Episode 53: The Fifth Element

Episode 53

15th May 2014


We’re back! Through a series of closed-door meetings and elaborate deal-cuttings, Cameron’s back at her job as the studio head, and she’s on the hunt for a movie with a romantic element. Plus, we serve up a review of The Fifth Element. Make sure you have your multi pass!

Episode notes

We’re back! Through a series of closed-door meetings and elaborate deal-cuttings, Cameron’s back at her job as the studio head, and she’s on the hunt for a movie with a romantic element. Plus, we serve up a review of The Fifth Element. Make sure you have your multi pass!

Next week we’ll be watching Godzilla, which opens in theaters tomorrow!

Follow us on Twitter! Cameron is @cameronesposito, Rhea is @rheabutcher and Ricky is @rickycarmona. Discuss the show using the hashtag #WhamBamPow!

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In this episode...

About the show

Wham Bam Pow was an action/scifi moviecast. Each week, host Cameron Esposito and panelists Rhea Butcher and Ricky Carmona terminated your boredom with movie news, interviews & watch-along film reviews.


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