Terror Cell

Posted by Maximum Fun on 16th October 2006

When a friend calls you up and says, “we’re making a video for McSweeney’s tommorow. Eggers asked if we could do it. You want in?” the appropriate response is, “yes.”

That happened to me a few months ago, and this video, “Terror Cell,” was the result. James and John Reichmuth of Kasper Hauser, Dave Owen of the SF Sketchfest, some other folks and me got together one day at McSweeney’s headquarters to tape this sketch, which was written by Chris Eggers. Dave Eggers was on set, overseeing his troops, and Brent Hoff was running the show.

We basically re-wrote / re-improvised the sketch on the spot, it was a great time, and I didn’t hear anything else about it for months and months and months. This was the end result. It’s a mixed bag and in some ways reflects the hasty way in which it was thrown together, but I thought I’d share it nonetheless. I hope it will satisfy your insatiable appetite for short films in which I wear an absurd false moustache.