42: Gender Complexity, Mars Water Deja Vu, and Pigeons

5th July 2023

How complicated is trying to scientifically study gender? Why does it feel like water get discovered on Mars every other month? And what’s so great about these pigeons I see everywhere? Images we talk about: The Brain Gender Chart The Jacobin Pigeon The Pouter Pigeon Support us with a Max Fun Membership! Join our Discord! […]

Episode notes

How complicated is trying to scientifically study gender? Why does it feel like water get discovered on Mars every other month? And what’s so great about these pigeons I see everywhere?

Images we talk about:
The Brain Gender Chart
The Jacobin Pigeon
The Pouter Pigeon

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(00:00:00) Intro
(00:03:38) Gender Complexity
(00:42:27) Mars Water Deja Vu
(01:18:16) Pigeons
(01:38:21) Outro

We also learn about:

Caroline snipes Tom’s joke, let’s talk about sex, “I do it and I have one”, sex is a bimodal distribution, defining sex is like defining a tree, have you ever had a gender that… that…, women men girls and boys, gender as separate from sex, Money’s awful gender experiment, sample size: David, why haven’t they just tried… talking to people? Hasbro lobbying Big Hormone pink and blue brains have a lot of overlap, news of mars water is like news of the first gay Disney character, we found a full britta filter on mars, the first water on mars theory, Herschel thought people lived in the sun, all the things we’ve sent to mars, the “““first””” evidence of water on mars, “““recent””” water on mars, saying we found water on mars makes it sound like we’re tackling the same problem over and over, we’re learning all kinds of stuff about mars, yes there’s water on mars but first let’s define water, gender neutral martians, “sublimate” makes Caroline happy, there is sometimes and maybe water on mars, there definitely used to be water on mars, martian time periods, stop personifying mars Caroline, “the planet Vulcan’; the astronomers still watching intently”, the precovery of Pluto 15 years before its discovery, the rock dove became the pigeon, pigeons were  domesticated multiple times, pigeons may be the first domesticated bird, 350 breeds of domesticated pigeons, met gala pigeon looks, endurance pigeons flying for 22 hours, homing pigeon navigation, reddit quotes, the pigeon origins of Reuters, these are kinds of jokes you can support with your donation, listener submitted comeback, world war pigeons, 36 Dickin Medals went to pigeons, feral domestic pigeons, pigeons are better pets than parrots, stress egg laying, Darwin loved pigeons.

Gender Sources will be added soon! Apologies for that!

Early Mars Ovservations and the Canals
William Herschel on Mars to the Royal Society
Basalla on Herschel’s Sun People Theory
Lowell to Nature on Life on Mars
Lowell’s Mars Canal Obsession
List of Mars Missions
Vox’s Mars Water Article
Nasa 2015 Press Release
Nasa 2017 Walk Back Press Release
NYTimes 2015 Water on Mars
NYTimes 2018 Lake on Mars
Space.com 2022 Water could be Magma
“Recent” Water Found on Mars
Ask a Nasa Scientist “Is There Water on Mars”
Stability of the Liquid Water Phase on Mars
Nasa on Mars In Depth
Smithsonian Magazine Water on Mars
NYTimes Planet Vulcan Reporting 1876
The Precovery of Pluto

Wendall Levi: Pigeon Guy
Jacobin Pigeon
Pouter Pigeon
Gilbert & Shapiro: Pigeon Domestication
Domestic Pigeons Paper
Why Pigeons, Not Parrots

In this episode...

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Science communicators Ella Hubber, Tom Lum, and Caroline Roper share anything and everything interesting! Each episode they teach each other about a science topic, answer a question, and learn about a miscellaneous topic. Whether it’s temporal illusions, animals in space, or the history of fanfiction, there’s so much out there, so let’s learn everything! Join us on Discord, email us, and follow us everywhere at LetsLearnEverythingPod.com.

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