Still Buffering: “Battle Royale” (2000)

Episode 332

8th October 2022


It’s spooky season! In celebration of this wonderful time of year, we at Still Buffering always take a couple weeks to celebrate the spooky and scary media that make this season even better. To start, we’re looking back at the original Hunger Games, Battle Royale!

CW: This movie contains violence and suicide, and we discuss the contents of the movie in some detail. For an exhaustive list of possible sensitive topics in this film, look at the CW for “Battle Royale” (2000). 

Episode notes

It’s spooky season! In celebration of this wonderful time of year, we at Still Buffering always take a couple weeks to celebrate the spooky and scary media that make this season even better. To start, we’re looking back at the original Hunger Games, Battle Royale!

CW: This movie contains violence and suicide, and we discuss the contents of the movie in some detail. For an exhaustive list of possible sensitive topics in this film, look at the CW for “Battle Royale” (2000).

Music: “Baby You Change Your Mind” by Nouvellas

In this episode...

About the show

Join real-life siblings Sydnee McElroy (Sawbones), Teylor Smirl, and Rileigh Smirl as they help bridge the gap between the teenagers of yesterday and today. “How do you party?” “What do I do with all this hair?” Still Buffering has the answer.

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