Grand Theft Animatronic: What Happened to Buzzy?

Episode 110

9th April 2024

In 2018, an urban explorer at Walt Disney World would make a startling discovery: Buzzy, the animatronic star of the defunct EPCOT show “Cranium Command” was MISSING. What follows is a tale of 80’s fitness mania, learning about conception on vacation, Pete Doctor lying about where he got the idea for “Inside Out”, and naked […]

Episode notes

In 2018, an urban explorer at Walt Disney World would make a startling discovery: Buzzy, the animatronic star of the defunct EPCOT show “Cranium Command” was MISSING. What follows is a tale of 80’s fitness mania, learning about conception on vacation, Pete Doctor lying about where he got the idea for “Inside Out”, and naked animatronics. In the end, can our intrepid hosts solve the mystery of what happened to Buzzy?

In this episode...

About the show

Two friends, Austin and Brenda, delve into the rich history of secret nerd mysteries near and dear to their hearts in their own loose, light-hearted way. If you’ve ever wondered “Why Saturday morning for cartoons?” or “How come Chuck E. Cheese cares so much about other people’s birthdays?”, this is the show for you!


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