FH Mini 100! – Elliott Looks Back

6th April 2024

Elliott takes a look back at 100 Flop House minis, with no mention of Dune whatsoever.

Episode notes

Elliott takes a look back at 100 Flop House minis, and that is absolutely the only thing that happens, and no special guest arrives with any particular fixation on sandworm-related science fiction.

We partnered with StagePilot and their talented crew to film our SPEED 2 live show as a streaming event! The debut is Saturday, April 27th at 7PM ET, and the three hosts will be IN THE CHAT watching along with viewers at that time, BUT THERE IS ALSO A VIEWING WINDOW — folks can rewatch or watch for the first time anywhere between the debut and Sunday, May 19 at 11:59PM ET!

And if you happen to prefer your live shows really live, and happen to live in or near OXFORD, ENGLAND? We’ve got upcoming LIVE SHOWS for you!

Go to Squarespace.com for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch, go to https://www.squarespace.com/FLOP  to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain

In this episode...

Host & Producer

About the show

The Flop House is a bimonthly audio podcast devoted to the worst in recent film. Your hosts (Elliott Kalan, Dan McCoy, and Stuart Wellington) watch a questionable film just before each episode, and then engage in an unscripted, slightly inebriated discussion, focusing on the movie’s shortcomings and occasional delights.

Follow @flophousepod on Twitter and @theflophousepodcast on Instagram. Email them at theflophousepodcast@gmail.com.


Host & Producer

How to listen

Stream or download episodes directly from our website, or listen via your favorite podcatcher!

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