Episode 83: Automata

Episode 83

23rd January 2015


This week, Rhea and Ricky take a look at the 2014 sci-fi/thriller Automata. Plus, we have an in depth discussion of who and what went overlooked by the Oscar nominations and what it means for the industry.

Episode notes

This week, Rhea and Ricky take a look at the 2014 sci-fi/thriller Automata. Plus, we have an in depth discussion of who and what went overlooked by the Oscar nominations and what it means for the industry.

Next week, we’ll be watching Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, which is available now on Netflix Watch Instant.

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About the show

Wham Bam Pow was an action/scifi moviecast. Each week, host Cameron Esposito and panelists Rhea Butcher and Ricky Carmona terminated your boredom with movie news, interviews & watch-along film reviews.


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