Episode 277: Up Your Worf and Around the Corner (DS9 S5E3)

Episode 277

2nd September 2019

When Quark’s old flame returns to the station, Worf becomes the galaxy’s least likely dating consultant. But when the lady’s security detail decides the Ferengi is a threat, Worf will need to puppet Quark via harmonica holder. Is Major Kira a unicorn? What’s the worst movie to see on a first date? Are there any […]

Episode notes

When Quark’s old flame returns to the station, Worf becomes the galaxy’s least likely dating consultant. But when the lady’s security detail decides the Ferengi is a threat, Worf will need to puppet Quark via harmonica holder. Is Major Kira a unicorn? What’s the worst movie to see on a first date? Are there any scenarios for which Quark doesn’t have a honey stick? It’s the episode with the sad drink and the happy drink.

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About the show

The Greatest Generation is a comedy podcast about Star Trek, beloved by everyone from people who’ve never seen an episode to hardcore nerds who are fluent in Klingon.

Once a week Benjamin Ahr Harrison and Adam Pranica watch an episode of Star Trek and tell you what’s great, what’s bad, and what’s hilarious about the show they grew up loving, and still do. It’s a little bit nerdy, a lot filthy, and exposes some of Adam and Ben’s most embarrassing stories from their dorky childhoods.

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