Bloomberg’s Terrible Debate Performance, Richard Dawkins Defends Eugenics, South Park Apologizes, Is Snooping a Partner’s Texts Ok?, Ninja’s Bad Tweet, Nevada Caucuses, Average Human Temp Changes!, Amie Harwick Murdered

21st February 2020

Content warning: Assault and murder between 1:12:11 – 1:15:44

Episode notes

Content warning: Assault and murder between 1:12:11 – 1:15:44

In this episode...


Kate Sloan

Guest co-host

About the show

Trends Like These is a weekly round-up of what’s trending on social media and all over the internet. We’ll prepare you to chat around the water cooler about celeb Twitter beefs, mysteriously colored dresses, flat Earth, Starbucks cups, and so much more! We’ll dig past the clickbait headlines to try to get to the real story! Brought to you every Friday by Brent Black and Courtney Enlow. We’re real-life friends talking ’bout internet trends!

Follow @TrendsLikeThese on Twitter to stay on trend with these friends!
