Episode 451: SerenDIPity

Episode 451

29th January 2020

Judge John Hodgman and Bailiff Jesse Thorn talk about heated cat beds, setting the table, morning noise, ranch dressing, singing in the grocery store, and more!

Episode notes

This week, Judge John Hodgman and Bailiff Jesse Thorn are in chambers to clear the docket! They talk about heated cat beds, setting the table, morning noise, ranch dressing, singing in the grocery store, and more!

Here is the recipe for Jackie Brown’s horseradish carrots:

horseradish carrots recipe

horseradish carrots recipe

Jackie’s Horseradish Carrots (Serves two greedy people):

Cut 6 large or 8 medium carrots into lengthwise strips and cook in H2O to cover until just tender; SAVE LIQUID. Put carrots into baking dish.

1/4 cup liquid from carrots
2T minced onion
2T horseradish
1/2 cup mayo
1/2 t salt and 1/4 t pepper

Pour this on top of carrots.*

Crush 1/4 cup of any type of cracker (Harvest Thins or Wheat Thins are good)**, and fry in butter. Put fried crumbs on top of carrots and add dash of paprika. May be prepared in advance to this point.

Before dinner, preheat oven to 375. Right before dinner, bake in pre-heated oven for 15-20 minutes.

* cook carrots in water until they are fully cooked/don’t undercook. They won’t cook much more in the oven than they did in the pot.
* Add 1/2 cup sour cream to the sauce. Also, toss carrots in sauce before putting in casserole.
** Triscuits are good, too (that may be what “Harvest Thins” are).



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Have your pressing issues decided by Famous Minor Television Personality John Hodgman, Certified Judge. If you’d like John Hodgman to solve your pressing issue, please contact us HERE.

Follow @judgejohnhodgman on Instagram to view evidence from the cases tried in court.

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