Episode 598: Filing For Skankruptcy

Episode 598

21st December 2022

Two friends and bandmates disagree: Should they add a ska song to their repertoire?

Episode notes

Chris brings the case against his friend and bandmate, Nat. Chris would like to incorporate some ska music into their band’s repertoire, but Nat is opposed! Who’s right? Who’s wrong? With Guest Bailiff Jean Grae!

If you want to check out more of bandmate Ross’ “Smash-ups,” click here for his Bandcamp! Check out Jean’s online vintage shop at instagram.com/bea22nyc!

Thank you to Twitter User @sittingina_tree for naming this week’s case! To suggest a title for a future episode, follow us on Twitter for naming opportunities: @JesseThorn & @Hodgman. Or keep track using the Twitter hashtag #JJHoCaseNames.

Make sure to check out our West Coast tour dates at bit.ly/JJHOWEST! And if you are in any of the cities on our route and have a dispute, please submit it at maximumfun.org/jjho!


In this episode...


  • Jean Grae

About the show

Have your pressing issues decided by Famous Minor Television Personality John Hodgman, Certified Judge. If you’d like John Hodgman to solve your pressing issue, please contact us HERE.

Follow @judgejohnhodgman on Instagram to view evidence from the cases tried in court.


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