A screenshot from Chorelord. A light blue background with 7 rectangles featuring Bikram Chatterji, Danny Baruela, C.N. Josephs, Ella Hubber, Tre'vell Anderson, Drea Clark, and Ross Blocher. All are laughing or smiling.

Thank you for a wonderful MaxFunDrive!

Posted by Stacey Molski on 31st March 2023

Thank you thank you thank you!

Thanks to everyone who joined, boosted, upgraded, maintained their support, or helped us spread the word during this MaxFunDrive! We could never have gotten to this point without you, and we’re so lucky to have you in our community.

MaxFunDrive 2023 has officially ended, but as usual, we’re leaving the lights on for anyone who wanders in on Saturday or Sunday—MaxFun Bonus Days. So if you’re coming in late to the Drive and you decide you’d like to join, boost or upgrade, we’ll leave the special thank-you gifts up until Sunday night. And folks will still count towards the network and show goals (I feel like we’ve got a real good chance of getting to that Foley library at 13k!).

In the next few months, we’ll complete our transition to a worker-owned co-op. We’ll keep you all posted on that progress. Everyone’s really excited to see what the future holds for the network and our shows, and we’re so glad you’ll be there with us!

Sticker sale starts Monday, April 3!

A graphic advertising one of the gifts given to new and upgrading members during Max Fun Drive 2023. It displays 37 stickers, one for each show that is active on the network. For descriptions of each sticker, please visit maximumfun.org/mfd2023stickers.

Our sticker sale for charity starts April 3 and will close on April 14 at 11:59pm PT. As you probably know, folks at the $10+ level will have access to all of the stickers from MaxFunDrive. We also have a special 2023 MaxFunDrive Nutsy sticker that members at all levels can purchase. We’ll send more information on how to access the sale on Monday, but the important thing to remember is that stickers are made to order and cannot sell out!

If you’re not a member yet and you’ve been on the fence, you’ll have until noon PT on Thursday, April 13 to join and still get access to the sale. (But if you’re thinking of the $10/month level, you should try to decide before Sunday. Then you can still get in on the MaxFunDrive thank-you gifts, too!). All show stickers will be $10 each and our Nutsy sticker is $8 (not including tax and shipping & handling). Plus, if you buy three you can get 30% off! Thank you again to Olivia Fields, who did an absolutely amazing job on this project for us!

All of the net proceeds from the sale will be distributed across five food banks in areas of the U.S. disproportionately affected by poverty. We’d love to turn your love of our re-stickable stickers into food for folks who need it!

Did you miss an event? Enjoy the replay!

A screenshot from Chorelord. A light blue background with 7 rectangles featuring Bikram Chatterji, Danny Baruela, C.N. Josephs, Ella Hubber, Tre'vell Anderson, Drea Clark, and Ross Blocher. All are laughing or smiling.

MaxFunDrive was a whirlwind of livestreams! Chances are you missed some great shows just because there was so much happening. Well, great news! Nearly all of them are available as replays, and you can find them all at maximumfun.org/calendar.

So catch up on the BYOP Pizza PartyBook Recsthe Grand OpeningKitchen BoysZeldaTriviapocalypsesWine TastingVictory McElroyaleHost HangsPack BreakingWrestling WatchalongsBolognese… and more. If you’d like to enjoy a whole bunch of hosts in one place doing a whole bunch of bananas stuff, here’s the replay of Chorelord!

We matched 161 people with gift memberships!

We paired 161 MaxFunsters with gift memberships that were purchased by folks in the community this year! We were able to match up EVERY person on our waiting list with a $5 membership from an anonymous benefactor, and we have 10 still available!

The MaxFun community always warms our hearts with their generosity, but to spend a good chunk of money just to make one stranger happier is next-level kindness. Thank you once again for being the coolest, nicest folks in the audience biz. We’re really lucky to have you.

Thank you again for everything! You showed up for us in a big way. <3
Hope you have a lovely weekend!

– Your forever grateful friends at MaxFun