Episode 19: A Warrior Is Coming (S1E20)

Episode 19

30th March 2016

When the Enterprise discovers a busted up freighter in the Neutral Zone, they find the only surviving passengers are some Klingons who are far from neutral. These survivors follow the well known convention that any group of three Klingons have to have names that start with K, which is why Worf doesn’t quite fit in […]

Episode notes

When the Enterprise discovers a busted up freighter in the Neutral Zone, they find the only surviving passengers are some Klingons who are far from neutral. These survivors follow the well known convention that any group of three Klingons have to have names that start with K, which is why Worf doesn’t quite fit in with them. Worf’s inner struggle becomes outer struggle as the survivors commit party foul after party foul all over the ship. What parts of the Klingon uniform are secretly weapon components? Why does Worf keep yelling at the ceiling when Klingons die? Where’s Troi? And what should the crew do with all these bodies? It’s the first episode to really test whether we can make good pod about good show.

In this episode...

About the show

The Greatest Generation is a comedy podcast about Star Trek, beloved by everyone from people who’ve never seen an episode to hardcore nerds who are fluent in Klingon.

Once a week Benjamin Ahr Harrison and Adam Pranica watch an episode of Star Trek and tell you what’s great, what’s bad, and what’s hilarious about the show they grew up loving, and still do. It’s a little bit nerdy, a lot filthy, and exposes some of Adam and Ben’s most embarrassing stories from their dorky childhoods.

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