Episode notes
Lauren files suit against her mother, Cheri. When Cheri dies, she says she would like her ashes flushed down a toilet at Disney World, so her remains are recycled with the water used for the flowers in the parks. Lauren is opposed! Who’s right? Who’s wrong?
Thank you to Chris Nuber for naming this week’s case! To suggest a title for a future episode, follow Judge John Hodgman on Facebook. We regularly put out a call for submissions.
Evidence from Mr. Commode's Wild Ride

Submitted by Lauren. "Mom and I at the EPCOT Flower and Garden Festival, look how easily I could just secretly put some ashes right on the flowersMom and I at the EPCOT Flower and Garden Festival, look how easily I could just secretly put some ashes right on the flowers."

Submitted by Lauren. "My mom sneaking alcohol into her non-alcoholic drink in the Magic Kingdom (this is illegal = she is irresponsible)"

Submitted by Lauren. "My mom and I, in front of the Partners statue, BECAUSE WE ARE PARTNERS!!! TWO OF US, TOGETHER, AGAINST THE WORLD ALWAYS!! We are teammates, we think about each other always. We consider the thoughts of the other person! We are a team!"

Submitted by Lauren. "Me winning the Disney Princess 1/2 marathon in a Tinker Bell costume to show you how magical Disney is to me and how flushing my mom down the toilet would send me into intense therapy for decades."
In this episode...
About the show
Have your pressing issues decided by Famous Minor Television Personality John Hodgman, Certified Judge. If you’d like John Hodgman to solve your pressing issue, please contact us HERE.
Follow @judgejohnhodgman on Instagram to view evidence from the cases tried in court.
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