FlopTV: Caddyshack 2

Starts: November 2, 2024 at 6:00 pm (PST)
Ends: November 2, 2024 at 7:00 pm (PST)

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Get a Season Pass here — all shows at a discount price!

FlopTV is a full season of SIX MONTHLY VIDEO LIVE STREAMS, featuring your favorite bad movie podcasters in fun, hour-long versions of our live shows. Last year was our debut season; this year, we’re bringing you THE SEQUEL.

From September 2024 to February 2025, on the first Saturday of each month at 9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific, we’ll be broadcasting live with all-new bad movie shenanigans. This season’s theme? For FlopTV 2 we’re talking about number twos! Not that kind, gross-o! BAD SEQUELS! Sometimes they’re bigger and louder! Sometimes they’re cheaper and shittier! Sometimes they’re basically just the first movie over again, but worse! And sometimes they’re not bad, just very silly (like, say, a certain Electric Boogaloo). Everything’s a franchise these days, so let’s dive in!

You can purchase individual show tix for $7, or a discounted $35 for the WHOLE SEASON (plus ticketing fees), which is like getting one episode for free!

If you can’t watch live, your ticket also gets you access to a video recording of the show, so if you want to catch up later in the run, you can get a season pass and get access to everything you missed!  This access is exclusive to ticket holders.  Recording link will be e-mailed to you the day after the live show, and the shows will ALL stay available on-demand until the end of the Flop TV season (end of February 2025).

And, like every sequel WE’VE made a few changes this time around – FTV is still a fun-size version of our usual shows, with ONE presentation, a discussion of the movie, and a question or two from the audience, but we’ve added a little more flair along the way, with some fun extras!


Saturday, September 7 – ROBOCOP 2 – What happens when you make a sequel to RoboCop, but you swap original director Paul Verhoven for Irvin “Sure I Made The Empire Strikes Back but I Also Did Never Say Never Again” Kershner, and screenwriter Ed Neumeier for comics wingnut Frank Miller, who replaces the anti-corporate/law-enforcement satire of the first with more straightforward robot copaganda? Let’s find out!

Saturday, October 5 – BREAKIN’ 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO – The film with perhaps the most famous subtitle in sequel history! But it’s more than just a silly title reference – it’s also a classic in the “we need to save the community center by putting on a show” genre, and a neon-colored breakdancing blast that lifts Fred Astaire’s “dancing on the ceiling” routine, in a way that’s honestly pretty great in its own right!

Saturday, November 2 – CADDYSHACK 2 – It’s the sequel that takes what was honestly already one of the weaker Lampoon-meets-SNL comedies of the 80’s, and – instead of the original’s Rodney Dangerfield, Ted Knight, and Bill Murray – subs in Jackie Mason, Robert Stack, and Dan Aykroyd. It’s bound to be just as good, right? Right? Where are you going?

Saturday, December 7  – HIGHLANDER 2: THE QUICKENING – During the production of Highlander 2, the economy of Argentina (where it was shot) literally collapsed, and the investors took over the production. That usually results in a coherent, artistically successful movie, right? Roger Ebert said “This movie has to be seen to be believed. On the other hand, maybe that’s too high a price to pay.”

Saturday, January 4 – SKI SCHOOL 2 – The least “big” movie on our list fulfills our “some garbage skiing-based sex comedy we remember from the 80’s” quota for the year! Will Dan retell the story of how he was in a play in college with the sister of Ski School 1&2 star Dean Cameron? Probably!

Saturday, February 1 – TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES 2: THE SECRET OF THE OOZE – Finally! Finally we can learn the secret of the ooze! What IS it? Is it what made the turtle costumes of this sequel look so much cheaper than the ones in the first TMNT movie? Is the ooze the smarm exuding from Vanilla Ice as he performs “Ninja Rap?” Is it just what mozzarella on a delicious sewer pizza does? We have to know!ACCESSIBILITY: Closed captioning will be enabled on both the live show and the recording, and you’ll be able to toggle it on/off for yourself.

The first FlopTV season was a big success, and listeners have been asking when we’d be back. It’s been exciting and touching to see how much folks wanted more! So we’re doing more! Whether you’re dipping in a la carte for the movies you care most about, or taking advantage of the price break with a season pass, we hope to see you at Flop TV 2: The Peachquel! (Hmn, that sounds too much like “prequel.” The Stuquel? We’ll workshop it…)