Ep. 396: Libby Ward

Episode 396

5th November 2020

It’s time for a chat with award-winning comedy writer, artist, and games producer Libby Ward, who talks Tucson deserts with a very excited JV, but more importantly shares her values of inclusion, diversity, teamwork and love. And a little crayon-illustrated book called “Luchador Mice!”

Episode notes

It’s time for a chat with award-winning comedy writer, artist, and games producer Libby Ward, who talks Tucson deserts with a very excited JV, but more importantly shares her values of inclusion, diversity, teamwork and love. And a little crayon-illustrated book called “Luchador Mice!”

Libby as a teen Libby today with the partial cover of her book Luchadora Mice!

In this episode...


  • Libby Ward

About the show

Remember what it was like to be an awkward teenager? And remember how some things haven’t really changed that much for you since then? Join proud dork Janet Varney as she explores the highs and lows of the bygone years with some of her favorite people as they talk their way through the terrible teens into adult-lescence.
Warning: This Podcast Contains Sincerity

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