
On this episode of The Flop House we discuss—Godzilla: King of the Monsters! [Audience applauds, cheers.]


Light, up-tempo, electric guitar with synth instruments.

Hey, everyone, and welcome to The Flop House. I’m Dan McCoy.

I’m Stuart Wellington!

And I’m Elliott Kalan. And we’re in Boston again. [Audience cheers, applauds.]

Elliott and Stuart: Oh, boy!

And Dan? When we’re in Boston, what do we like to do on this podcast?

[Laughs.] Well, we like to do the same thing as we normally do, but we wear—

“Try to take over the world.” Pinky and the Brain. Wonderful, yes. [Audience laughs.]

We talk about—

Wait—was that set in Boston?

Yeah. It was originally called Pinky and the Brain’s Boston Adventure. [Stuart laughs.] And then they were like, “They never leave the cage, really. Or they rarely do. So why are we calling it out as Boston? If we just take Boston out of the title then people can imagine it’s happening in their town.” And then the executives were like, “That would be frightening. If I had super-intelligent mice in my town? But okay! You’re Steven Spielberg We’ll do it!” [Audience laughs.]

Um, so— [Laughs.] [Audience laughs.] I’m sorry. Guys? Listeners at home, Stuart just did the most amazing presentation. I really—

Dan is really suffering. [Audience cheers, applauds.]

I wish you had been here for it.

I feel like—

I wish you had been here.

Dan has never in his life had a sexual or professional experience— [Audience laughs.] —that so satisfied him the way that Stuart’s presentation did. His mind is wiped. He is spent.

[Through laughter] I really—it really is. [Stuart laughs.] I can’t remember what we do.

So is someone else driving this… car, if you will? [Audience cheers, applauds.] So what we normally do on this podcast—we watch a bad movie and we talk about it. And today we watched a movie and we’re gonna find out if it was bad or not. Today we watched Godzilla: King of the Monsters.

That’s right—not Godzilla King of the Monsters, like that’s his last name. Godzilla—colon—King of the Monsters. Because a big monster’s got a big colon. [Audience laughs.]

[Laughs.] Hi. I’m Elliott Kalan. For—

“Hi. I’m Elliott Kalan for Monster Rectal Health,” as I stand up. “It’s not anything any of us wants to think about. That the monsters we love might, in some way, damage their rectums. And yet—if we all take a moment to pay a little more attention to the rectums of our monsters—their lives will be better for it and we’ll really appreciate it. Join me, won’t you? On a journey inside the monster colon.” [Audience laughs.] “I hope you’ve got wading boots and a spelunker’s helmet, because I didn’t bring enough for everybody.” Well, we watched Godzilla: King of the Monsters. And let’s just say right off the top—I was excited about this one because longtime listeners of the podcast will know that I’m an old time G fan.

Uh-huh. That means a fan of Godzilla, right?

That’s exactly what it means. [Audience laughs.]

Cool. Just trying to stay up to speed.

Not a fan of the Guyver. It’s fine.


It’s fine.

Why are you dragging the Guyver into this?

It’s just not as good as—

Do I have to—I’m gonna tweet Mark Hamill.

No! Don’t do that! [Audience laughs.] Now, as a kid, loved the Godzilla movies. Here was how I felt as a kid. I’ve changed since then. I’ve matured. Big monsters—yes, human-sized monsters—no. Thumbs down. Now I appreciate the human-sized monsters: Draculas, Frankensteins, the Mummy I’m still not crazy about. Wolfmans. You get ‘em all. Anyway. Gillmans. All of ‘em. But Godzillas and their associated giant monster brethren were the best. So when they told me Godzilla was coming back, I was like, “I am ready for this.”

Uh-huh. And then Matthew Broderick was like, “I don’t think you know—” [Audience laughs.] “This is not your daddy’s Godzilla, my friend.”

He called me and he said, “I think maybe you should sit this one out.” And I was like, “Ferris Bueller finally meeting Godzilla? Just like my fanfiction?” [Audience laughs.] “You but I’m gonna watch it!” I should’ve taken that day off, though. From Godzilla movies. And then there was the Godzilla movie from five years ago and it was fine. So anyway. Godzilla: King of the Monsters. Let’s just go through this movie, shall we folks? It’s five years after Godzilla the first movie came out. When Godzilla emerged from the—

That’s the original Japanese Godzilla?

No. [Dan laughs.] It is five years since the last American Godzilla movie came out. It is—

Which was just called Godzilla, right?

It was just called Godzilla. [Audience laughs.] It is five years after the events of that film. Godzilla emerged, ruined San Francisco—worst Pride Day ever.

Oh, weird. I mean, I feel like gentrification has already ruined San Francisco. [Audience laughs.]

Whoa! Hot take! Hot take! Hot take! What the tech industry started, Godzilla finished! [Audience laughs.] Every time he knocked over a building I was like, “I hope it’s full of tech program coders.”

Wow. I was like, “Wow, calm down, Elliott.” [Laughs.]

Yeah. And there was that shot of all these people who were frightened—

Elliott says as he angrily types it into his iPad.

There was all these shots of people priced out of their homes going, “Thank you, Godzilla! Thank you!” So anyway, it’s five years later. Godzilla hasn’t been seen in a while. Everyone’s mad at Monarch, the official monster-hunting organization whose logo looks like a bowtie. If you saw the name Monarch and the logo looked like a bowtie, you would think it was some kind of gentleman’s website where you order bowties online. [All laugh.]

Yeah. “We’re disrupting the bowtie industry.”

And how would you do that exactly?

Uh, well, I guess some sort of box service where every month you get a new bowtie? Y’know?

It’s actually not a bad idea. [All laugh.]

Yeah. It’s a pretty good idea, yeah. [Audience laughs.]

You’re never stuck in one of those situations—those common situations—where you’re like, “Oh, I wish I had a bowtie. Well, what am I gonna do?”

Wait, so it finds you wherever you are?

[Laughs.] Yeah. No, it’s delivered by drone.

Oh, okay. Great. Okay.

And those drones look like monarch butterflies.

And the drones tie the bowtie around your neck ‘cause no one can tie a bowtie.

Thank you! No one! Even the inventor of the bowtie, Solomon Bowtie. Could not tie the bowtie. But he had hooks for hands. That’s why. [Audience laughs.]

An old relative of mine.

Yeah. [Laughs.] You’re related because you both have hooks for hands? And so that’s a genetic thing?


So anyway. Monarch—everyone’s like, “Monarch, what’s your deal?” And Dr. Serizawa—Ken Watanabe from the last movie—it’s like, “We need to find a way to coexist with these monsters that keep stepping on us!” “Alright, let’s find it.” There’s a family of scientists and they’re gonna be the central characters of this here film. They are Vera Farmiga, Kyle Chandler, and their daughter Maddie. Actress’s name I don’t know. But she’s the psychic girl from Stranger Things, right?

Yeah. She’s Eleven. Millie Bobby Brown.

She’s older than eleven.

Dan: Yes. Stuart: Yeah. [Audience laughs.]

She’s the character Eleven.

Stuart: That’s her character. Dan: Her character’s name is Eleven.

From The Prisoner.

No. [Audience laughs.]

But what if— [Audience laughs.]

It’s just her name. It’s like how briefly in the comic strip Peanuts there was a kid named Three.

Or like how Blossom’s best friend was named Seven.


Or Six?


Well I thought she was better than Six. She deserved to be Seven.

Oh god.

Anyway. Look, I’m sorry if that’s a hot take on Blossom’s best friend. That she deserved better than the name Six. So anyway. These scientists—they had a son who died on G-Day, which they don’t call it in the movie but they should. The day Godzilla attacked San Francisco. And they broke up. It ruined their family. Now Vera Farmiga is a scientist who lives in a Monarch outpost where her daughter, Maddie, has the run of the place. So that when they go to watch a Mothra being born, her daughter just runs up to it and is like, “Let me touch the egg! Let me touch the egg!” And the government scientists are like, “I’ll allow it.” Anyway. [Audience laughs.] A Mothra larva gets born and they calm it down with what we’re gonna call an Orca, but it’s a device that can identify and mimic a monster’s bioacoustics. Let’s just stop for a moment. Guys? [Multiple people laugh.]


You’re real fans of bioacoustics, right? ‘Cause that’s—there’s a lot of talk of that in the movie.

That HiFi company, I guess? Bioacoustics? It’s—they’re a HiFi company in a David Cronenberg movie. They install a record player in your belly.

Okay. Keep talking.

That’s all I have!

You have to be a pretty big customer to hold a whole record player.

I mean, y’know. Why should only the tiny be—have HiFi equipment, Elliott?

You’re right! That’s exactly what I was implying and I was wrong to do so. [Audience laughs.]

Now… we’re gonna talk about bioacoustics a lot today, and it would be really easy for us to make a bunch of fart jokes. Right? [Audience laughs.]

That is the ultimate bioacoustic. But for this one it just means roaring that you can somehow track and also is—what—encoded in the DNA of the monster? They just “bioacoustics” and hope that we’re like, “Is that a thing? I guess it is. I don’t wanna seem dumb so I’m not gonna ask about it.”

Is it like that thing on like how infants crying is hardwired into our brains to annoy us?

I mean, it is to me, ‘cause I’ve got one at home and he’s always crying and I can’t get it out of my head. Constantly ringing through my ears! [Dan laughs.] Like the heart of the man I killed. [Audience laughs.]

Oh wow!

Dan: Tear up the floorboards! Elliott: But I killed him. I buried him under the floors. I can hear him now. Stuart: I mean, for many reasons your children [through laughter] shouldn’t be listening to this episode now. [Audience laughs.]

It’s the beating of that hideous heart and it’s beating like this! [Singing] Bomp-bo-da-do-ron-don-ra-da-duh—it’s beating “Money”—the song—I don’t know why! Anyway. Bioacoustics.

Does the heart have the rights to that song?

The heart wants what it wants, Dan. [Audience laughs.] Including the rights to “Money.” So—

It seems like that heart would play “Heart,” but carry on. I know. It wasn’t worth me stopping you for that. [Audience laughs.] We both know when I did it.

Maybe put your notes aside and we can talk about this.

Look, if I—I can’t judge someone else for stopping something for a joke that’s not worth it. [Audience laughs.] Let he who is not me cast the first stone.

I just know it’s gonna come up in my annual performance review, so I’m just saying that I know—

Oh, your annual performance review is mostly gonna be about your Twitter feed.

Okay. [Audience cheers, applauds.] But they don’t have a lot of time to commune with this Mothra larvae, ‘cause Charles Dance walks in with his bunch of goons and they kill everyone almost.

He walks in? Or does he… dance in? [Audience laughs.]

No, he walks in. Unfortunately. He should dance in. But he walks in and shoots everyone but Vera and Maddie. Takes them and the monster-calling machine. He’s an ecoterrorist, it turns out, who think monsters should rule the world. He takes them to his base in Antarctica where—frozen in ice—they have Monster Zero, the ultimate monster. Or I’ll call him Ulta-Monster. Like sort of Mega-Monster.

The Alpha Monster? Where uh—

Yeah. He killed someone in front of the Rolling Stones concert. Yeah, okay. Great. [Audience laughs.] And Monarch, they’re like—how shall we catch a Vera Farmiga? Only one person can—her ex-husband, Kyle Chandler! He hates monsters! This is good screenwriting! The two characters have diametrically opposed views of monsters! [Audience laughs.]

It’s kinda like in the Mummy movies, how in the first movie Rachel Weisz’s brother doesn’t know a mummy exists. Second movie, he’s terrified of mummies. By the third movie, he hates ‘em.

But I also enjoy the fact that the death of their child via Godzilla has led them to different conclusions. Kyle Chandler—more logically, one might think—hates your Godzillas and other monsters. Were as Vera Farmiga looks at the Godzilla death of her child and like, “Yeah, okay. More monsters.”

She’s like, “Science wins out. Godzilla’s stronger than my son.” [Audience laughs.] “I gotta go with the winner on this.” She’s like, “Some people like sons. I like sons that don’t get crushed by monsters.” [Audience groans.] Anyway. I didn’t say it! She did! In the version I just made up! [Audience laughs.] So he hates monsters. You might go as far as to say he wants to destroy all monsters. Little Easter egg for the G fans out there. So Monarch, they track Godzilla’s bioacoustics ‘cause I guess you can do that. ‘Cause there’s not a lot of noise in the sea, I guess. [Audience laughs.] He’s swimming over to Antarctica. It’s almost like he’s being drawn… to Monster Zero. Guys? What do you think he’s hoping to get out of this rendezvous with Monster Zero?

Maybe a friend or a battle.

Elliott: I mean, those could be the same thing! Yeah. Stuart: Those are really two options.

If you’re a superhero it’s the same thing. You battle, then you’re a friend.

Uh-huh. And then you team up to beat up poachers or…

Probably poachers yeah.

Or the Kingpin or…

Yeah. He’s probably a poacher, too.

Or Kang or—

Yeah, yeah. Kang. Poaching people through time. Poaching animals—


Yeah. Dormammu’s an interdimensional poacher. [Audience laughs.]

Craven the Hunter?

Mm, I don’t see the connection. [Audience laughs.] So Godzilla shows up, and there’s a bit—not yet. There’s a big confusing fight between the Monarch soldiers and the ecoterrorists. It’s very hard to tell what’s going on. The whole thing ends with Vera Farmiga setting off an explosion that wakes up Monster Zero. Now, they haven’t named him officially in the movie, but we all know who he is, guys. You see those three heads and two tails popping up? It’s King Ghidorah, everybody! [Audience cheers, applauds.] Now, do I feel a special connection to King Ghidorah because I dressed up as him for Halloween as a child one year? And my mother, working only off of my verbal description— [Stuart laughs.] —of a monster with three heads, decided that—and this is a creative way to do it, but I was disappointed at the time ‘cause it didn’t look like it—she gave me a headband and put two paper bags filled with cotton with monsters faces drawn on them and attached them to the headband. ‘Cause all she knew was three heads! And like, Mom? I appreciate that you tried. That’s the important thing. But I had this elaborate imagination—in my head I’m like, “I’ll have the one long neck in the middle for my head and my arms will have necks also, ‘cause Ghidorah doesn’t have any arms! He just has the necks and the wings! But that—oh my god.”

Now, how did you think that you were gonna elongate your own neck? [Audience laughs.]

I thought hormones would kick in for that. [Multiple people laugh.] Still waiting.

Stuart: Oh shit! Oh my god! Dan: But Vera Far— [Audience laughs.]

Take that, my adrenal glands and hypothalamus, I guess?

Vera Farmiga lets loose this monster and at this point you’re like, “Huh? Wha?” ‘Cause you know that she likes monsters, but—

No, she like-likes monsters. Yeah. [Audience laughs.]

But you would think—you did not think that she would do so in a way that might endanger her child and her ex-husband.

Dan: Exactly. Elliott: Yeah.

Like I was saying, you don’t think she like-likes monsters; you think that’s what’s-her-name from The Shape of Water who’s also on the Monarch team. You know why she likes the monsters.

Sally Hawkins.

Sally Hawkins. We all know why she likes monsters. For sex.

Oh—okay. [Audience laughs.]

Elliott: Remember? Like in Shape of Water? Dan: Yeah. I saw it, yeah.

It wasn’t—water wasn’t the only shape she was interested in. [Audience laughs.]

I—what? [Audience laughs.]

She collects silhouettes. Anyway. Okay. So. [Multiple people laugh.] Ghidorah wakes up, and his heads are kind of bickering with each other? And I was like, “This is great and so efficient! He’s the Disney villain and the goofy sidekicks all in the same monster!” He spits lightning like a freestyle rapper and Godzilla shows up for a pretty blurry fight in the snow. Not Stuart, when I say “I wanna see two monsters fight,” do you think I mean “behind a screen of snow?”

Yeah. You want it to be as obscured as possible, right, Elliott?

Yeah, yeah.

Stuart: And you say two monsters. Elliott: I wanna be constantly teased.

That’s because Godzilla bursts out of the ice and like saves everybody at the last minute. Kind of like the T-Rex does in all those Jurassic World movies.

Yeah. Do you think the T-Rex was watching the movie and he was like, “That’s my bit! He stole my bit!” [Audience laughs.]

“I’m calling my lawyer! Let me—oh, no!”

Those tiny hands! Can’t reach his phone! I mean, he would just say, “Siri, call my lawyer.”

And the movie goes to a lot of lengths to obscure its special effects as much as it can, to the degree that later on they’re like, “Oh, there’s a hurricane coming!” “That hurricane’s moving too fast to be a hurricane.” It’s like, of course, it’s a monster. But they’re like, “Uh, I guess monsters move around with hurricanes in ‘em so we can not see the bad CGI, I guess.”

Yeah. It’s like they wanna go as far as to be like, “This monster only exists in shadow.” [Audience laughs.] “You know what? It’s a monster that only destroys buildings when our eyes are closed. [Audience laughs.] And someone’s like, “You know what the real monster is? The human heart. Think about that. Don’t need a special effect for that.” Okay. So anyway, Godzilla’s on the ropes. Uh-oh! It looks like the G-man’s not doing well against the other G-man! Although he’s not called “G” yet. He’s Monster Zero. But then some bombers come by and they end it prematurely. It’s the thing that always happens at the end of the first battle—we can’t have a real winner or loser yet, so some bombers come in and blow it up. The same thing happens in The Bad News Bears. [Audience laughs.]

We all remember that, right?

Yeah. Maybe it was the Director’s Cut. All the Monarch guys are like, “How could Vera betray us? Vera said that?” And she FaceTimes with them and she’s like, “Hey—"

“I’m gonna need some receipts.”

She’s like, “Humans are the world’s disease and monsters are the cure.” And they’re like, “What?” And she’s like, “Look. Look at all these cities that the monsters destroyed and we couldn’t go back to. Now they’re flourishing, biodiverse ecosystems! We just need some monster to thin the herd of humanity. Stomp on some cities. All of our Earth problems will be solved.”

And how does she show that, Elliott?

With a lot of—suspiciously-already-queued-up-B-roll? [Audience laughs.] And it was like, “Did she produce this call?”

This is like basically a Skype call. But then she’s like, “Uh, let me show you what I’m talking about” and just like cuts to Coy Anaskazi like, stop, y’know, stock footage of plants growing over buildings and stuff.

Yeah. Clips from Microcosmos. [Elliott laughs.]

“This isn’t technically accurate, but I just thought it fit the musical cues I had set up.”

“I’ve been dabbling with a little iMovie. I wanna show you what I’ve been working on.”

“I’m not only a monster releaser; I’m also an auteur. And I wanted to show you my new project. It’s—” Anyway, it’s set to The Bangles’ “Hazy Shade of Winter.” I mean, I know they didn’t write that song. They did a cover of it. Sorry. Get off my back. Okay. So anyway, but this—

Elliott, we’ve talked about attacking the audience! [Audience laughs.]

I’m sorry. I just get so mad when I know people are going to jump on me for The Bangles. Anyway. So there’s a theme in this movie, which is people always having the pictures and videos they need to back up their arguments right at hand. There’s another member of the Monarch team whose sole job seems to be to just throw out images of monsters from old books and paintings and stuff and be like, “Monster. Monster. Monster. Monster. We’ve always had them with us. It’s like these artists needed to communicate about this King Ghidorah three-headed monster and they just didn’t know how!” And she throws out William Blake’s painting of the dragon? [Stuart laughs.] Which—she did not do her research. That’s a representation of Satan! Come on, guys! Come on! And it is a—as we all know, a specific message through the centuries to William Dolarhyde. That he needs to go killing people! Anyway. So.

He needs to go eat that painting! [Elliott laughs.]

That is the strangest part. ‘Cause it’s also like—so this is an alternate universe where that painting doesn’t exist anymore? He can kill all those fictional people, but destroy a real painting? Anyway. I like that picture.

Let’s talk more about Red Dragon, everyone.

Or William Blake! Now, you see, the thing is—


He blurred the line between poetry and mysticism.

And he was one of the first, like, self-publishers of comics, if you will. [Laughs.]

Yeah. I guess—there’s a direct line between him and Dave Sim.

Oh no! [Audience laughs.]

They both had some crazy ideas. Uh, Vera, she’s just on a monster waking up spree. She wakes up Rodan before Monarch can evacuate Rodan’s island.

The sculptor?

Yeah. Yeah. Wakes up Rodin, who’s like, “Ahhhh!”

Yes, he’s a monster!

“Time to have affairs with my assistants!” [All laugh.] And—

That was really a guess that you would know information about him. [Laughs.]

Time to make many, many bronze casts of each of my work so when people are like, “I saw The Thinker in Paris,” it’s like, “Yeah, cool, dude. It’s all over the place. There’s one in Pasadena. Okay. So.”

Welcome to the Comedy Central roast of Rodin! [All laugh.]

So Nanette can be full of art jokes, but I can’t make art jokes? [Audience laughs.] So—that’s a double standard. So Rodan has a pretty cool—

Yeah, yeah. Speak up for white guys against Nanette, Elliott. [Elliott laughs.]

Dangerous territory. Almost as dangerous as being in Rodan’s sights, ‘cause he’s just flipping over jet planes left and right. Maddie is horrified that her mom did this. Anyway, Monster Zero comes up to beat up Rodan and Rodan’s like, “Oh, I’m so sorry, sir.” And bows down to King Ghidorah. Literally, the monster is like paying obeisance. ‘Cause Monster Zero’s the new alpha. Uh-oh! Unless Gojira has something to say about that. ‘Cause guess who shows up?

Uh… Godzilla?

Yeah, you’re right! [Audience laughs.] You did it! Right on one. He shows up and rips off one of Ghidorah’s heads. Whoaaaa!

Pretty cool.

Whoa, that never happened in the old one! I mean, the old one was better all-around, but still. That’s when— [Audience laughs.] —General David Strathairn of the United States Military Military—

Stuart: He looks—sleepy? Dan: He got arrested from Alaska?

Sorry, that’s a Limbo joke, everyone. John Sayles’s Limbo. Never seen so many blank faces. [Audience laughs.]

I mean—

Check out the works of John Sayles. [Inaudible]? [Light cheering from audience.]

But Dan is right to question, because Limbo ends on a cliffhanger, so. So [inaudible] babies? What was the other one?

Let’s just not dwell on it. Let’s pretend this never happened.

Alright. Look. I—what?


People want us to talk about John Sayles movies, I guess.

Already wrote the screenplay to Alligator. What do you want to know about him? He wrote The Howling. I don’t know what to tell ya.

Let’s talk about the Return of the Secaucus 7, everybody!

[Laughs.] I wish the Secaucus 7 stayed where they were. Never seen it. Anyway. So. [Audience laughs.] General David Strathairn and he launches a super-nuke at the monsters. Doesn’t work so well. Ghidorah’s fine, even regrows his head in a pretty cool body-horror scene. But Godzilla appears to be dead. And every—

How’s his bioacoustics, Elliott?

Better than ever. [Multiple people laugh.] I mean, growing that new head, it really pushed him into a new area of bioacoustics where he’s kind of interrogating what we mean by bioacoustics. And he’s playing with the fiber and the timbre of the sound. So it’s like he’s gone back to basics in a way that puts a new spin on what we thought about bioacoustics.

It’s weird for me to say this, but I’m sorry I asked! [Multiple people laugh.]

How are you enjoying your own John Sales moment there, Elliott?

Hm. Not well. [Audience laughs.] Looks like this John Sale should be half off. [Groans, applause from audience.] I’m saying we should cut John Sayles in half. [Audience laughs.] Anyway, Godzilla appears to be dead and the Monarch people—who at this point really only know Godzilla for smashing San Francisco—act real sad about it. Like, “Nooo! But he’s the title character of the movie! How could we do this?” And Kyle Chandler’s like, “I’m glad he’s dead.” And they’re like, “Stop being a jerk.” Anyway, all these monsters start waking up everywhere, including this really cool monster that’s like a trunkless mammoth gorilla? It’s like a gorilla with huge mammoth tusks? It’s like, what is this thing? Give him a movie! Gormammoth! Mamrilla? What is it called? Dan. Stuart. What is it called?




Like he’s a man but he’s a mammoth.

But he’s not a man!

Wait a minute. He’s not a man?!

Mamilla. [Audience laughs.]

Okay. Mamilla.

[Laughs.] Gramilla.

No, but that’s got very little mammoth in it. It’s mostly gorilla.

Gremlins 2.

I like it. [Audience laughs.] Okay, so he’s called Gremlins 2 [Inaudible].

How about Buzzsaw? How about Subzero?

No, I mean, there’s already a Monster Zero so that’s doubly confusing!

I also like how you’re like—

How about Dynamo? [Audience laughs.]

Okay, guys. I’m going to spoil—

Do you know any other characters from The Running Man? Are they a public domain yet?

Let’s just call him Terry. His name is Terry, okay?

I like that you’re like “Give this monster a movie,” too, though. Like you’re Dom DeLuise at the beginning of the Muppet Movie going through the swamp and you’re like, “Oh! A singing frog! That guy’s gotta be in pictures!” And you’re like, in the rubble of this city as things crash down and you’re like, [yelling] “Hey! Do you have representation!”

[Yelling] “Hello! I think you’ve got ‘it’! I’m hearing a lot of buzz!” So these monsters are waking up everywhere. Turns out that now that Monster—I’m just gonna call him “Ghidorah.” They haven’t named him yet in the movie, but I’m just gonna call him that ‘cause that’s his name. And I know it. Why am I pretending?

Well they like read it on a scroll somewhere.

They’re like, “Oh, this ancient thing calls him King Ghidorah. Well I guess that’s his name!” And they’re like, “Ah, the many who is one!” ‘Cause he’s got three heads. And I think one of you made the point that like—he didn’t name himself that! [Audience laughs.] It’s not like, “Oh, we figured—” there’s a lot in this movie of what I call _Batman ‘_66 logic? ‘Cause there’s a part in Batman: The Movie where there’s like a shark that’s pulling on Batman’s leg. And they’re like, “Huh, a shark was pulling my leg… the Joker! It must’ve been! Ah, the whole thing’s like an enormous Riddle! The Riddler!” And it’s like, “It’s not evidence that you used that word when you’re describing it.” And so there’s a lot of them being like, “Oh, it’s almost like they’re moving in a pack. Packs have alpha! The alpha must be this one! Ah, yes. And the bioacoustics—” And it’s like, these are not words that the monsters are using to describe themselves. They’re just coming up with this stuff off the top of their heads.

And the movie also seems to believe that the more they explain the bullshit science, the more they’ll believe it. Rather than like, the more logical thing is like—say the bullshit science really fast so the audience doesn’t notice.

Or don’t even say it at all! Be like, “Monsters! Monsters everywhere!”

“Blah, blah!”

Elliott: “Ahhh! Ahh! Monsters! Monsters! Mosnters! Monsters! Monsters! Monsters! You get a monster!” Stuart: “I’m a monster!”

“You get a monster!” [Audience laughs.] ‘Cause all—hey guys, I want to turn to Hollywood for a second. SO this is private. If you guys could not listen for a second. Hollywood? This is just between you and me and maybe Dan and Stuart. I don’t know. Look. I just like monsters, okay? So when I see a monster movie? I don’t wanna see people in it. I used to watch He-Man as a kid. You know which character I didn’t like? He-Man. You know which character I did like? All of the bad guys. ‘Cause they were monsters. I wanted to go to the store and buy monsters. And that’s what I did. I had none of the human figures. I owned all—the most human figure I owned was Moss Man. ‘Cause he’s so soft. [Audience laughs.]

And he smelled like patchouli. [Elliott laughs.]

Guys, I’d like to talk to Paul Hollywood for a moment? [Audience laughs.]


Quit pretending like you don’t like something and then shaking people’s hands. We’re onto you. We get it. [Audience laughs.] We’ve seen it. Stuart, do you want to talk to anyone?

[Takes deep breath.] Uh, I guess… Paul… Newman? Uh, you’re pretty old to have the name “New Man.”

[Through laughter] Particularly as a dead man.

Yeah, I mean, he died years ago.

[Through laughter] As a guy who’s dead.

It should be Paul Oldman.

Now how do you feel about Gary Oldman? He’s really grown into that name.

What?! [All laugh.] Who? Okay!

But you gotta admit that Michael Mann is pretty accurate, right? [Stuart laughs.]

I’ll check! [All laugh.]

Dan: How? How are you gonna check? [Through laughter] Okay. Alright. Anyway. Moving on. Elliott: I think you know how he’s gonna check, Dan. I think you know how he’s gonna check.

So all these monsters are waking up and they’re all now Ghidorah’s slaves. If King Ghidorah wants them to go wreck some cities, by god, they’re gonna do it. ‘Cause the King told them. As Mel Brooks once said, “It’s good to be the king if you’re a three-headed monsters with no arms because you have other monsters to do your bidding, ‘cause again, you have no arms. Just wings. It’s harder to knock things down without arms.” That is a direct quote from Mel Brooks. [Audience laughs.] They’re like, “Oh, only Godzilla could stop Ghidorah and he’s dead. What are we gonna do?” And meanwhile while all this is happening, Mothra emerges from her cocoon in moth form in clear clarity. Right, guys?

Well, I mean, it’s behind a waterfall that everybody is staring at and shocked about? I feel like so much of the direction of this movie was telling a large cast of talented actors to be amazed at things they can only imagine. [Audience laughs.]

And now, guys—

And then imagine being those actors and going to the actual movie and being like, “I still can’t fucking see it.” [All laugh. Some applaud.]

Now I wanna take a tangent and show you a little bit of Flop House behind the scenes. Dan did not—was not interested, and he didn’t take kindly to the fact that whenever Mothra was on screen, I would sing as much as I remember of the Mothra song that the Mothra twins sing in the original Mothra. And y’know I would be a cad if I were to force him to listen to it now and from an audience.

No. [Audience cheers, applauds.]

Still can’t believe we made it this far!

Okay. Keeping in mind I do not know Japanese, this is just based on the sounds of the words in the song.

See, this is the problem right away. [Audience laughs.]

Elliott: It is—it is filtered through twenty years of life. Okay. Dan: Danger zone!

Danger, Will Robinson.

Every time I see Mothra, I just wanna hear “Masuraaaiiiia! Masuraaa! Bonangata kuya! Hindomuuun! Lustowillow! Ha hamva hamvaaa whooya! Hamva hamva whooya! Something else!”

He needs to stop.

“’Cause I’m cooyammm! Masuraaaiia! Masuraaa!” And so forth.

And this is sang by two tiny little women, right?

Yeah, yeah. Two tiny ladies that—the Mothra twins.

So you’re saying you don’t speak Japanese. [Multiple people laugh.]

Strange as it is to believe! So anyway. Back to this movie, because that does not happen in this movie.

Oh, boy.

And Maddie and Vera are fighting. She’s like, “You’re the monster, mom!” Which, to be honest, every parent hears at some point in their life. Whether you’re waking up monsters or not. [Stuart laughs.] But then overhears Vera’s—

So what can you do? Just wake up all the monsters. Who cares.

She overhears Vera’s plan to use the Orca—again, that’s the monster-calling-calming-talking-to-device. It’s like the machine Danny DeVito makes in The Simpsons to talk to babies. [Audience laughs.] But for monsters. ‘Cause I guess a baby’s kind of like a real-life monsters. They’re constantly screaming, breaking things, ruining your life, and a monster’s gonna keep you up at night just like a baby. [Stuart laughs.] Guys, you’ve had experience with babies, right?

Uh— [Laughs.] I guess that now that… I can’t even make that joke. Moving on! [Audience laughs.]

I mean, I have experience with Baby: The Mystery of the Lost Legend.

About a dinosaur!

Dan: Secret of the Lost Legend. Elliott: It’s a monster!

Uh, is it a secret? I think I know about it. [All laugh.]

So it’s not really a mystery, either.

What are you trying to say?

I’m saying we better get back to the movie, because she overhears her plan to use the Orca to call Ghidorah and then… ??? save the day. It’s like, “Step one: Call Ghidorah. Step two: Something. Step three: No more monster problems.” Where is she gonna find a stadium to amplify that signal to make it loud enough that King Ghidorah’s gonna hear it? Uh, Fenway! Yeahhh! Boston! Boston! Boston! Boston! Boston! [Audience cheers, applauds.] Boston! Boston! Boston! That’s right—

Apparently an accent of local color! Woo!

We didn’t plan it! And it’s good, ‘cause Boston does not come out well from the movie. [Audience laughs boisterously.] Although I will say—okay. Just a little flash-forward. There’s all this destruction going on, yet that Citgo sign’s still standing proudly. [Audience cheers, applauds.] When they—I assume they landmarked that thing because Godzilla gingerly steps around it. [Audience laughs.] Rather than get in any trouble with the Housing Commission or—

Yeah. There’s a point where King Ghidorah steps on a giant Dunkin’ Donuts billboard and I can just imagine my wife being like, “Fuck you.” [Audience laughs.] “Don’t fuck with my Dunkies.”

It’s like the part in Transformers when Megatron just punches the American flag off the Brooklyn Bridge? And it’s like, “That seems petty.” [All laugh.] So the Monarch dudes, they find Godzilla recharging underwater in some kind of ancient, hidden, underwater temple. As if—I think as Stuart pointed out—he was Cthulhu, dead, waiting in sunken R’lyeh.

Mm-hm. Yup. And he’s just like that, but instead it’s Godzilla and it’s super… what? Super, like, radiation-y? Is that the term?

Yeah. It’s very radiation-y ‘cause of Godzilla.

I don’t remember. I—it was a while since I watched Chernobyl. They say “radiation-y” in there, right?

Yeah. That’s the way you describe it is “radiation-y.”

In-between chain-smoking they’re like—

Stuart was like, “How many roentgens is it?” He really wanted to show off what he learned from Chernobyl.

3.5! That’s as high as the meter goes!

So they’re like—

Godzilla lies there, surrounded by graphite.

And it made me—I was talking to Stuart and it made me wonder if—so dead Cthulhu lies sleeping in R’lyeh. If ever his alarm goes off and he’s like, “Unhh” and he just hits the sleep button and then like sets the alarm for another million years. I hope he does! I don’t want him to come back up. Anyway. [Multiple people laugh.] They’re like, “Hey, there’s only one way to wake up Godzilla ‘cause he’s a big dude. Set off a nuke in his face.” [Audience laughs.] “But we’re in this submarine and for reasons I’ve forgotten, the weapons systems don’t work!”

Yeah. Nukes are Godzilla’s spinach. He’s like, [sings Popeye theme song]. “I’m gonna go get Ghidorah!”

Elliott: He’s like, [imitates Popeye] “I’ll breathe you with my fire breath!” “Er! Raww! Blow me down!” That kind of stuff. Dan: Ghidorah? I don’t know. Stuart: That’s a pretty good impression.

And Mothra’s like, [imitating Olive Oyl] “Popeye! Popeye! Help!” [Audience laughs.] And King Ghidorah’s like, “Err! Come with me! Rawr! Gotcha!” They’re all mumbling under their breath constantly. [Audience laughs.]

[Through laughter] Because they didn’t want to animate the mouths. They didn’t know what they were gonna say.

Godzilla’s just walking past these beautiful parallax backgrounds. That’s an old Fleischer Brothers Popeye joke. So they’re like, “We have to set it off manually.” And it’s like, “Mm, yeah. I guess you do have to rip of the end of Pacific Rim.” So anyway— [Audience laughs.] Dr. Sarazawa’s like, “I don’t want to be in any more of these movies. I’ll do it.” [Audience laughs.] And he goes and he sets the nuke timer and then he turns to Godzilla and I think maybe even puts his hand on Godzilla’s nose, and Godzilla opens his eyes and he’s like, “Goodbye, friend.” And then the nuke goes off and Kyle Chandler is like, “Hey. You know what? I like Godzilla now.” [Multiple people laugh.] “I think it’s time for us to team up with him.” Ohhh! So anyway. Back to Boston. That’s right. Beantown. It has seen better days. Because King Ghidorah shows up. Maddie pulled off the plan. Ghidorah shows up and Maddie’s like, “I don’t know what the second part of the plan was!” And she’s running around. Fenway is smashed, which is too bad ‘cause it’s sad to see another historic stadium torn down so they can build—what—some kind of megamall that happens to have baseball in it? And then name it after a company? Come on! [Stuart laughs.] Dan, I know you have strong feelings about this.

Is that a reference to things that happen in life? [Inaudible.] I don’t—

You’re not the baseball fiend I thought you were. [Multiple people laugh.]

We could call David—

Nooo! We don’t need to do that. [Audience laughs.]

We could get your brother in here.

No, that’s okay. We’ll just move on. Anyway.

FaceTime him for the audience.

Anyway. [Audience cheers, applauds.] No, that’s alright. I like—you’re leading them up to a thing that’s not gonna happen. [Audience laughs.] Although—

There he is, folks!

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we did FaceTime and he’s like, “Yeah, it happens all the time. B-roll. B-roll. B-roll. It’s all ready.” [Audience laughs.] “Had it queued up just for this call.” Like, “That’s what you spent your honeymoon doing?” So Ghidorah shows up. He’s about to electrify Maddie. And I don’t mean in an exciting Peter Frampton way. I mean in a, like, shooter her with a lightning bolt. But then who comes in to save her? Stealing the Tyrannosaurus Rex’s bit? Godzilla! And he’s got the American fleet behind him. Oh no! They got it there real fast! [Audience laughs.] Anyway. It’s like Boston’s the site of D-Day II: G-Day. I should’ve saved G-Day for this time instead of saying it earlier. And the problem is Godzilla—that nuke—he’s so pumped up, but he’s too pumped up. He’s primed to explode like an atom bomb. How do the scientists know this? I don’t know. But they even have a timer that tells them how long its’ gonna be before he blows up.

It’s cause he’s all glowy!

Elliott: He’s always glowy! Stuart: Yeah. I think they—

I mean… I don’t wanna go out on a limb here. I’m not a scientist. But I would imagine it has something to do with bioacoustics. [Audience laughs.]

Stuart, you make a fair point. The bioacoustics are going crazy. At this point Godzilla has gone electric, just like Dylan, and the folkies are real mad. [Audience laughs.]

Mm-hm. They’re like, “You lie!”

Yeah. Pete Seeger’s like, “This is outrageous!” [Audience laughs.] “Godzilla used to be cool.” Godzilla steps on him and then Godzilla’s like, [makes nonsense noises]. Which I guess sounds more like Marlon Brando in The Godfather than Bob Dylan. [All laugh.] So they start fighting. Mothra and Rodan start fighting. They have like a little side bout before the main title card. And Rodan’s got Mothra on the ropes, but Mothra kills Rodan with her stinger and it’s like, “Whoa!”

And we were like, “Holy shit!” And we’re giving each other high fives— [Audience laughs.] —and Dan gets up off the floor and starts doing the Charlie Brown.

“Huh? Huh? What? I was asleep.”

I ran out of the hotel, took a few laps around the building, came back up. That’s it.

Yeah. And I was gonna—

There’s not more to that.

Look, let me just say, personally, I don’t like that Rodan took a real heel-turn in this one. Rodan? He’ll always be part of the original threesome for me: Godzilla, Mothra, and Rodan. Best buds. Not in this movie, though. In this movie, Rodan’s a real dick. So— [Audience laughs.] —Godzilla and King Ghidorah are having this big fight, and this fight is when the movie kind of lives up to its potential for a little bit. They’re fighting and it’s really cool. Ghidorah grabs Godzilla in his talons and flies him into the… low Earth orbit? I don’t know! Because then he drops him and Godzilla is burning upon re-entering the atmosphere! [Audience laughs.] It’s crazy. But they keep cutting back to the stupid humans so we can find out about their dumb stuff. [Audience laughs.]

[Laughs.] And Godzilla collapses in the ground after he hits the Earth and I was really hoping that his old friend, Charles Barkley, would show up. [Multiple people laugh.]

We talked a little bit about what would be the cooler thing to happen at the end? Would it be if Ash showed up with a Poké-ball and was like, “Looks like you need a little bit of Jigglypuff!” [Audience laughs.] Or would it be Charles Barkley showing up? Would it be—I don’t know. Maybe the Planet of the Apes apes show up? I don’t know.

I think when he hits the ground, a cartoon Godzilla ghost should’ve come up from like—

Yeah. Playing a little harp? Yeah.

Yeah. And they’re like, “Godzilla, what a great trick!” “Yeah, but I can only do it once!” [Audience laughs.] That would’ve been really funny. For some reason I’m imagining nine ghosts, like when a cat dies in a cartoon? And has nine lives? Godzilla’s got more than nine lives, though, as we’ll see. Spoiler alert. So anyway, the Chandler clan is reunited. Wonderful. The fix the Orca monster-calling device and Vera sacrifices herself to drive away with it so that she can distract Ghidorah long enough for Godzilla to recover. But she gets a super cool last couple words, right? ‘Cause Ghidorah’s chasing after her and Ghidorah’s like, “I’m gonna lightning-slap you, bitch.” And she’s like—I’m just interpreting what he said in his roar. I dunno. He’s a jerk. He uses language like that. [Multiple people laugh.] And she goes, “Long live the king!” And Elvis himself steps out and hits Ghidorah over the head with a guitar.

Elliott: But there’s two more heads. Dan: I think that might—

Luckily he’s got two more guitars, ‘cause Jimi Hendrix is right behind him and there’s Bob Dylan.

Elliott. Elliott. I think that might’ve been when your ayahuasca kicked in.

I don’t know. [Audience laughs.] Do you guys remember the part where the Great Gazoo came in and was like, “Let’s stomp this guy, dumb-dumbs!” [All laugh.] And then my third grade teacher was there? And I’ve learned a lot about myself. I woke up naked in the middle of Boston Common. [Multiple people laugh.]

Just a tri-corner hat on your penis. [Audience laughs.]

But like a regular-sized one, or a little teeny one?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dan: Up to you. Stuart: Well I mean we’re not— Elliott: I mean, like, a little wig underneath?

I mean, I wasn’t going to presume about the size of your penis. [Audience laughs. Then a pause.]

Moving on. So— [Multiple people laugh.] Who shows up?

Elliott: It’s Godzilla himself. Dan: We’re so close to the end.

And he is so super-radioactive he is melting buildings as he passes by them.

Yeah. He got extra pumped up this time because at the last moment, Mothra sacrificed herself and got blasted by King Ghidorah, and then her Mothra dust fell on Godzilla, I guess, and gave him extra powers?

I think so, yeah.

Like a 1-UP mushroom.

I was really hoping that a child somewhere would be watching and be like, “He’s getting power from her dust!”

I mean, it is the most—it is the moment in the movie that is most accurate to the Japanese movies, where that kind of stuff would happen. Instead they posited by this point that Mothra is the queen of the monsters to Godzilla’s king of the monsters, and one of the soldiers is like, “So is there something going on between the two of them?” And I was like, “Dude, get your mind out of the gutter. Come on.” [Audience laughs.] “Let’s not think about ‘em that way. It’s an honorary title. Come on.” Then again—but it’s also one of those things where like, “She must be the queen of the monsters to his king of the monsters!” And it’s like, “These are not the terms they’re using to describe themselves! Don’t put labels on this relationship between a giant moth and a giant, radioactive, tyrannosaurus type thing.” But I guess she likes thicker monsters, Mothra.

Stuart: Noooo. I do. Dan: Oh, Elliott. [Multiple people laugh.]

Oh, lawdy, when he comes running up on King Ghidorah.

Anyway. Godzilla, he unleashes nuclear blast after nuclear blast. It melts King Ghidorah like the Gremlins at the end of Gremlins 2 and then—uh-oh—one of Ghidorah’s heads starts rising up again. Is he back? Nope! Godzilla’s just chowing down on it. And he vaporizes it through King Ghidorah’s throat with his radioactive fire. All the monsters come and bow to Godzilla as he stands atop the ruins of Boston. Which—the ruins look much bigger than a city like Boston would probably create. [All laugh.] But what are you gonna say about that? They had to take a little bit of license ‘cause—y’know—if Boston was accurate-sized, Godzilla would just kinda like step on it and not notice and just keep walking. [Audience laughs.]

Yeah. Maybe this posits an alternate world where—when monsters showed up—Boston just [through laughter] built a lot more buildings.

Yeah. So the monsters bow to Godzilla and he roars. Finally, he is undefeated as the king of the monsters. Or is he? Because—during the credits—this is the craziest part. I knew they were going to set up a King Kong battle. Of course they are. And there’s some headlines on websites that are like, “Monsters head to hollow earth tunnel in Skull Island! Is a king bigger than a god?” But they also have headlines that are like, “Monster poop: the best fertilizer!” “Monster cells: a new superfood?” “Plants grow everywhere! 14 species taking off—"

Elliott: [Inaudible.] Dan: “Godzilla rebuilds the Amazon forest.”

Yeah! It literally says that!

It’s basically like the entirety of the movie Batteries Not Included, where these little space robots help these old people save their building, right?

Except the old people are humans and the building is Earth. But it was like—wait, so just—

Elliott: —having monsters— Stuart: But at no point does like Godzilla climb onto a little grill—

—and somebody confuse him with a burger patty and puts cheese on him?

Elliott: It’d have to be a pretty big grill! Stuart: But if he did!

And a pretty big piece of cheese to throw on Godzilla! Anyway. I guess we’re the only ones who remember Batteries Not Included. [Some cheers from audience.] Nobody else here likes the later works of Don Ameche. Guess I won’t start talking about Carina, Carina. Anyways. So it posits that the monsters will really solve every environmental problem we have, and then Kong battle is teased. Credits. And then at the end of the credits—uh-oh! Charles Dance! He didn’t die in this one! And he’s brough to… somewhere? An underground warehouse? I don’t know. Where they’ve got one of Ghidorah’s heads. Uh-oh! Something tells me we might see a Mecha-Ghidorah at some point. And if we don’t, fuck this movie. [Audience cheers, applauds.] Don’t tease me that way!

Alright. Really, really, really fast—

Yeah, we went long. Sorry.

Really fast, Final Judgements. Is this a good-bad movie, a bad-bad movie, a movie you kinda like? Elliott, go.

I did not like it. I thought it was a bad-bad. Well ‘cause it’s just like… it’s a boring movie and it doesn’t want to give me monsters and I want monsters from my monster movie.

Yeah. I’m gonna say it’s bad-bad, too. The way you explained it—even with all your weird digressions and us not actually seeing the movie was much clearer than the actual plot of the movie?

I cut out a lot of the scenes where people talk around fake science stuff and Bradley Whitford’s making jokes about nothing in particular and…

Yeah. It’s just real dull. Elliott? Or—Elliott. Stuart! [Audience laughs.]

Stelliott. Ewart?

I’m Stelliott tonight. Y’know, I’ve gone on record saying I like a big Godzilla. Y’know? I like one with a lot of meat on his bones. But this movie not so much. This movie coulda lost a little bit of meat ‘cause I feel like if you edited out maybe an hour of it and it was mainly just monster fights? I’d be down. So bad-bad movie. [Multiple people laugh.]


Light, up-tempo, electric guitar with synth instruments.

Music: Upbeat, fun music. Emily Heller: Does our podcast deep dive into the weirdest Wikipedia pages we can find? Lisa Hannawalt: Yeees! Do we learn about scam artists, remote islands, horrible mascots, beautiful diseases, and mythical monsters? Emily: Yes, yes, yes, absolutely, and yes! Do we retain any of this knowledge? Emily & Lisa: Eeeeh? Lisa: Probably not. Emily: I’m Emily Heller. Lisa: I’m Lisa Hannawalt. Emily: We make art! And comedy. And TV shows. And also, the podcast, Baby Geniuses. For the past eight years, we’ve been trying to learn new things about the world and each other every episode. Lisa: But let’s be honest, this podcast is mostly about two friends hanging out, shooting the breeze, and making each other laugh. We’re horny. We like gardening and horses. And we get real stupid on here. Emily: But like, in a smart way! Lisa: Yeah. Emily: Join us! Every other week on MaximumFun. Music: Baby geniuses, tell us something we don’t know! [Music ends.]

[Sound of a gavel banging three times.] Music: Upbeat music plays under dialogue. Speaker 1: Judge John Hodgman ruled in my favor. Speaker 2: Judge John Hodgman ruled in my friend’s favor. Speaker 3: Judge John Hodgman ruled in my favor. Judge John Hodgman: I’m Judge John Hodgman. You’re hearing the voices of real litigants. Real people, who have submitted disputes to my internet court, at the Judge John Hodgman podcast. I hear their cases. I ask them questions—they’re good ones—and then I tell them who’s right and who’s wrong. Speaker 1: Thanks to Judge John Hodgman’s ruling, my dad has been forced to retire one of the worst Dad Jokes of all time. Speaker 3: Instead of cutting his own hair with a Flowbee, my husband has his hair cut professionally. Speaker 4: I have to join a community theatre group. Speaker 5: And my wife has stopped bringing home wild animals. Judge John Hodgman: It’s the Judge John Hodgman podcast. Find it every Wednesday at, or wherever you download podcasts. [Sound of a gavel banging three times.] Speaker 1: Thanks, Judge John Hodgman! [Music ends.]

Hey, everyone, hoping that you’re enjoying this live Godzilla show. The second show along with Alita: Battle Angel from our double show in Boston. Both of them very good. We miss doing these shows dearly. We hope to have the chance to get back on the road sometime soon. But since this is a live show, you know what that means—a solo ad read! And the first sponsor of the show is—Squarespace! A service that helps you create a beautiful website to turn your cool idea into a new website. Again, that should not be a separate bullet point. Blog or publish content, sell products and services of all kinds, and much, much more. Squarespace does this by giving you beautiful, customizable templates created by world-class designers. Everything optimized for mobile right out of the box. A new way to buy domains and choose from over 200 extensions. Free and secure hosting. My god, Squarespace! How do you do it? Look, it’s 2020. Every one of you should have a website. Each and every one of you should go out and make a website with Squarespace. I don’t care if you don’t have any sort of like public-facing persona or any business. Just, y’know… make a website and put up pictures of your dog. Y’know, you might ask—doesn’t Instagram do that for me for free? Yeah, but, y’know. Make it a destination. Y’know? Make it special. Make it real nice for everyone. Hey, we’re also sponsored by the Kitty Poo Club. The Kitty Poo Club, who is giving us money to make me say “Kitty Poo Club.” Are you a proud cat person like I am? You love your cat, but that doesn’t mean you love having a litter box in your home. Lord, no! It’s a box full of dusty… clumpy sand that your cat pees and poops in. Kitty Poo Club takes care of the more unpleasant parts of cat ownership so you can get back to loving your furry friend. Yeah, you don’t want to resent your furry friend for pooping. Everybody poops. I read a book about it. Hey, every month, Kitty Poo Club delivers an affordable, high-quality, recyclable litter box that is prefilled with the litter of your choice. The boxes are leak-proof, eco-friendly, and have a fun design for every season. It’s like your cat’s pooping in a seasonally-appropriate spa. When the month is up, just recycle the box and Kitty Poo Club will automatically deliver a new one to you. No changing used litter and no more cleaning the box. And right now, Kitty Poo Club is offering you 20% off your first order when you set up autoship by going to and entering promo code “flop.” Just go to and enter promo code “flop” to get 20% off when you set up autoship. That’s, and don’t forget to enter promo code “flop” at checkite—checkout, not checkite. To help support our show.

We have a couple of Jumbotroms—Jumbotroms here? Jumbotroms. That… yeah. Tron—the movie Tron—was angry. They were gonna sue us for copyright infringement. So now we’re Jumbotroms. “Long time Flopper, first time ‘tron-er, with a dumb Jumbotron asking Flop House Nation to support the Kentucky Equal Justice Center. It’s a righteous org working to make sure everyone—black, brown, or white—has the health care, housing, and money they need to thrive. Floppers love horror, and KEJC fights actual horrors like poverty, racism, evictions, gerrymandering, and zombie debt collection. That’s legit what it’s called. Help KEJC keep the horror where it belongs—in Shocktober. And you can donate to the Kentucky Equal Justice Center at That is Dumbo like the elephant.” What a nice Jumbotron to help the world. This message is for Jojo. It is from Justine. And Justine says to Jojo, “Happy birthday, little brother! Here’s to the world’s greatest 37-year-old man trapped in the body of a 26-year-old boy. My gift to you is hearing happy birthday from the mouths of three gentlemen—” Well one. “—who might actually have chuckled at your proposal to name a new truck “Alan Truck.” Keep being my favorite—also, only—brother. Love, Teeny.” I would’ve chuckled at Alan Truck. Thank you for sharing it. That’s all before we get back to the live show. I hope that we will have something to announce about a virtual live show soon. But as of this moment, we rejoin ourselves in Boston.

We like to close out these shows with a little bit of audience questions? And we’ve got—

Was that a question? Yes, we do. [Audience laughs.]

We’ve got—let’s say around twelve minutes.

There’s a microphone right there. We can’t answer too many questions. We’ll try. We gotta make these questions fast and furious, another reference to Stuart’s presentation from earlier.

Oh, bless you.

Godzilla bless me? [Dan laughs.]

Hey guys! [Elliott laughs.]


So if you guys were Kaiju, which would—who would you be?

Well, I would obviously be Gamora because I’m a friend to children everywhere. [Audience laughs, applauds.]

Stuart: And I do a lot of cool spin attacks. Elliott: I mean, I want—that’s true. [Laughs.]

And you can flame out of your leg holes. Yeah. I wanna believe I’d be Godzilla, but I’d be probably one of the awkward ones like Megalon. Can’t really do anything.

Look, I’ve always had a fondness for Mothra. I know she’s supposedly the queen of the monsters. I don’t care. I’m not gonna box myself in that way, Elliott.

I think it also makes sense because of the way that you react to the Mothra song.

Yeah, Dan. Every time I sing it, it’s like you can’t help but skip a beat.

I think it might be a hate crime so that’s why I don’t like it. [Audience laughs.]

Hate crime.

I’m not sure, I just, uh…

Alright. Next question.

Lyman—oh, shoot, that’s too obvious. L—

It’s okay. Just ask the question.

Okay. Anyway. I have—this movie features a lot of flying monsters?

You know it! A lot of flying monsters.

Yeah! And that’s impossible. Right? The biggest birds weigh under twenty pounds. So what I wanna know is like—are there any movies out there that actually feature, like, realistic physics kind of about giant monsters?

Any giant monster movies that feature realistic physics? I would take issue with the twenty-pound limit you’re setting on flying animals. Quetzalcoatl, anyone? Thank you. Anyway, okay. [Audience cheers.] But he had hollow bones. Uh… that’s how he stayed so thin no matter what he ate. I don’t—realistic? I mean… any monster that big would probably collapse under its own weight at a certain point. They’re literally thousands of feet tall. And they’re radioactive so their cells are deteriorating rapidly.

Yeah. It doesn’t make you stronger, right?

Elliott: No. Not like the Hulk, yeah. Dan: What about like—what about The Blob?

When The Blob gets really big? Because The Blob doesn’t have—it’s like just a blob! Y’know?

Yeah. I guess The Blob is just a blob. [Audience laughs.]

Dan: It’s all—it’s all there in the name, baby! Elliott: I think I’m gonna call that McCoy’s Theorem. [Audience laughs.]

Next question.

Hi, Mike, last name withheld.

Hey, Mike.

If you were not in The Flop House—god forbid—and you were at— [Laughs.] And you were at one of your own live shows, what question would you ask yourselves? [Audience laughs.]

Hm. What question would we ask ourselves if we were not in The Flop House at a Flop House live show? [Audience laughs.] I’d be like, “Dan, why’d you kick me out of The Flop House?” [Audience laughs.]

My question would be, “How dare you, sir! How dare you, sir!”

I would say, “Hey, guys! If you had a stand from the comic book series JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure... which of the major arcana of the Tarot would you choose, and what colors would you use?” I await my answer. [Audience laughs.]

Next question, please. Thank you. [Audience laughs, applaud.]

Sam, last name withheld. Fuck, marry, kill—Godzilla, Ghidorah, and America’s sweetheart, Kyle Chandler.

Oh, okay. Fuck, marry, kill Kyle Chandler.

That’s crazy. You marry Kyle Chandler. He’s such a good coach.

Yeah, I mean, this is a weird—like, okay. Can we all talk about fuck, marry, kill for a second? Because—

Dan, if you’re going to question the premise of something that is obviously—we don’t wanna kill these people. Come on. Dan!

I’m just saying—

Are you gonna take a brave stand against this thing nobody really wants to do?

Look, this is—I’m just saying. Hold on. [Audience laughs.] This whole game… posits a Lockhorns-style world where marrying someone means the death of sex.

No, I don’t think that’s it at all. It’s that—who is the person that you wanna-

‘Cause if you marry someone—

Who is the person that you want to be with all the time and have sex with all the time, who’s the person you just wanna do it once ‘cause the story’s gonna be nuts? [Audience laughs.]


And for me that would be King Ghidorah. That’s right. [Audience cheers, applauds.] I would marry Godzilla. Kyle Chandler, I’m sorry. Just—I don’t have anything against you, but you just didn’t make the cut. I’m a G fan, come on. I’m not a Friday F—F-N-L fan? Friday Night Lights? Not the same. Not the same degree.

You’re saying you have—wait. Closed eyes, and—wait. [Laughs.] Uh—

Elliott: Yeah. My heart is empty. Empty heart and I always lose. [Laughs.] Stuart: An empty heart. And you can lose. Did it. [Laughs.] [Audience laughs, applauds.]

Oh man. Smoke’s coming out of my ears.

Okay, next question.

You’re very good with antonyms, Stuart. [Stuart laughs.]

Hi, I’m Jake. A couple years ago, I sent you guys a letter asking about the machete order for The Fast and The Furious? You never actually answered the question?

Ohhhh. Ohhh. [Audience “ooohs” along with him.]

That’s—that’s not why I’m here.

Oh, thank god. I was worried for a second that—

Thank god. I was like, “This is how it ends.” [Audience laughs.]

“Well I’ve got a machete for ya! Zhing!”

So a few years before that, a friend of mine showed me a movie called The Zero Effect. And we sat on the couch. And he was like, “If you don’t laugh at this one particular moment, I know that you’re not going to enjoy the rest of the movie.” It was when Ben Stiller was unlocking locks for like ten or fifteen minutes of the movie? So have you ever shown a movie to someone, when you sat them down you’re like, “I know you’re not gonna have fun with this if you don’t have fun with this particular moment?” And what is that moment?

Hm. A movie where you show it to somebody else and you know if they’re not gonna like this moment they’re not gonna like the whole movie. Hm.


I don’t know. You set down someone and you say, “You’re gonna watch the last half hour of Mother and if you don’t like it, let’s not watch the first hour and a half.” [All laugh.] “Cause this movie is not going to a place you wanna go.” [Audience laughs.]

I remember right after college, sitting down with my ex-girlfriend’s dad. And pulling out a recently-purchased copy of the DVD of Blade II. And I’m like, “If he’s not into this opening, I don’t think he’s gonna like the rest of it. Aaaand… that was really true. But I liked it!”

I mean I know that we go to a—

He’s more of a Blade 1 guy. [Audience laughs.]

I know that we go to the Gremlins 2 well a lot, but if you don’t like the fact that the movie begins with Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck fighting over the Warner Bros. logo, you’re not gonna—if you’re like, ‘What the—I thought this was a Gremlins movie!” Then, uh…

Show them the door, please!

[Through laughter] Yeah.

That’s a good point. Okay, next question ,please!

I am Michelle, last name withheld. I need help settling an argument—who would win in a fight: Godzilla or Superman?

Who would win in a fight, Godzilla or Superman? Ohhh. Are we talking pre-Crisis or post-Crisis Superman? [Audience laughs.]

I’m just gonna leave now.

Because pre-crisis Superman could move a planet! But post-Crisis, John Byrne was like, “Let’s depower him a little bit!” Here’s the—I think, ooh. Probably Superman. I don’t know. ‘Cause he’d fly him into space and hurl him in the sun. But here’s the story I wanna tell. And I always want to tell it in a sad way? That they—Godzilla’s destroying the city and they enlist Dracula, and he bites Godzilla, turning Godzilla into a vampire so the sun destroys him but the radiation from Godzilla’s blood kills Dracula and they build a statue to him. [Audience laughs.] Because he sacrificed himself to save humanity. So Stuart, who do you think would win? Godzilla or Superman?

Dracula? [Audience laughs.]

Hey, guys, I just wanted to see what’s going on on this side of the [inaudible].

Oh, Dan has gone to the other side of the room.

Oh, okay. You done?

Do you have an answer to the question?


Okay. Let’s move to the next question, then. [Audience laughs.]

I think Dan’s Superman knowledge begins and ends with Lois & Clark. Of which Godzilla never appeared.

No, it’s true.

Well, hey, Tony, last name withheld.


I know Elliott likes fried chicken.

You know it! You just said! [Audience laughs.]

So I was wondering which Kaiju would you like to eat and how would you prepare them?

Oh, man! [Audience laughs.] What Kaiju would I like to eat and how I would prepare it! Well, let’s say fried. Come on. You gotta go with Rodan ‘cause he’s a big bird! It’s the biggest fried chicken ever! [Audience laughs.] But—

Although he might be too spicy for you. ‘Cause he’s like a firebird.

He is—that’s true. And I prefer mild to spicy. Also, you know what? I take Anguirus and I would just cook the ribs. Barbecue ‘em. ‘Cause he’s got big ribs. Yeah. Sure.

How long do you think it would take you to skeletonize a Kaiju, Elliott?

To skeletonize? [Audience laughs.] I mean, more than I have time on this earth, Dan, probably. I mean, which Kaiju are we talking about, though? ‘Cause there’s some that are bigger than others. ‘Cause Ebirah? Crack ‘im open. I mean, it’s not a skeleton. It’s exoskeleton, I guess. That was a bad choice. Uh— [Audience laughs.]

[Through laughter] You look like an asshole!

What about Spidor, the giant—, no, but he’s, again exoskeleton. Okay. Or—

We’re wasting everyone’s time. Please. [Laughs.] [Audience laughs.]

Hi! Hollis, last name withheld. I would like to play Radio Zork? [Audience cheers, applauds.]

Oh, okay. Someone would like to step up and try their hand at Radio Zork, everyone’s favorite text-based radio call-in… choose your own adventure show! Yeah, please!

I would like to scream. Just for like a while.

Okay. You scream at the door for a while. Time passes. [Audience laughs.] Your throat becomes hoarse. There is no answer.

Thank you.

The door remains closed. Thank you for playing! That’s Radio Zork! [Audience cheers, applauds.] I gotta tell ya—not a bad strategy! One of these days someone’s gonna get that dang door open—

Elliott: —and we’re gonna start this adventure! Dan: I don’t think—yeah. [Audience laughs.]

Uh, Josh, last name withheld? My friend is unfortunately he was going to be here tonight but he can’t be. He is moving from Medford to Maryland for a job and Elliott, specifically, could you give him a piece of advice for someone who had to move locationally recently?

Oh, okay. Uh… yeah.

Move locationally versus… [All laugh.]

Elliott: I guess temporally, as we’re all doing? Dan: What’s the other—yeah.

We all move through our lives. Y’know.

Yeah. Um… so—

Islands in the stream, I call us. [Audience laughs.]

Advice for someone moving temporally. Here’s the thing. As an adult, it’s hard to make friends without seeming creepy. And especially when you’re in a new place! But you gotta push through that, because without a local social network you’re gonna feel isolated and you’re gonna start thinking you don’t like it there. When really, you just don’t like being by yourself, probably. So reach out to people you work with or—if there’s a local club that does things you like—rocketry. Chess. Make sure it’s an adult club, not a kid’s club. But like— [Audience laughs.]

What about the Burger King Kid’s Club?

That’s just what I was gonna say! That’s okay for everybody ‘cause we’re all kids when we’re at Burger King. Where a kid can be a kid! [Audience laughs.] Right? That’s the Burger King slogan?

Don’t look at me! [Multiple people laugh.]

So that’s what I would say. Good question, and good answer. Thank you. Next question ,please!

Hey, everybody, hold on. Is the Burger King slogan “Have it your way”?

The Burger King slogan is “Have—” I think—

‘Cause that can seem very angry. Like, “Have it your way!”

[Through laughter] It’s a passive-aggressive slogan, yeah. “We made these choices for a reason about what we put on a burger, but sure!”

Elliott: “Have it your way!” Dan: “I guess have it your way.”

“It’s a Burger King world! You’re just living in it!” Is that one?


Godzilla, Burger King of the monsters. [Audience laughs.] Next question, please. The penultimate question.

So a friend of mine’s seven-year-old saw this movie and I asked him what he thought of it and he said that it was the best movie he’d ever seen. And I thought—

I mean, to be fair—if I saw this when I was seven, it probably also would’ve been the best movie I ever saw.

Right. I mean, I was thinking if I—if someone asked me that when I was seven, I probably would’ve said The Cat From Outer Space. But I was wondering what—

[In mocking tone] Uh, what about Seven Samurai, dude?

Stuart: [Regular voice] I’m just thinking of like shitty things—okay. I’ll shut up. Guest: I mean, it has seven.

“I mean, when I was seven, Videodrome was really big”? Anyway. You were saying.

Just wondering, y’know, if someone had asked you guys when you were seven what your favorite—what the best movie you ever saw was.

If someone asked us when we were seven what the best movie we ever saw was—

I think mine would’ve been Beastmaster.


It’s a good one.

Elliott: Similar, I think— Stuart: A lot of ferrets.

Got a couple ferrets in it.

The FQ is very high in that movie.

Ferret Quotient? Yeah.

Uh, I would’ve said—and this is gonna shock Dan McCoy, who was loudly telling me earlier this movie does not work—Dark Crystal. A movie I still love!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. Let’s be clear—I think the movie is beautiful. I love Jim Henson and all he did. I think that it’s an amazing work of imagination.

Sensing a “but”!

The brinefrau designs are great. I just think that narratively—as a piece of drama—it’s kind of boring. Continue. [Light boos from audience.]

My seven-year-old self and my thirty-seven-year-old self would disagree, but that’s okay. We live in America. Everyone can have different opinions about Dark Crystal or whether they need more information from Alita: Battle Angel. A little reference when you hear that episode. [Audience laughs.] Stuart, what would you say?

Maybe… Ski Patrol? [Audience laughs.] It’s about some people who work for a ski patrol and they get into trouble. [All laugh.]

[Through laughter] Alright. Last question.

Last question. Better be about Ski Patrol.

Hi, I’m Jack, last name withheld. Dan, in a previous episode—I think it was the Robin Hood episode—

Feet to the fire, Dan McCoy! [Audience laughs.]

I’m scared for a couple reasons. Number one, I don’t know where this is going; number two, this man is far too handsome to be a podcast fan? So… [Audience laughs.]

Thank you.

Stuart: Probably some kind of assassin! Elliott: Dan, why are you insulting everyone else in the audience, Dan? Dan: Everyone else! [Audience cheers, applauds.]

Just to suck up to this stranger!

Dan! This is like… we—it was announced we were on a new podcast streaming service recently. Or we were newly on an old podcast streaming service. And Dan was like, “We’re on this service now! We used to not like ‘em, but now they’re okay!” [Audience laughs.] Dan, you don’t need to say everything!

[Laughs.] That’s a-me!

Elliott: But anyway. Handsome question-asker— Dan: [Laughs.] Go on, sir. I’m sorry.

—what did Dan say that you either wanna know more about or attack him for?

He’s not gonna like, this, but—


He referred to himself as chaotic good because he liked watching porn on airplanes? [Audience laughs boisterously.]

I don’t recall that!

I have to assume there’s some context that made more sense.

Jack: I’m sorry. I changed that up a little bit. Dan: [Through laughter] I don’t think I said “porn.” I said I did not mind nude scenes on airplanes. But continue.

Elliott: I think we’ll have to consult the record at some point! Dan: Nude scenes. [Audience laughs.]

I do not watch porn on airplanes. [Audience laughs.] No one report me. I don’t wanna have to go—

I mean, it’s—it’s all—it’s art. [Audience laughs.]

The Dan character, maybe. [Audience laughs.] I dunno. Sorry, go on.

But on the lawful/chaotic, good/bad axis, where would you, Elliott and Stuart, put yourselves? And maybe some other Flop House favorites like the Housecat or Crawdaddy? [Audience laughs.]

Well the—

Well, y’know.

The Housecat is obviously True Neutral. [Audience laughs.] You could never—he goes where the wind takes him. Um… I’m probably lawful good, y’know? I follow the rules. Pay my taxes. [Laughs.] [Audience laughs.] Comb my hair.

Wait, do you?

Shut the fuck up! [All laugh.] What are you, a cop? [Audience cheers, applauds.]

I’m probably annoying good? I think that’s probably my status? And Crawdaddy, when he was young he was chaotic good. But now… [with a drawl] “Y’know, when you’re living in a Connecticut suburb and there’s, uh… you put up a basketball hoop in the driveway and they tell you to take it down ‘cause it’s against the neighborhood regulations… back in the bayou, you’d shoot that man. But here in the Nutmeg State we take down the hoop.” So now he’s lawful good, so. [Audience laughs.]

I can’t think of a better way to end than with an appearance of the most popular thing in our show: Crawdaddy. Thank you so much for sticking around for a late show. [Audience cheers, applauds.] Thank you to City Space.

Dan and Elliott: Thank you, Boston!

Thank you to the Boston area!

For The Flop House—we usually would hang out. We can’t. It’s a late show. But thank you for coming. For The Flop House, I’ve been Dan McCoy.

I’ve been Stuart Wellington!

I’m Elliott Kalan! Thank you! For being here!

Light, up-tempo, electric guitar with synth instruments.

It’s kind of a disappointment, but um— [All laugh.] Okay. [Light audience laughter. Long pause.]

You see, on this episode, we talk about—

Alright. [Audience laughs. Music ends.]

A cheerful ukulele chord.

speaker 2
Comedy and culture.

speaker 3
Artist owned—

speaker 4
—Audience supported.
About the show
The Flop House is a bimonthly audio podcast devoted to the worst in recent film. Your hosts (Elliott Kalan, Dan McCoy, and Stuart Wellington) watch a questionable film just before each episode, and then engage in an unscripted, slightly inebriated discussion, focusing on the movie’s shortcomings and occasional delights.
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