Ep. 168.5: New #MaxFunDrive Rewards! + BoCo Preview! Brea Grant, Alison Becker, Clint McElroy and more!

24th March 2025

This show is supported by our beloved MaxFun Members! To become one yourself as part of the #MaxFunDrive, go to maximumfun.org/join and set up a recurring monthly contribution (or an annual prepay) for as little as $5 a month. No matter what level you join, every MaxFun Member gets access to the most popular gift […]

Episode notes

This show is supported by our beloved MaxFun Members! To become one yourself as part of the #MaxFunDrive, go to maximumfun.org/join and set up a recurring monthly contribution (or an annual prepay) for as little as $5 a month.

No matter what level you join, every MaxFun Member gets access to the most popular gift of all: The Bonus Content Library.

This is a bank of hundreds– maybe even thousands– of hours of bonus episodes from every show across the network. That includes Go Fact Yourself!

In this special preview, you’ll hear clips from just a few of the GFY BoCo collection– including full episodes with MaxFunsters Brea Grant, Clint McElroy and more; GFY success stories where we interview past contestants whose dreams came true because of this show; and the original Go Fact Yourself pilot (which was just released this year!)


J. Keith van Straaten

Helen Hong


Theme Song by Jonathan Green.

Maximum Fun’s Senior Producer is Laura Swisher.

Co-Producer and Editor is Julian Burrell.

Seeing our next live-audience shows by YOU!

In this episode...

About the show

Twice a month, host J. Keith van Straaten and co-host Helen Hong quiz the smartest celebrities they know to find out why they love what they love! Recorded before a live audience in downtown Los Angeles, this game show features comedians, actors, and musicians answering arcane questions on topics they claim to be experts in. But don’t worry; if they slip up, there are real experts on hand to give us the facts!

If you’re in the Los Angeles area and would like to be in the audience for a podcast taping, get your free ticket at http://www.gofactyourpod.com!

How to listen

Stream or download episodes directly from our website, or listen via your favorite podcatcher!

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