BoCo Preview – Erotic Thriller Pilot, ‘Color of Night’ (Director’s Cut)

23rd March 2024

A sneak peek at our deep dive into the Director’s Cut of COLOR OF NIGHT, the most rented VHS tape of 1995

Episode notes

This podcast is part of the #MaxFunDrive! If you’d like to help this podcast continue and get great gifts in the process, go to and become a MaxFun Member for as little as $5 a month. You can also upgrade or boost your membership for as little as $1 more a month to help the show out even more and earn gifts and certain levels.

COLOR OF NIGHT is one of the wildest, most surprising movies Jordan has ever seen, and now producer Marissa can say the same! Starring Bruce Willis as a psychologist who’s also trying to solve his friend Scott Bakula’s murder (while on vacation in Los Angeles, a vacation he went on to try and heal from a totally unrelated trauma), you won’t want to miss hearing us walk you through it. Here’s a sneak peek at the full episode, which (if you play your cards right) will hopefully be just the start of an entire Bonus Content series on erotic thrillers! But that will only happen if we get 100 new/upgrading/boosting FEELING SEEN listeners! !


with Jordan Crucchiola and Marissa Flaxbart

In this episode...


  • Marissa Flaxbart

About the show

On Feeling Seen, writer and general enthusiast Jordan Crucchiola invites filmmakers, writers, comedians, and artists to discuss the movie characters that made them “feel seen.” It’s about that instant when a person connects to a piece of art so deeply that they see themselves reflected in it. Every week Jordan gabs it up with a guest about those magical moments when they were watching a film and realized, “That’s me!” It’s an informative, funny, and comforting show about our intimate relationship with movies, the impact they have on our lives, and how they influence our art.

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