BONUS MINI-SODE 10: Unscripted Bedtime Stories: Dickey Simpkins the Wallaby Starts a Podcast

29th March 2024

Dickey Simpkins loves breakfast. So much so that this Australian wallaby started a blog about breakfast, which led to a podcast about breakfast, which is now one of the most popular podcasts in the world. This is that story.

Episode notes

Dickey Simpkins loves breakfast. So much so that this Australian wallaby started a blog about breakfast, which led to a podcast about breakfast, which is now one of the most popular podcasts in the world. This is that story.

We would like you to support Sleeping with Celebrities during the Max Fun Drive. To make this prospect more appealing to you, we are charming you by presenting mini-sodes of unscripted bedtime stories, drowsily invented and told by John Moe. Please visit

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John’s acclaimed, best-selling memoir, The Hilarious World of Depression, is now available in paperback.

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About the show

Getting to sleep can be difficult sometimes. Now you can achieve that urgently needed rest by taking advantage of our most precious natural resource: celebrities. Each week on the slyly humorous and reassuring Sleeping With Celebrities, host John Moe talks with a different guest from the world of entertainment about something they know a lot about. The conversation is guaranteed to be just interesting enough to draw your attention away from your own swirling anxieties but never interesting enough to keep you awake. No startling revelations, no dramatic screaming confrontations, but plenty of low-key dialogue, intricately laced deadpan comedy, and a ticket to dreamland.

Podcast art by Stefan Lawrence.




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