A More Thoughtful Brand of Q (Question and answer with Ben and Adam)

Episode 85

23rd June 2020

When Picard is over and Disco is done, Adam and Ben have begun watching some TOS. But when Robs searches the web for audience questions the boys decide it’s time to give Q’s to oh-so-many A’s. Will everyone’s question be answered? Are electric busses a real thing? How many zippers does one producer need? It’s the episode that may give you more than you bargained for!

Episode notes

When Picard is over and Disco is done, Adam and Ben have begun watching some TOS. But when Robs searches the web for audience questions the boys decide it’s time to give Q’s to oh-so-many A’s. Will everyone’s question be answered? Are electric busses a real thing? How many zippers does one producer need? It’s the episode that may give you more than you bargained for!

In this episode...

About the show

The unofficial, irreverent and filthy aftershow for all the new Star Trek television: Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, Short Treks, Prodigy, Strange New Worlds, and anything else they throw at us. Each Friday after a new episode of Star Trek, Adam and Ben recap, review and roast all the New Trek. Check out our other show, The Greatest Generation, a Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys who are a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek podcast!

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