Episode notes
Biz is joined by author and activist Anastasia Higginbotham to talk about how to discuss deeply uncomfortable topics with our kids. Would you rather try to get your toddler to wear mittens or would you rather talk with your kid about death? Let’s be honest, both are difficult things to do, but one may be the real parenting job. Anastasia’s books cover topics like death, sex and whiteness and we cannot recommend them enough. Plus, Biz is a steely ship and we are all still doing a good job.
Follow Anastasia on Twitter @AHigginBooks, on Instagram at ahigginsbooks, and on her website at Anastasiahigginbotham.com. Her books Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness, Death Is Stupid, Divorce is the Worst, and Tell Me About Sex, Grandma are all available wherever you buy books.
Mental Health Resources:
Check out Theresa’s book! It Feels Good To Be Yourself is available now wherever books are sold.
Our book You’re Doing A Great Job!: 100 Ways You’re Winning at Parenting! is available wherever books are sold.
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Show Music
Opening theme: Summon the Rawk, Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com)
Ones and Zeros, Awesome, Beehive Sessions (http://awesomeinquotes.com, also avail on iTunes)
Mom Song, Adira Amram, Hot Jams For Teens (http://adiraamram.com, avail on iTunes)
Telephone, Awesome, Beehive Sessions (http://awesomeinquotes.com, also avail on iTunes)
Closing music: Mama Blues, Cornbread Ted and the Butterbeans
In this episode...
- Anastasia Higginbotham
About the show
One Bad Mother is a comedy podcast hosted by Biz Ellis about motherhood and how unnatural it sometimes is. We aren’t all magical vessels!
Join us every week as we deal with the thrills and embarrassments of motherhood and strive for less judging and more laughing.
Call in your geniuses and fails: 206-350-9485. For booking and guest ideas, please email onebadmother@maximumfun.org. To keep up with One Bad Mother on social media, follow @onebadmothers on Twitter and Instagram.
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