Fora and Fauna

Posted by Maximum Fun on 29th July 2008

The place to be here at is the forums, where lively discussion and awesome awesomeness is going on every minute of every day.

The Maximum Fun Weightloss Challenge is a couple hundred posts deep, with folks sharing their healthy living tips, including great healthy food suggestions. After all, you want to be svelte when you slip into the Sartoriolitious thread, which irondavy started to address matters satorial.

The ladies only thread is a rip-roaring discussion of mascara, Bravo reality series, and other things the ladies want, need and prefer to keep to themselves. Perhaps as a counterbalance, Framedogg started an NFL 2008 thread, where guys can talk about tough guy stuff, like Gatorade and passer ratings.

Over in the Arts & Culture forum, The Bryan Park Project’s passing did not go unnoted. As on every other corner of the internet, neither did the release of the Hollywood flickershow Bat Man: A Dark Night. For those who like their entertainment set to a tune, the Your Private Bands topic, which Aram Fignal kick-started, is rip-roaring along.

Oh, and we talk about the shows, too.

(Above: a bunny opens a letter)