The Sound of Young America: Jordan Ranks America, December 2010

Episode 164

1st December 2010

Comedian and Jordan, Jesse, Go! host Jordan Morris gives his top five for December.

Episode notes

Comedian and Jordan, Jesse, Go! host Jordan Morris gives his top five for December.

JESSE THORN: Once a month my colleague Jordan Morris steps into the recording booth to tell us what’s up, what’s down, what’s hot, what’s not, what’s worthwhile and what’s worth tossing in God’s United States. Here he is with Jordan Ranks America.

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JORDAN MORRIS: New to the list at number 5 this month, it’s Dad’s temper. Hugs and yells are both possible when you play mood roulette with Mom’s main man.

Holding steady at number 4, it’s pure maple syrup. Mrs. Butterworth’s and her chemical-based slop can take a hike! This is the good stuff.

Debuting at number 3 this month, it’s a 35-year-old in a Misfits t-shirt. This tubby party animal proves that just because you have a couple of kids, doesn’t mean you can’t drink durin ghte day and listen to songs about monsters.

Rocketing onto the list at number 2, it’s Christmas music. Previously thought to be annoying, these seasonal tunes have proven to be beneficial to both pet behavior and male potency.

And our number 1 list item, it’s shelving. Done with a book? Don’t just throw it away — place it on a shelf for later use. You’ll be glad you did.

From the bottom to the top, I’m Jordan Morris.

JT: Jordan Morris joins us once a month for Jordan Ranks America here on The Sound of Young America. He also co-hosts the podcast Jordan, Jesse, Go! with yours truly. You can find it online at

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  • Jordan Morris

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Bullseye is a celebration of the best of arts and culture in public radio form. Host Jesse Thorn sifts the wheat from the chaff to bring you in-depth interviews with the most revered and revolutionary minds in our culture.

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