Episode notes
Laci Mosley, Nick Kocher, Lisa Gilroy, and Joe Kwaczala join host Dave Holmes to settle once and for all, are live shows for suckers or are they actually pretty cool?
Team Pro-Live Shows
Team Anti-Live Shows
This week, our teams argue about Coldplay’s recent decision to quit touring, talk about the worst stories about life on the road, and come up with personalized merch to sell.
Laci Mosley wants to plug Scam Goddess and Florida Girls and recommends Astronomy Club on Netflix
Nick Kocher wants to plug Everything’s Great at Dynasty Typewriter and BriTANick and recommends Big Time in Hollywood, FL
Joe Kwaczala wants plug his Comedy Central half hour and Who Cares About the Rock Hall and recommends the documentary Behind the Curve.
Lisa Gilroy wants to plug her upcoming appearances on Drunk History and Brooklyn 99 and her UCB teams Bitchin’ and Hail Mary and recommends Jenny Slate’s Netflix special
And Finally, Dave Holmes is on Twitter @DaveHolmes
Find us on Twitter! We are @TroubledPod and you can also find us on Facebook.
Call us on the official Troubled Waters hotline! Our number is 323-300-4984. Our producers will have a new prompt for you to answer and we may just use your call on the show
Don’t want to pay those international calling fees? Email us a voice memo! troubledwaterspod@gmail.com
Written by Riley Silverman and John-Luke Roberts, recorded at MaxFunHQ in LA and produced by Christian Dueñas and Laura Swisher.
In this episode...
- Laci Mosley
- Lisa Gilroy
- Nick Kocher
- Joe Kwaczala
About the show
Troubled Waters is the pop culture quiz show where comedians disagree to disagree. Twice a month, Dave Holmes will stoke pointless arguments between two teams of comedians and make them compete against each other in order to settle their meaningless debates once and for all. Winner takes home the right to be right.
Follow @TroubledPod on Twitter and call in: 323-300-4984.
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