that!

And then after that we’ll go back to the big-budget Hollywood spectaculars that you’re used to! But hey—it’s fun to do these lesser-known movies, too. So! That’s The Flop House on Maximum Fun. Our editor is Jordan Kauwling and for The Flop House, you are—what was your name again?

Dan McCoy.

And the other guy, what—wait. Who—who are you?

I’m Stuart Wellington!

And who am I?

You’re Elliott Kalan.

Oh, that’s right! Goodnight, everybody.


Light, up-tempo, electric guitar with synth instruments.

[With staccato enunciation] Oh, great. Let’s do this thing!


And Jordan? I know that was not as funny a usual pre-start as we usually have? Uh… I apologize.

Maybe she could, uh—I don’t know. Like, add some sound effects under it or something.

Yeah. Some “boi-oi-oi-oi-ing”s! Or [makes horse mouth noise].

[Singing] Dumb. Do. Do. Do do do do! Do do do do do do do!


speaker 2
Comedy and culture.

speaker 3
Artist owned—

speaker 4
—Audience supported.
About the show
The Flop House is a bimonthly audio podcast devoted to the worst in recent film. Your hosts (Elliott Kalan, Dan McCoy, and Stuart Wellington) watch a questionable film just before each episode, and then engage in an unscripted, slightly inebriated discussion, focusing on the movie’s shortcomings and occasional delights.
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