Episode 117: Spring Preview 2018, Max Fun Drive

Episode 117

4th April 2018

It’s our first MaxFunDrive and we’ve put together an extra special episode featuring our Spring Pop Culture picks! Find out which TV shows, Movies and Music we’re looking forward to in the next few months. Plus, we invited our friends from Long Distance Popcast and JojCast to share their Spring pop culture picks too! So. Much. Pop. Culture.

Episode notes

In honor of the Max Fun Drive- we are proud to present our Spring Pop Culture Preview! We’ll share some inside info on the highly anticipated TV, Film and Music due out this Spring. And to help us out- our special guests – the hosts of Long Distance POPcast and JoJCast also share their picks!

Spring is no longer the season to bide your time while you await the big summer blockbusters and concert tours. Some of the most innovative and surprising pieces of pop culture are about to slide into your earbuds and onto your television and movie screens and we’ll tell you what cannot be missed!

Spring is also the time to support your favorite podcasts by becoming a member of Maximum Fun! We’ll tell you the glory (and gifts) that await you if you decide to become a member or renew your membership.

For links and a full list of our Spring Preview recommendations visit us at: www.insidepoppodcast.com

In this episode...


  • Claudia Castillo
  • Matt McKee
  • Jo Bowden
  • Jay Taylor

About the show

Inside Pop is the weekly podcast that dives deep ​inside the world of pop culture. Television producers Amita Patel and Sean David Johnson bring their knowledge of the entertainment industry and their passion for pop culture to cover the stories you need to know about and care about. Together this dynamic duo brings a welcome diversity (they are African American and Indian American; Male and Female, Gay and Straight, Married and Single and wannabe residents of Sunnydale, CA and Dillon, TX) into the pop culture podcasting landscape.


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