Episode notes

Co-star of the new horror film Malum (currently in theaters) Clarke Wolfe knew she related to  Grace Hart in the theater when she first saw 2000’s Miss Congeniality. That resonance wasn’t all positive. In this conversation, she shares her own inner misfit feelings, and explains how and why she became her own Michael Caine (er, Victor Melling).


with Jordan Crucchiola and Clarke Wolfe

In this episode...


  • Clarke Wolfe

About the show

On Feeling Seen, writer and general enthusiast Jordan Crucchiola invites filmmakers, writers, comedians, and artists to discuss the movie characters that made them “feel seen.” It’s about that instant when a person connects to a piece of art so deeply that they see themselves reflected in it. Every week Jordan gabs it up with a guest about those magical moments when they were watching a film and realized, “That’s me!” It’s an informative, funny, and comforting show about our intimate relationship with movies, the impact they have on our lives, and how they influence our art.

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