Episode notes

Before Sunset
Dave Schilling is back! And so are Jesse and Celine, the characters in the “Before Trilogy.” This week we’re discussing the second installment, Before Sunset. Ify talks about his bidet and Dave has some questions about Ify’s bidet. Plus, we do our best to adapt Before Sunset into a video game. And, as always, we’ve got ‘Staff Picks.’
In news, “Bennifer” breaks up, and Napoleon Dynamite, Fahrenheit 9/11, and The Passion of the Christ are all unlikely hits.
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Staff Picks:
Ify – Shrek 2
Drea – Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Alonso – Kinsey
Dave – Garden State
With Ify Nwadiwe, Drea Clark, Alonso Duralde, and Dave Schilling
In this episode...
- Dave Schilling
About the show
A movie podcast that isn’t just a bunch of straight white dudes. Comedian Ify Nwadiwe is joined by film producer Drea Clark and film critic Alonso Duralde for a fast, funny, flight through film. Maximum Film! is news, reviews and in-depth insight, beamed directly into your ears every week.
Email maximumfilm@maximumfun.org and follow the show on Twitter @maximum_film.
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