If there’s a MaxFunster in your life that you’d like to give the gift of MaxFun to, you can now purchase a one-year gift membership for them directly through our website. All you’ll need to have on hand is their email address, name, and a message for them if you’d like to send one. (Plus your name and payment info and all that jazz.)
You’ll also need to choose the monthly membership level you’d like to send as a gift. While our memberships are monthly, you’ll be charged for all 12 months upfront. You can opt to have us send the recipient an email immediately, or you can set a certain date that you’d like the email sent. After you complete your purchase, we’ll send the recipient an email on the day of your choosing with your nice message and some instructions on how to redeem their membership. Most importantly, we’ll ask them what shows they’d like their membership to support, and, if their membership level qualifies them for a physical gift, we’ll get the information needed to mail that out to them.
We’ve also added the option to gift a $5 membership to an anonymous MaxFunster who can’t otherwise afford a membership at this time. In order to do that, you will only really need to provide your payment information. You can still add a message if you’d like to send a little uplifting note, but it’s not required. You’ll have the option of being an “anonymous benefactor,” or we can share your info with the recipient if you prefer.
All of this is available at: https://members.maximumfun.org/giftcard!
That about covers it! Like the boost feature, the gift membership option will now be available all year long, not just at MaxFunDrive. If you have any questions about gift memberships, please email membership@maximumfun.org and we’ll help you out. Otherwise, just go give the MaxFun gift that keeps on giving, while helping to support independent podcasters!