Episode notes

Throughout the much-lauded, jam-packed runtime of EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE, Stephanie Hsu shapeshifts from depressed, suffering Joy Wang to countless iterations of the fabulous big-bad Jobu Tupaki. But the flashy confidence of Jobu Tupaki might be a misdirect from the pain she’s feeling — Joy’s pain. Cyrus Cohen, film critic and programmer for NewFest, gets into it with Jordan on this week’s episode.

Then, one quick thing about Jordan’s recent Morning Edition appearance.


With Jordan Crucchiola and Cyrus Cohen

In this episode...


  • Cyrus Cohen

About the show

On Feeling Seen, writer and general enthusiast Jordan Crucchiola invites filmmakers, writers, comedians, and artists to discuss the movie characters that made them “feel seen.” It’s about that instant when a person connects to a piece of art so deeply that they see themselves reflected in it. Every week Jordan gabs it up with a guest about those magical moments when they were watching a film and realized, “That’s me!” It’s an informative, funny, and comforting show about our intimate relationship with movies, the impact they have on our lives, and how they influence our art.

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