Episode notes
Comedian Katie-Ellen Humphries returns to talk musicals, murder, and how to steal a cop’s gun.
Download episode 154 here. (right-click)
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Ohhhhhh… doggy on the chair…
Aaaaaand Perfect Day
America’s Funniest Peepz
The Warlock’s Intern

Walk Like an Egyptian
Canadian Bacon

Ecco the Dolphin

Around the Horn

Manic Monday
Popcorn Chicken

Perez Hilton

Tostitos Scoops and cat food

George Muresan

The CR3

Sister Act: The Musical

Aw, Snap!

Rider Strong’s head in a freezer

In this episode...
- Katie-Ellen Humphries
About the show
Vancouver’s top comedy podcast? Hosted by Graham Clark and Dave Shumka, with weekly guests. Hilarious weekly guests? Yup.
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How to listen
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