MBMBaM 688: Face 2 Face: You Can’t Boo Through the Whole Thing

Episode 688

27th November 2023

This was during a very important sport game, so thank you Philadelphia for coming to the beautiful Miller Theater instead. We know how much Philly loves their sports, but we also learned they have a lot of feelings about other things, like large bees, studying, Step Mania, and Dolph Lundgren.

Episode notes

This was during a very important sport game, so thank you Philadelphia for coming to the beautiful Miller Theater instead. We know how much Philly loves their sports, but we also learned they have a lot of feelings about other things, like large bees, studying, Step Mania, and Dolph Lundgren.

Suggested talking points: Dog Bees Got Wolfman Magic, Loudest Baddest Idea, The Curse of Pocket Grandpa, 12-year-old What Got Bigged, Salt Knuckles, Who is the Chief of the Munch Squad, Fix Our Special Food, Easy and Good Cheating

Fair Elections Center: https://www.fairelectionscenter.org/

In this episode...

About the show

My Brother, My Brother and Me is an advicecast for the modern era featuring three real-life brothers: Justin, Travis, and Griffin McElroy. For roughly five-sixths of an hour each week, with new episodes dropping every Monday, the brothers McElroy will answer any query sent our way, each fielding questions falling into our respective areas of expertise. We operate like a streamlined, advice-generating machine. It’s both terrifying and humbling to behold.

If you’re in desperate need of a bit of advice, don’t be shy! Simply send an email to mbmbam@maximumfun.org and we’ll take care of that for you.

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