Episode notes
How can scientist’s unravel the mystery of what dinosaurs ate? Well the clues are right in front of our eyes, or should I say their teeth! And poop! And listener you may already know what a podcast is, but how did proto-podcasts in a chicken coop give us the DNA for what we love, and how did podcasts even happen?
Images we Talk About:
First Iguanadon Tooth
Puffer Fish Teeth
Fish Teeths
Dinosaur Stomach Contents Fossil
Ham Comic
Sybil’s Baby’s Radio Rebut
(00:00:00) Intro
(00:04:33) Dinosaur Diet Detectives
(01:00:51) Support our Show!
(01:04:27) Proto-Podcasts
(02:02:49) Bonus Content!
(02:07:24) Outro
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We also learn about: Deep Dive Discovering Dino Diets, dinosaur time, imagining us discovering a new animal, well we know it doesn’t eat nerds, Ella describes teeth perfectly – “is that what you meant to say Tom?”, the mouth is the first stomach, we found the teeth of the first herbivorous dinosaur before the body – and before we had the word for dinosaur, cinderella/goldilocks teeth, dental microwear, food print, the topography of a grasshopper’s mandible, teeth can be more indicative than stomach content, maybe you just tried in and out for the first time when you got captured by aliens, dinosaur teeth are the old coins of ancient civilizations, egg eating oviraptors, it’s not just us but experts that are confused about oviraptaurs teeth, reconstructing the crime scene of a bit mark, this case has been closed for 70 million years! the tarbosaurus seems to have separated the chicken leg to make eating easier, a tyrannosaur leaving a tooth in the scene of the crime, they not only got bit but lived to tell the tale, this proves tyranosaurs hunted living animals – and weren’t just scavengers, hard foods stay in the stomach longer, some dinosaurs used Gastrolith rocks as stomach teeth, rocks natures teeth, Bromalite can be regurgitalite or coprolite, 580 million year old worm poop, we didn’t think grass was that old then we found it in dinosaur poop, we put dinosaur poop in a particle accelerator, we’re not looking at poop – we’re constructing the foodchain of dinosaurs, an ancient egyptian podcast, podcasting is NOT an oral tradition, the chicken coop boys, Sybil’s Little Ham Radio Show 20 years before a woman on proper radio, the Titanic sinking sped along radio restrictions, Tom skipped over the cassette before because its science impact was small but its misc impact was huge, explaining cassette tapes at a high frequency so it doesn’t hurt old people to hear, Lou Otten, the syrian cassette archive, mixtapes, Caroline’s family mix CDs, Tom’s custom Jack’s Mannequin Mix CDs, Pacific Horticulture Magazine being delighted that someone’s interested, Tom’s Magic Corner, I knew it was some journalist doing their thing, apple didn’t come up with podcasting – not even the name, journey back to 1999, the dream of RSS, what’s that facebook shaped cloud on the horizon? the dream of hosting your own feed, somehow podcast RSS survived, podcasts are the Horshoecrab of the internet, “wherever you get podcasts” is amazing, The Lab Rat Games!
NHM London: Iguanodon Teeth
NHM London: Beyond Jurassic World- What We Really Know About Dinosaurs and How
NHM London: The Seven Greatest Dinosaur Discoveries of the Last 200 Years
British Ecological Society: What do Grasshoppers Eat?
Phys.Org: Cutting Edge Teeth Study
NPR: Dental Detectives: What Fossil Teeth Reveal About Ancestral Human Diets
University of Tokyo: Dinosaur Teeth Reveal What They Didn’t Eat
BBC: Dinosaur Teeth Reveal Feeding Habits
2022 Paper: Incisivosaura Bite Force
University of Pennsilvania: What Fossils Tell Us About the Dining Habits of Dinosaurs
NHM London: Dinosaur Eating Habit Insights from Stegosaurus stenops
2010 Paper: New information on scavenging and selective feeding behaviour of tyrannosaurids
Dave Hone’s Archosaur Musings
2012 Paper: Physical evidence of predatory behavior in Tyrannosaurus rex
Save Our Seas: What Tools do Biologists use to Tell What is on the Menu for Wild Animals?
Scientific America: Tyrannosaur’s Stomach Contents Have Been Found for the First Time
2023 Paper: Exceptionally preserved stomach contents of a young tyrannosaurid reveal an ontogenetic dietary shift in an iconic extinct predator
SN Explores: Fossil Stomach Reveals a Dinosaur’s Last Meal
NHM London: Coprolite
The Bristol Dinosaur Project: The Grass Divide
NPR: Over 500 Fossilized Poops Show How Dinosaurs Came to Rule the Earth
American Museum of Natural History: How Does Studying Dinosaurs Benefit Humanity?
MET on Memory Boards and Luba Oral Traditions
OED Broadcast Etymology
The Chicken Coop Ham Radio
Sybil’s Little Hame Radio Program
NYTimes on Titanic’s Impact on Radio Law
Library of Congress on Recorded Radio
NPR On Lout Otten and the Cassette Tape
Wired on Cassette History
NPR on the Syrian Cassette Archive
Berkeley Audio Tape Retrospective
Carl Malamud on Asynchronous Internet Radio
The Earliest Mention of Podcasts in the Guardian
Two-Bit History on the History of RSS
Kevin Werbach’s Vision of the Future of RSS and the Internet
TechCrunch: Rest in Peace RSS
In this episode...
About the show
Science communicators Ella Hubber, Tom Lum, and Caroline Roper share anything and everything interesting! Each episode they teach each other about a science topic, answer a question, and learn about a miscellaneous topic. Whether it’s temporal illusions, animals in space, or the history of fanfiction, there’s so much out there, so let’s learn everything! Join us on Discord, email us, and follow us everywhere at LetsLearnEverythingPod.com.
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