Ep. 255: RAW is Muppets

Episode 255

10th July 2021

Wakka Wakka! It’s a brand new episode of Tights and Fights! Muppets expert and host of the “Kermitment” podcast Matthew Gaydos joins us to break down all the biggest news in wrestling. He initially treated WWE’s empty arena shows as a way to get back into all the wrestling content he’d fallen out of. But […]

Episode notes

Wakka Wakka! It’s a brand new episode of Tights and Fights!

Muppets expert and host of the “Kermitment” podcast Matthew Gaydos joins us to break down all the biggest news in wrestling. He initially treated WWE’s empty arena shows as a way to get back into all the wrestling content he’d fallen out of. But that awkward silence was too much to bear for a weekly TV show.

Now, he’s come back strong to watch a bunch of the weeks shows. We got the Great American Bash with wish-fulfilment for the shippers and Kyle O’Reilly’s questionable ring gear. Plus AEW with some fun JR gaffs and even less women’s wrestling than usual.

Main Event: The Muppets as RAW’s guest hosts

The Muppets are the greatest RAW celebrity guest hosts of ALL TIME. It might be a bold statement, but you’ll understand when we break down the 2011 episode of RAW where Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie and the whole gang interacted with out merry band of wrestlers

The Three Count:

Lindsey put over Danhaussen taking over Renee Paquette’s podcast.

Matthew put over Kevin Owens calling Paul Heyman.

Hal put over Britt Baker’s promo.

Hosted by Danielle Radford and Lindsey Kelk

Produced by Julian Burrell for Maximum Fun.

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In this episode...


  • Matthew Gaydos

About the show

Tights and Fights is the podcast that covers pro-wrestling with the sincerity and hilarity that it deserves. Every week, hosts Hal Lublin, Danielle Radford, and Lindsey Kelk make sense of the chaos that is the world of sports-entertainment. Whether it’s the latest headlines, a cultural analysis of an old angle or a debate about which wrestler has the best merch, Tights and Fights will examine every corner of the squared-circle for your enjoyment.

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