Eurovangelists wants you—yes, you—to get really into Eurovision
This show will guide you through everything you need to know about the live musical competition that brought the world ABBA and Celine Dion. With hosts this enthusiastic and charming, how could you ever refuse?
This May, musical acts from nearly 40 countries will come from near, far, wherever they are to Malmö, Sweden, to represent their nations in Eurovision Song Contest 2024. That gives Eurovangelists hosts Oscar Montoya, Dimitry Pompée, and Jeremy Bent just four months to get you as obsessed as they are with this annual international spectacle of music and glitter.

(Pictured, top to bottom: Dimitry, Oscar, and Jeremy recording the first episode)
“The Eurovision Song Contest has all the emotion of your favorite sporting event, plus pomp, circumstance, music, heroes, villains, and occasionally a man trapped in a giant hamster wheel.”
— Dimitry Pompée
The first two episodes come out January 18, so go listen to the trailer! Subscribe! And tell your friends so that by the time May 7 rolls around, you’ll all be ready to have the time of your lives at a Eurovision watch party (just don’t forget to invite us!).
Thanks for reading! We’ll be back soon with… even more shows! Until then, we’ll be enjoying dancing around to ABBA’s winning performance at Eurovision 1974.
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