How Your Membership Helps Infographic Slide 1

How Your MaxFun Membership Helps

If you’ve ever wondered exactly how your MaxFun membership contributions are split up or what that money might go towards, here’s a quick infographic to give you an overview.

Posted by Stacey Molski on 20th March 2023

Heading: MaxFun is becoming a worker-owned co-op. Subheading: MaxFun was founded on the idea that artists should own their work. Now, MaxFun employees will own their work, too. Subheading: As a MaxFun member, you directly support:. Text: Your favorite shows and the people who make them, a business model that prioritizes people over profits, that we hope more people will adopt, the team that works behind the scenes at MaxFun HQ. Text: We're really excited about where MaxFun is headed and we hope you are, too.Heading: How your membership helps. Subheading: Your hard-earned money. Text: Let's say you give $5 a month and choose to support 5 shows. Each show gets $1 from you every month. Icons show a person in headphones with an arrow pointing to 5 green dollar bills. Subtext: How that money is split. Text: The majority of your membership dollar goes to the show and its hosts. MaxFun uses a portion of it to sustain our network. Icons show a person speaking into a mic on the left, a person with a rocket on their shirt on the right, and in between them is one green dollar bill being broken into a pile of seventy cents and thirty cents.Heading: How that money is spent. Subheading: Shows. Text: Shows can do what they want with their 70¢ of that $1. Here are some expenses they may have: Recording equipment, Tours/live shows, New creative works, Paying a producer/editor, Research expenses, Housing, Just living their life (this is the main source of income for some hosts). Subheading: MaxFun. Maximum Fun uses most of its 30 cents on set costs. Here are some expenses we may have : Business Staff, Production staff, Equipment, Rent & furniture, Technology, Charitable giving, Transcripts, Thank-you gifts, Special events, Fellowship program, Developing new projects Heading: What will change when MaxFun becomes a co-op? Text: Our business model, our relationship with shows, and the values those things are built on will not change. Becoming a co-op wonky strengthens our commitment to them. The biggest change is that worker-owners will have two ways to determine our path: By electing or serving on the Board of Directors, By voting on important questions. And if the co-op does really well, we can share directly in that success. Subheading: Governance structure. Icons 24 icons of people wearing rocket shirts, 3 are grey, 2 are red, the rest are blue. Text underneath: For examples: 24 employees, of whom, 21 are worker-owners, 2 are exec management. An arrow points from that group to 5 orange people, above is the text: worker-owners choose 5 Board members from their ranks. An arrow points from that group to two red people icons and text reads: Board supervises executive management. Under the two red people icons is text: exec management oversees the company (worker-owners and employees). Heading: Why monthly memberships Text: A steady monthly income allows shows to maintain a regular release schedule and plan for the future It also helps MaxFun plan and invest, which is especially important right now, while the podcast industry is in turmoil. It also makes it easier for the creators of your favorite podcast to remain independent so they can do what they'd like with their show. And processing memberships on a monthly basis lets us ask for money less often. I think that's something we all prefer! Text in a bubble: On average, memberships make up 70% of our network's income. We truly couldn't do what we do without our members. Thank you!