Episode 28: A Long Walk for a Dick Joke (S2E3)

Episode 28

2nd May 2016

When Data and Geordi get some down-time, they use it like no one else would: playing Sherlock Holmes on the Holodeck. But when Geordi sets the computer’s difficulty settings to “All-Madden,” Moriarty begins dropping bangers all over the ship, and has become an adversary more powerful than either of them expected. What is a warrior’s […]

Episode notes

When Data and Geordi get some down-time, they use it like no one else would: playing Sherlock Holmes on the Holodeck. But when Geordi sets the computer’s difficulty settings to “All-Madden,” Moriarty begins dropping bangers all over the ship, and has become an adversary more powerful than either of them expected. What is a warrior’s hat? Is Dr. Pulaski a functional syntheholic? What does it sound like when Data takes a dump? It’s the episode recorded in karate stance!

In this episode...

About the show

The Greatest Generation is a comedy podcast about Star Trek, beloved by everyone from people who’ve never seen an episode to hardcore nerds who are fluent in Klingon.

Once a week Benjamin Ahr Harrison and Adam Pranica watch an episode of Star Trek and tell you what’s great, what’s bad, and what’s hilarious about the show they grew up loving, and still do. It’s a little bit nerdy, a lot filthy, and exposes some of Adam and Ben’s most embarrassing stories from their dorky childhoods.

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