Your funds will go directly to supporting our programming.
Gift Memberships are now available! Make someone’s year by giving the gift of MaxFun. Want to learn more? Here’s a quick write-up of all the details.
To manage your membership, please enter the email address you used for your membership. We'll send you an email with a Magic Link you can use to get to your membership dashboard.
Our shows are made by hand for you, and your contributions make that work possible. Thank you!
In honor of the huge commitment you’ve made to help MaxFun and our shows do what we do, we want to express our thanks in (virtual) person! Your HQ Access Pass gets you exclusive invitations to four special events a year, featuring MaxFun hosts and staff. We’ll be doing a variety of events, each offering the opportunity for all of us to hang out (which is a real treat for us, too!). Past events have included unofficial appraisals of your prized possessions from Jordan, Jesse, Go!; Trivia with Let’s Learn Everything; Eurovision 101 from Eurovangelists; 90s trivia with Secret Histories Of Nerd Mysteries; Music and Memorabilia with Primer, and more! Finally, we’ll immortalize you at MaxFunHQ! We’ll engrave your name on an engraving plate that will be permanently displayed in our office. How’s that for commitment? And, of course, you'll get every single other gift from the Bonus Content onwards!
You know how when you really like someone, you can't fully express how you feel in words, so you make them a mixtape? This is our personal mixtape to you (along with a nifty, custom-decorated cassette player so you listen to it). Once you sign up at this level, we'll reach out to learn your preferred episode (under 90 minutes), and have the hosts record a personal message to you. AND you’ll get every single other limited-edition thank-you gift from the 2025 MaxFunDrive!
Our shows are made by hand for you, and we appreciate your decision to give back to us.
...leaving a review on Apple Podcasts!
...sharing it on social media!
...purchasing a personal or promotional message on an upcoming episode!
If you have any questions or concerns about your contribution or membership, email Kira at If you’re just looking for bonus content, here’s how to find the password.
All our payments are handled by Recurly. They are PCI-DSS Level 1 compliant, and recognized on the Visa Global Registry of Service Providers. We won’t share or sell your information to any third parties. Click here to read our privacy policy.
Please note: any changes you make to your membership level or status after you join may affect your eligibility for gifts. Please contact if you have any questions.