Episode 148: “One Fall” with David F. Walker and Brett Weldele

Episode 148

20th June 2019

This week, Hal and Danielle are joined by David F. Walker and Brett Weldele. They are the writer and artist (respectively) behind the new comic series “One Fall.” It’s all about a third generation wrestler who competes for profit and survival in a world of supernatural monsters. Plus, Hal and Danielle take a look at the only rivalry in WWE that culminated in the custody of a child at stake in a ladder match.

Episode notes

This week, Hal and Danielle are joined by David F. Walker and Brett Weldele. They are the writer and artist (respectively) behind the new comic series “One Fall.”

The book is all about a third-generation wrestler who fights for survival and profit in a world of supernatural creatures who all want the honor of killing him in the ring… again. They’ll tell us all about their project, how they became wrestling fans and the finer points of the best bars to watch wrestling at.

The Beatdown: Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero (2005)

Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero were both credited for helping popularize a lucha libre in the U.S. like few, if any, ever could have. They were best friends and frequent partners. And in their final series of matches, the stakes got more personal than most rivalries in WWE ever do. It was a contest that featured beat downs, betrayals, great promos and the custody of children. Hal and Danielle will look into what made one of Eddie’s last major storylines work so well… and why it wouldn’t have worked if they both weren’t so good.

The Three Count

Danielle put over Effy’s Twink Gauntlet and Stokely Hathaway’s quest to regain his CD player.

Hal put over Daniel Bryan’s commentary during Heavy Machinery’s match.

Hosted by Hal Lublin, Danielle Radford, David F. Walker and Brett Weldele.

Produced by Julian Burrell for Maximum Fun.

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In this episode...


  • David F. Walker & Brett Weldele

About the show

Tights and Fights is the podcast that covers pro-wrestling with the sincerity and hilarity that it deserves. Every week, hosts Hal Lublin, Danielle Radford, and Lindsey Kelk make sense of the chaos that is the world of sports-entertainment. Whether it’s the latest headlines, a cultural analysis of an old angle or a debate about which wrestler has the best merch, Tights and Fights will examine every corner of the squared-circle for your enjoyment.

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