Yesterday, I challenged Sound of Young America listners to design and name their own amazing robots, and wow! What a haul of great robot designs!
Like check out this one, from Ameen in Los Angeles:
Looks pretty tough to me! Too strong!
Here’s one from Carol in Connecticut, but it doesn’t have a name. Any ideas?
And here’s one from Michelle, who says, “His name is Kruegal, and his lower torso is a minimicrowave. He’s sad all the time.” A mini-microwave? I could use this one around the HOUSE!
Neal in Somerville, MA offered up this robot called Oafbot, but it seems like he didn’t understand the contest… because SOMEONE NAMED LEONARD designed it!
Andy, one of our FOREIGN FRIENDS from the United Kingdom, submitted this robot, who looks like HE OR SHE could use some EXERCISE!
Lenny in Oceanside, New York made Maximillian Fun — specifically to help out YOURS TRULY!
Mike found out what happens when you mix BOTS and DINOS. You get Gibbons the Tyranobaut Extraordinaire! Bad news for CIVILIZATION.
Looks like Ryan’s robot might be useful in a boudoir! His name is DIDDLE BOT.
Holy cow! Half ROBOT half HEART half HORSE? Great work, Jill!
And by random selection, the winner of the Iron Giant DVD is LENNY! Congratulations! And of course, everyone wins by sharing their great ideas and art with the world.